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Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|Natural Selection Simulator

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Seeing as you can't use the same character again on chain maps I actually like having Goad off of Reinhardt and on another unit. Reinhardt is the best Calvary unit to give Fortify Calvary to because he operates on the assumption of not getting attacked and would benefit from a Goad buff way more than a Fortify buff. Unfortunately the only way to inherit Goad is 5* Rein or 4* Camus. I sacked a 4* Camus to make the following.

Xander - Hone Calvary
Blade Cecilia- Goad
Reinhardt- fortify calvary
Camus - Goad Calvary

that's a good point about reinhardt pretty much never needing fortify. i'll give that a try then since fortify is on camus at the moment.
Camilla (Axe) stock is going to rise I think with this arena assault. the number of blue mages running around out there people are going to need more green Resistance tanks. On the seventh map my +Res Camilla survived two attacks from Reinhardt.

Thinking about going all in and promoting Legion to 5* to give her Legion Axe+ and fury 3. With the Resistance seal she would have 37/47/35/27/38 before buffs. Seems good, and she gets a better weapon and fury 3 from a single unit. Would just need to figure out her B skill. Probably G Tomebreaker?
Saw this on another site, but if you guys want to farm those items for the arena assault theres a weird little glitch/exploit.

Go into arena assault with just one unit on your team. Choose the Beginner tier and you'll fight a one on one battle. From them on ,each time you select Beginner you'll fight just one opponent. Clean house and get easy wins, after every 7 fights you'll get 3 items.

Some people said it's not working for them, but I'm consistently doing it starting with a lv 40 5* Reinhardt for the first match of Arena Assault.


Not sure if this was mentioned earlier but there is an easy way to get arena assault items if you're looking to farm them. If you start with one lvl40 unit and and fight on beginner difficulty it will put you in a 1 v 1. From then on you can use a full team against beginner difficulty and it will always be vs 1 hero.
Saw this on another site, but if you guys want to farm those items for the arena assault theres a weird little glitch/exploit.

Go into arena assault with just one unit on your team. Choose the Beginner tier and you'll fight a one on one battle. From them on ,each time you select Beginner you'll fight just one opponent. Clean house and get easy wins, after every 7 fights you'll get 3 items.

Some people said it's not working for them, but I'm consistently doing it starting with a lv 40 5* Reinhardt for the first match of Arena Assault.
Just tried this, it indeed works.

Also if you're at zero points, doing this gets you to around 70K ranking (as of this posting), which is enough for 12 sacred coins and 900 feathers when the season ends. Better than nothing!


Lost one unit on the last round of a full advanced run when I was 4v2. Used Camus and Lachesis to take out a distant/wary Zeph and put a non SI'd Marth in-between Camus and a Nowi. Non TA Nowi killed Marth by 1 HP ):

I was cornered, didn't know what else to do, but I could have used Fortify Horn and survived I think. I just didn't think with Falchion Marth would get blown up like that.

Should just do an intermediate run instead of trying to go perfect on Advanced. Ended with 4715, disappointing knowing that's the equivalent of a much less troublesome Intermediate run. I almost chickened out on the last round and did beginner just to tie off a good score.. Wish I had.


Thinking about going all in and promoting Legion to 5* to give her Legion Axe+ and fury 3. With the Resistance seal she would have 37/47/35/27/38 before buffs. Seems good, and she gets a better weapon and fury 3 from a single unit. Would just need to figure out her B skill. Probably G Tomebreaker?
Hmm an interesting idea as most people will switch to brave axe+ not the other way. Makes sense, though. Her attack stat sucks, but surely I can use a magic wall.
Finally pulled summer Corrin! of course she's -ATK. I can never get a unit I want with good IVs. But whatever i'll make it work with a blade tome and flier buffs.


Camilla (Axe) stock is going to rise I think with this arena assault. the number of blue mages running around out there people are going to need more green Resistance tanks. On the seventh map my +Res Camilla survived two attacks from Reinhardt.

Thinking about going all in and promoting Legion to 5* to give her Legion Axe+ and fury 3. With the Resistance seal she would have 37/47/35/27/38 before buffs. Seems good, and she gets a better weapon and fury 3 from a single unit. Would just need to figure out her B skill. Probably G Tomebreaker?

The best Camilla build for this role is something like this, and she has been absolutely amazing even before Arena Assault:


You could go with G Tomebreaker if it's just about sponging magic rather than Distant Countering.
Melon Crusher would also be an option over Emerald Axe.


So, spent around 50ish orbs yesterday trying to get Celica: didn't get her, but I pulled 3 Gray's (oh, RNG): one neutral, one -hp +atk, and one -def + spd...
Which one of the last two should I keep?
And should I just make a +2, or would wind boost be useful on another unit?


The best Camilla build for this role is something like this, and she has been absolutely amazing even before Arena Assault:

You could go with G Tomebreaker if it's just about sponging magic rather than Distant Countering.
Melon Crusher would also be an option over Emerald Axe.

this is what I'm currently planning to do with my spare Distant Counter. Well her or Titania, depends what I pull tomorrow (if anything). My best Camilla is currently a -HP +RES 4*.

Even not running a flier team, it'd be nice having a flying unit that takes no damage from and eliminates just about any attacking blue (that isn't running firesweep or whatever). Especially since blues are so dominant right now with Cordelia, Reinhardt etc.


Oh wow bonus characters get +10HP and +4 to all stats. The first two runs netting you triple the score makes it less grindy.

I gotta finish leveling up Celica, could use her in Arena Assault too.
The best Camilla build for this role is something like this, and she has been absolutely amazing even before Arena Assault:

You could go with G Tomebreaker if it's just about sponging magic rather than Distant Countering.
Melon Crusher would also be an option over Emerald Axe.

Emerald Axe and DC would be awesome but I don't have a spare Hector. I'm going Legion Axe+ really only because it is a 14 mt weapon and I can snag Fury 3 at the same time. Maybe later if I summon a 5* emerald Axe I can put that on her.

Funny how she went from Brave Axe Fodder in my mind to being a really important character.


Been doing a lot of AA since yesterday. Up until AA my main focus has been merging my core, so I barely had any decently built units besides my 3 Askr units, my core, as well as a Minerva I use on my def team. So let's just say... It has been a struggle. I really want top 1k too, so I have to use my main arena team first match, and this means 702-714 matches with mostly scrap piles. First 5 hours or so for me was basically to find what units I had that could be useful, and I ended up using the 3* I have to atrengthen my good 4* units. I also came to appreciate specialized units, that can do one thing good: like Laslow with Axebreaker, I can bring him one time vs axes to save a better red for another match. I also got better at item usage: instead of trying to save items for later, I try and see opportunities to use items to save good units. For example, vs the common Bunny / SCorrin teams, I can give my Merric a res boost and use the Panic item, put him on a def tile and see him solo a game. After 10h I finally got a deathless run until final game with 3 good units left, so I took help from Roman here and some other guys on the FEH discord to round it up.

So AA was a struggle this week, but I'm already working on getting more options for next time. I will also make sure to save more 5* I pull from now on. Hoping for something tomorrow during Hero Fest! The good thing about the scoring system of AA is I can keep merging my core like always, which is nice, since +30 has been my goal for a few months now.
Man I have been way luckier than usual in the last few weeks, got 5 5* units, summer corrin, hector, jakob, cain, and now celica with the first free summon, used Jakob and Cain for skill inheritance but I'm really happy I those other 3.
And I'm still f2p :)


I can definitely manage a harder Arena Assault run than the 4688 I got. Almost all of my matches with my 'real' teams were faceroll and I never needed items. But it's awkward because I don't quite have enough functional teams, so I start off with a relatively weak one and just retry until I find someone I can beat.

However it's probably better to start off with a strong team and drop to intermediate if I see something bad. A full 4* team against merged 5s is rough but spreading your specialized 4s can actually be very effective if you use them to counter specific threats. Subaki and Narcian punch far above their weight in specific roles and I've got a very strong 4* +SPD Tharja. I've also been getting a lot of use out of my goofy 4*+7 brave sword Hana, even though she's unfinished there's almost nothing that survives her. I've watched her destroy a merged Chrom, and even take out defense tile Hector (with desperation and pre-charged Luna). One day I'll find a 5* Cain or Ogma or something and upgrade that sword.

On the subject of 4* I've definitely been looking at my roster to see where I can shore things up a bit. I have immense amounts of colorless shards/crystals so I merged together my 4* Clarines into a +SPD one, leveled her and gave her Fortify Cavalry + Wrys' loadout. Healers seem to be ideal for 4* merging, there's very little I'd get out of promoting her to 5. I realized I'm almost out of healers though - I sent away a lot of them to make space months ago, and inherited a bunch into Genny. Could be a reason to actually open greys again...? Well, I won't avoid them like the plague at least.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I do like Hana. She's definitely not "L&D fodder only" or anything. She's like an even more glass cannon-ey Lucina, which is helpful if you want a green delete button.

Mine is 5*, keeps her Armorslayer+, and I just threw Drag Back on her to help her do hit-and-run attacks. It's very budget SI-wise but pretty effective in her own niche way. She destroys Hector both on and off defensive tiles. The only question is whether or not she takes a hit in return or just outright oneshots him with no damage taken.


It's fun seeing the map ahead of time and thinking "What 4*s can I use here to wipe this team?" Sanaki, Lilina, Subaki, Legion, Zephiel, etc are all finding huge roles on my teams. I'm definitely going to use Tempest Trials to sure up my 5* SI units and work on getting more 4*s up to level 40.


I do like Hana. She's definitely not "L&D fodder only" or anything. She's like an even more glass cannon-ey Lucina, which is helpful if you want a green delete button.

Mine is 5*, keeps her Armorslayer+, and I just threw Drag Back on her to help her do hit-and-run attacks. It's very budget SI-wise but pretty effective in her own niche way. She destroys Hector both on and off defensive tiles. The only question is whether or not she takes a hit in return or just outright oneshots him with no damage taken.

Hana has an amazing offensive statline, there is a reason we put her that high on the tier list. Her biggest problem in usage is just that most players prefer fielding Ryoma or Ike.

It's fun seeing the map ahead of time and thinking "What 4*s can I use here to wipe this team?" Sanaki, Lilina, Subaki, Legion, etc are all finding huge roles on my teams. I'm definitely going to use Tempest Trials to sure up my 5* SI units and work on getting more 4*s up to level 40.

This mode has given undervalued units second wind, like TA Raven tomes (both Robins, Sophia), specialized weapons like Anti-Armor and Anti-Horse weapons - I could see myself using Wolf tome now.

Even training Merric seems like a good idea.

I also feel like Takumi is given a second chance since he is a lot of players' second invested archer after Cordelia.


Man I have been way luckier than usual in the last few weeks, got 5 5* units, summer corrin, hector, jakob, cain, and now celica with the first free summon, used Jakob and Cain for skill inheritance but I'm really happy I those other 3.
And I'm still f2p :)
Yeah, my 5* Jakob was fed to Marthcina for Renewal 3 the instant I got him, no regrets.

I'm still pining for a Summer Corrin, but then again I haven't even bothered to try pulling on that banner yet. It'll be around for weeks and I'm a procrastinator.

And thanks to the Infernal BHB, I've realized I don't have a single exceptional archer. Best I've got is a 4*+2 Setsuna.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Hana has an amazing offensive statline, there is a reason we put her that high on the tier list. Her biggest problem in usage is just that most players prefer fielding Ryoma or Ike.
She's a bit too much of a specialist if you only want one red on your team, but she's good in teams that have two reds. I ran Ryoma + Hana in last week's arena, probably will again this week, and they work pretty well together.

Don't know what reposition is but glad to hear this. Lost so many units because I had no other choice but to basically sacrifice one to start a fight.
Reposition is a support move that lets one unit pull a friendly unit behind him (so it puts the friendly unit 2 spaces back, and leaves the unit doing Reposition in place). Think of it as a friendly suplex that saves lives.

And thanks to the Infernal BHB, I've realized I don't have a single exceptional archer. Best I've got is a 4*+2 Setsuna.
I don't have a good archer either. I recently got a +spd Setsuna so I'll probably build her up later, but right now I have other builds that I want to spend feathers on first.


I do like Hana. She's definitely not "L&D fodder only" or anything. She's like an even more glass cannon-ey Lucina, which is helpful if you want a green delete button.

Mine is 5*, keeps her Armorslayer+, and I just threw Drag Back on her to help her do hit-and-run attacks. It's very budget SI-wise but pretty effective in her own niche way. She destroys Hector both on and off defensive tiles. The only question is whether or not she takes a hit in return or just outright oneshots him with no damage taken.

Hana has an amazing offensive statline, there is a reason we put her that high on the tier list. Her biggest problem in usage is just that most players prefer fielding Ryoma or Ike.

I have so many 4* Hana's now, that I decided it's time to do a budget build and throw them all together. It helps that I'm not the biggest fan of Life and Death so I don't care to use that for Skill Inheritance.


Saw this on another site, but if you guys want to farm those items for the arena assault theres a weird little glitch/exploit.

Go into arena assault with just one unit on your team. Choose the Beginner tier and you'll fight a one on one battle. From them on ,each time you select Beginner you'll fight just one opponent. Clean house and get easy wins, after every 7 fights you'll get 3 items.

Some people said it's not working for them, but I'm consistently doing it starting with a lv 40 5* Reinhardt for the first match of Arena Assault.

I tried this and it did not work for me. I wonder what the difference is between the times it works and when it does not.

I did, however, manage a deathless run (barely), by starting with team that has a level 40 5* along with three level 30ish 4*. My score wasn't great, but I consistently had at least one 35+ unit on the defensive teams, so I got all the items. This is probably how I'm going to approach AA until I develop seven passable teams.

I think I'm going to try to get together an armor emblem team at 4* for the time being and try to slot it in against someone with mostly physical damage; something like Zephiel/Sheena/Gwendolyn/Effie since that will give me access to armor buffs. Not exactly an a-list team, but I've seen places where something similar would have been very nice--plus it doesn't really require any SI at the moment for the purpose I want it to serve. Well, maybe some movement assists.


It's fun seeing the map ahead of time and thinking "What 4*s can I use here to wipe this team?" Sanaki, Lilina, Subaki, Legion, Zephiel, etc are all finding huge roles on my teams. I'm definitely going to use Tempest Trials to sure up my 5* SI units and work on getting more 4*s up to level 40.

yeah I thought arena assault would be a huge pain in the ass, but it's actually fun just because you can counter-pick. I'm finding unexpected holes too, I thought my roster was a little blue-heavy but I don't have many characters who can safely tank and counter-kill red mages. My Linde and MRobin are both -res, Robin in particular needs to watch out for Tharja who can overwhelm TA2 and easily outspeed him despite his +SPD. His Res is so shit he takes damage from stock Sanaki when he's on a defense tile. Glad I built this Nowi at least, she's beefy enough to take magic hits if I need her to.

And of course greens are a huge hole in my roster despite Nino, Cecilia and Hector. But I plan to at least try and fix that tomorrow.


Neo Member
Put my Flier Emblem team in front and ended up with a 4770 deathless run after a couple tries. Special thanks to the weirdo low-tier teams I had to put together, they actually ended up being pretty versatile despite being half 4-stars and having almost no Skill Inheritance:

- Rebecca (w/ Firesweep Bow+), Celica, Olivia, Nowi
- F. Corrin, Julia, Masked Marth, Mae


Funny how she went from Brave Axe Fodder in my mind to being a really important character.
That's exactly what I was thinking because I was considering donating her brave axe+ to someone else until saw the posts. Hmm... between her and Caeda, they're pretty tanky except able to kill hardly anything with 2 digit defense. This setup can fix at least her?
I have so many 4* Hana's now, that I decided it's time to do a budget build and throw them all together. It helps that I'm not the biggest fan of Life and Death so I don't care to use that for Skill Inheritance.

Life and Death 3 ain't that good. Experience in Arena has shown me how critical the DEF and RES drop is. I used neutral ATK Triangle Adept 3 Robin (M) this season, and he scored clean OHKOs against L&D3 variants of Celica and Bridelia.

L&D3 Bridelia also gets OHKOed by Hector, but DB3 actually allows her to ORKO him. I've done it many times in Arena with 3 HP remaining.

There are many more examples I can list.
I wonder how viable Eliwood, Gunther, Jagen, Blade Tome Ursula would be for Arena Assault? . Surely there would be a matchup or two this would work against and it wouldn't take much SI to get off the ground.


I wonder how viable Eliwood, Gunther, Jagen, Blade Tome Ursula would be for Arena Assault? . Surely there would be a matchup or two this would work against and it wouldn't take much SI to get off the ground.

this is literally the exact team I used to use at 4* to clear the 10th stratum cavalry quest. Although I dropped Eliwood for Stahl who can actually tank greens effectively. Even at 4* with a normal blade tome, Ursula will wreck some shit.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
if you bring in items to arena assault but don't use them do you get to keep them?

Yeah, I believe so. I'm pretty sure it tells you this in the instructions.

Life and Death 3 ain't that good. Experience in Arena has shown me how critical the DEF and RES drop is. I used neutral ATK Triangle Adept 3 Robin (M) this season, and he scored clean OHKOs against L&D3 variants of Celica and Bridelia.

L&D3 Bridelia also gets OHKOed by Hector, but DB3 actually allows her to ORKO him. I've done it many times in Arena with 3 HP remaining.

There are many more examples I can list.

Most people judge the usefulness of something when they are controlling the units, not how it plays out on defense. Def and res loss matter less when your opponent dies before attacking. That's kinda the goal of using life and death. Your L&D units aren't there to tank hits unless your unit already has a high value in that defense. I mostly use DB on units with double attacks.


Why couldn't Hinoka be Hero Fest.
Why Genny.

Well they want to have 1 of each color, and I think they are focusing on units who would be strong and useful for new players. The choices are very logical in that case.

Julia - Needs no SI whatsoever to hard counter the single biggest and most common threat in arena at the moment.
Ike - Distant counter red sword, but also very effective out of the box. If he had been in pre-SI he'd have been considered the best red sword easily. Oh and he's extremely popular of course.
Ninian - No-brainer. Dancers are always good to have and they had Azura in the last one already.
Genny - New players tend to like using healers, which is why I think they went with a healer instead of someone like Kagero or Klein. Out of the available healers I'd say she's at least as in-demand as Elise, and everyone with an Elise probably wants Wrathful Staff anyways.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Those are the four heroes in Hero Fest? Kinda disappointing that Genny is one of them, since she's the only one of those four who is there almost purely for SI fodder. Unless Genny herself is good on her own?

Hopefully I'll get a Ninian. I wouldn't say no to another Julia either.
Adding to what others have said, this Hero Fest is (again) aimed at newcomers and they went with arguably the best choices for each colour that aren't the same heroes as last time.

Colourless is the only wonky one, but there aren't really many killer apps except Bride Cordelia who was seasonal. At least with Genny, you get a great skill for healers and she's not a bad healer herself.

Anyway, I have none of them, so I'm happy with the choices XD


I wonder how viable Eliwood, Gunther, Jagen, Blade Tome Ursula would be for Arena Assault? . Surely there would be a matchup or two this would work against and it wouldn't take much SI to get off the ground.

Eliwood is very good with a Hone Cavalry buff, Gunter is like a worse Frederick but still usable with a Brave Axe if +Atk, Ursula is obviously fantastic.

Jagen has a very useful niche but to reach his potential he needs Distant Counter.
Eliwood is very good with a Hone Cavalry buff, Gunter is like a worse Frederick but still usable with a Brave Axe if +Atk, Ursula is obviously fantastic.

Jagen has a very useful niche but to reach his potential he needs Distant Counter.

I just need them at 4* to win one of seven matches in AA. Ursula would obviously be doing most of the work with Jagen and Gunther just buffing and Eliwood to take out a sole green. In other words when I see a team that is red heavy I can break this out to reserve my better units.


Saw this on another site, but if you guys want to farm those items for the arena assault theres a weird little glitch/exploit.

Go into arena assault with just one unit on your team. Choose the Beginner tier and you'll fight a one on one battle. From them on ,each time you select Beginner you'll fight just one opponent. Clean house and get easy wins, after every 7 fights you'll get 3 items.

Some people said it's not working for them, but I'm consistently doing it starting with a lv 40 5* Reinhardt for the first match of Arena Assault.

This is brilliant, thanks. I'm farming my items rather easily now!

EDIT: Why are there so many people running one unit on defence?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
sorry for so many questions.. what are my priorities as a new player? clearing the story? summoning new characters? leveling?

I do have three 5*

Summer Corrin ATK+/RES-
Sonya RES+/SPD-
Tharja DEF+/HP-

So Corrin seems worthwhile in building up into something.. the other two seem ok but ultimately(?) will be replaced by someone else (if my luck changes)

Guess I am just trying to figure out next steps..

edit - oh.. I have one party of characters in their mid teens.. everyone else is lower. and I Am on chapter 4 of the story.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Well they want to have 1 of each color, and I think they are focusing on units who would be strong and useful for new players. The choices are very logical in that case.

Julia - Needs no SI whatsoever to hard counter the single biggest and most common threat in arena at the moment.
Ike - Distant counter red sword, but also very effective out of the box. If he had been in pre-SI he'd have been considered the best red sword easily. Oh and he's extremely popular of course.
Ninian - No-brainer. Dancers are always good to have and they had Azura in the last one already.
Genny - New players tend to like using healers, which is why I think they went with a healer instead of someone like Kagero or Klein. Out of the available healers I'd say she's at least as in-demand as Elise, and everyone with an Elise probably wants Wrathful Staff anyways.
It's more like
Is it 5 star exclusive? Kay, pick one of each color and lets go.


sorry for so many questions.. what are my priorities as a new player? clearing the story? summoning new characters? leveling?

I do have three 5*

Summer Corrin ATK+/RES-
Sonya RES+/SPD-
Tharja DEF+/HP-

So Corrin seems worthwhile in building up into something.. the other two seem ok but ultimately(?) will be replaced by someone else (if my luck changes)

Guess I am just trying to figure out next steps..

edit - oh.. I have one party of characters in their mid teens.. everyone else is lower. and I Am on chapter 4 of the story.

Your first priority is to get a bigger base of viable characters. Outside of your 5*s, look at your 4*s and see if there are any good units you can promote when you get the feathers. The incoming Hero Fest will also give you some good units to pull for so make sure to get as many of them as you can. You should also do the hero battles under special maps, as they give you 1 and 2* units, some of whom are very good like Olivia and Cecilia.


sorry for so many questions.. what are my priorities as a new player? clearing the story? summoning new characters? leveling?

I do have three 5*

Summer Corrin ATK+/RES-
Sonya RES+/SPD-
Tharja DEF+/HP-

So Corrin seems worthwhile in building up into something.. the other two seem ok but ultimately(?) will be replaced by someone else (if my luck changes)

Guess I am just trying to figure out next steps..

edit - oh.. I have one party of characters in their mid teens.. everyone else is lower. and I Am on chapter 4 of the story.

We have a Discord server invite in the OP of this thread where we always help newcomers out with anything ranging from GHB strategies to team building.

For now you can just focus on finishing the story on all difficulties, collecting orbs and summoning. Beyond that we can advise you later on how to finish the tougher challenges and how to succeed in the arena.


Just fought a TA Reinhardt in Arena. I don't get some people's SI. He doesn't need help to blow up reds, and he can normally punch through some greens, so that just gimps him heavily overall.
Yeah, I believe so. I'm pretty sure it tells you this in the instructions.

Most people judge the usefulness of something when they are controlling the units, not how it plays out on defense. Def and res loss matter less when your opponent dies before attacking. That's kinda the goal of using life and death. Your L&D units aren't there to tank hits unless your unit already has a high value in that defense. I mostly use DB on units with double attacks.

The skill has its uses for sure, but I just pointed out one of several instances where it causes the attacker to die when the opponent counter attacks. Desperation bypasses this problem, but you can't really count it always being active.

Therefore, I think that Fury 3 and Deathblow 3/Darting Blow 3 are both superior to Life and Death 3.


The skill has its uses for sure, but I just pointed out one of several instances where it causes the attacker to die when the opponent counter attacks. Desperation bypasses this problem, but you can't really count it always being active.

Therefore, I think that Fury 3 and Deathblow 3/Darting Blow 3 are both superior to Life and Death 3.
I'm starting to realize many key units need more than one setup where one for maximum output (arena) and the other for longevity (chain challenges and tempest trial). Fury is one of those skills that I don't find it terribly useful when I expect the unit to survive many levels without healers. In general, I tend to prefer D blow skills for that reason.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Well, a lot of arena-based team comps and unit builds count on the fight ending very quickly. Fury units and healerless comps are great if you only need to get in a few good hits to end the fight.

They're not so good in longer fights or fights where you're outnumbered, because usually Fury units don't stay at usable amounts of health for more than a few skirmishes. Unless you're using a Desperation mage who isn't supposed to ever take damage in the first place, you pretty much need a healer if you're going to use units with Fury in longer game modes.
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