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Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|Natural Selection Simulator

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For the Bonus Hero, yes. I can't do much else with him if I can't get 10 more.

I'm waiting to see if I can finally pull a Blucina before committing to leveling one of my Camillas (doubt I'll use the Xander). In the meantime I need the stamina for SP farming.


And I don't think there's anything wrong with a little bit of bragging too.
Sure. Again, I outright said that not everybody felt that way, or even that anybody except myself felt that way. If I'm the only one having that particular reaction, then fine. I'd just like to hope that at least one other person can agree I'm allowed to feel that way.

I'll conclude for now by echoing this part of Shun's earlier post about gacha/event pace, which is probably the main reason I'm feeling left unsatisfied with the game:
The gacha drought issue is a real issue as well and so is the event turnaround. Those issues go hand in hand with each other. The slow gacha affecting the amount of things to do, and the amount of things you can do is limited by the slow gacha.

They've been improving their communication and transparency, which is a really good thing. It's a few other big issues that they really need to address as they've already turned off a lot of people and got them to quit and stop within the first 2.5 months, and need to provide reasons for them to come back and retain the people currently playing.


For the record if anyone feels like they aren't getting help quickly enough due to time zones or other reasons they can always ask in our Discord server which is linked in the OP of this thread. We help anyone who asks within minutes, whether it's about what to pull, what teams to build, how to improve defense or what skills to pass.

Personally I used up about 80 orbs on the Easter banner, pulling only blue, officially because I liked having Swift Sparrow for use later, but secretly I was hoping for Nowi, even at 4*.

Now I still don't have Nowi but 2 Blucinas, one with +Spd/-Def. Maybe I should pull more often without the intention of getting a 5*.
There goes a great arena run. Made it to the last stage perfect then realized I was in position where I'd have to lose a unit. I was thinking about it for a while, dragging units back and forth then I moved one by accident without attacking. Led to the while team getting wiped smh

Apparently there's been a confirm option this whole time


Man, Shanna is kinda rare. Did 50 orbs worth of pulls for green and blue and didn't get her.

Did get a 4* +SPD/-res tharja and a 3* Nino +ATK/-hp Nino.

I did get a -atk/+SPD spring Xander and
another Azura

I am actually really happy with what I got for 50 orbs. Did it randomly cuz I wanted Shanna.
Managed to barely slide past 4k for the second straight week now. Seem to be getting better at this arena thing. My match ups seem to be more favorable in the early morning for some reason.


There goes a great arena run. Made it to the last stage perfect then realized I was in position where I'd have to lose a unit. I was thinking about it for a while, dragging units back and forth then I moved one by accident without attacking. Led to the while team getting wiped smh

Apparently there's been a confirm option this whole time

This happens to me a lot... accidentally dragging units and wasting a turn ending in a unit loss. Especially when I've got the danger area activated and I can't see if I've tapped outside my unit's move range.
Soooo I subbed out Nino for Ephraim to try and get a higher BST and thus arena score and things got out of control fast. Every match was 666+ and nearly every match I was facing multiple stacked characters. Once I was up against a team of all Lv 50 units....on the lava map.

Bring on the arena scoring changes.
I'll be trying to run the reddit suggested build here for a non flier emblem spring camilla if anyone wants updates on how that ends up working out.

Eh, the fact that it requires Gronnraven+ means you're sacking a 5* Cecilia; Cecilia, who might have only 22 Def but doesn't have an archer weakness; Cecilia, who has 29 Res for the blue mage matchup compared to Camilla's 19 Res.

At a quick glance, it's actually necessary to roll the + version too over the regular version. Using the regular version, 42 Atk w/ Triangle Adept (Effective 58 Atk) is just enough for the Takumi matchup. All the other archers live. Even Virion, however uncommon he may be, would live. Meanwhile, using Gronnraven+ for 46 Atk (Effective 64 Atk) is enough to one-shot all archers not named Niles. That 64 Atk is also needed to take down Linde in one shot. Due to Camilla's Spd of 25 and unusual defenses, not pulling off the one-shot means she'll take more damage than Cecilia in the same matchups that she'd fail to kill in. Granted, there's more Cecilia would fail to kill with an effective 60 Atk, but she's comfortable even if she doesn't kill.

If you do use Gronnraven+, I heavily dislike Quick Riposte and advise against it too. It's only useful in...4 gray and blue matchups by my count: Niles, Felicia, Ursula, and Odin. As for greens, Nino and Merric will kill you without question due to their Spd. Julia, Cecilia, RobinF, and Spring Camilla herself? Better, though you're one Green Tomebreaker away from a bad time. Should also note that Julia's probably running Resistance +3 at minimum due to it being a part of her base kit and her resulting Res would be a bit much for Camilla anyways.

Personally like the idea of Escape Route as a B-slot passive as it gives her extra mobility and takes advantage of the fact that she'll definitely take damage. Vantage is also good as she'll likely be able to score two kills in her intended matchups while only taking damage from one and has a more attainable HP threshold. Green Tomebreaker is probably the most safe choice, though its usefulness in a double-breaker situation is questionable as your only even green mage matchups would be RobinF and Spring Camilla.

C-slot...Eh, I'm a bigger fan of Hone/Fortify than Savage Blow, but it's the most flexible spot, so do what you want.


tl;dr: Please roll her in Flier Emblem. You're -much- better off with Cecilia if you don't roll Flier Emblem.


Eh, the fact that it requires Gronnraven+ means you're sacking a 5* Cecilia; Cecilia, who might have only 22 Def but doesn't have an archer weakness; Cecilia, who has 29 Res for the blue mage matchup compared to Camilla's 19 Res.

At a quick glance, it's actually necessary to roll the + version too over the regular version. Using the regular version, 42 Atk w/ Triangle Adept (Effective 58 Atk) is just enough for the Takumi matchup. All the other archers live. Even Virion, however uncommon he may be, would live. Meanwhile, using Gronnraven+ for 46 Atk (Effective 64 Atk) is enough to one-shot all archers not named Niles. That 64 Atk is also needed to take down Linde in one shot. Due to Camilla's Spd of 25 and unusual defenses, not pulling off the one-shot means she'll take more damage than Cecilia in the same matchups that she'd fail to kill in. Granted, there's more Cecilia would fail to kill with an effective 60 Atk, but she's comfortable even if she doesn't kill.

If you do use Gronnraven+, I heavily dislike Quick Riposte and advise against it too. It's only useful in...4 gray and blue matchups by my count: Niles, Felicia, Ursula, and Odin. As for greens, Nino and Merric will kill you without question due to their Spd. Julia, Cecilia, RobinF, and Spring Camilla herself? Better, though you're one Green Tomebreaker away from a bad time. Should also note that Julia's probably running Resistance +3 at minimum due to it being a part of her base kit and her resulting Res would be a bit much for Camilla anyways.

Personally like the idea of Escape Route as a B-slot passive as it gives her extra mobility and takes advantage of the fact that she'll definitely take damage. Vantage is also good as she'll likely be able to score two kills in her intended matchups while only taking damage from one and has a more attainable HP threshold. Green Tomebreaker is probably the most safe choice, though its usefulness in a double-breaker situation is questionable as your only even green mage matchups would be RobinF and Spring Camilla.

C-slot...Eh, I'm a bigger fan of Hone/Fortify than Savage Blow, but it's the most flexible spot, so do what you want.


tl;dr: Please roll her in Flier Emblem. You're -much- better off with Cecilia if you don't roll Flier Emblem.
Hehe I have none of what I'd need for flier emblem and the idea is simply to make her the best I can while slotting her into my current team until zephiels grand hero battle when he takes that spot on the team.

Since she's a plus atk nature and I run units with hone atk and seal res I was going to run with just normal gronnraven for her and sacrifice the 4* Cecilia I already have. I don't expect her to carry the team just to synergise well with fem corrin and merric. Olivia is just there for dancing and sniping the odd kill.

I am well aware my whole team is weak to nuking mages and given merric and camilla are - res I think it's a sign. I'm not expecting this to be a 4k score arena team just something that works fairly well when I play it right.

I have plenty of vantage fodder and could use that in the b slot for sure.

While I am arguing your points I want to say I sincerely appreciate the time you took to do the math and the effort you are making to keep me from potentially wasting good units and feathers. Every bit of advice and criticism helps me evaluate things and leads me to making better choices.


Haha, it's almost comical that I always end up with 3900s arena score. Only positive is I just realized I can surrender without breaking the streak. The text has been there whole time except I never read it until now.

I see lots of Ninian in the arena. While Olivia does her job well, I'm still envious for some reason.
Hehe I have none of what I'd need for flier emblem and the idea is simply to make her the best I can while slotting her into my current team until zephiels grand hero battle when he takes that spot on the team.

Since she's a plus atk nature and I run units with hone atk and seal res I was going to run with just normal gronnraven for her and sacrifice the 4* Cecilia I already have. I don't expect her to carry the team just to synergise well with fem corrin and merric. Olivia is just there for dancing and sniping the odd kill.

I am well aware my whole team is weak to nuking mages and given merric and camilla are - res I think it's a sign. I'm not expecting this to be a 4k score arena team just something that works fairly well when I play it right.

I have plenty of vantage fodder and could use that in the b slot for sure.

While I am arguing your points I want to say I sincerely appreciate the time you took to do the math and the effort you are making to keep me from potentially wasting good units and feathers. Every bit of advice and criticism helps me evaluate things and leads me to making better choices.

16 Res for both Camilla and Merric. D:

Well, it's a good thing you got a +Atk Camilla (which is probably her best nature) and have a comp ready to boost her damage a bit more. lol Think she'd be more than fine in your current comp and will definitely handle Linde better than Merric (I've used him. That matchup has -no- right to be that ugly without TA. >.>). I just dislike the idea of not giving her Gronnraven+ because she's not as easy to slot into a random comp without it.

Vantage I think is probably best and it's good to see you've got Vantage fodder on hand. Actually reminds me that I didn't put Vantage on my Cecilia. lol

And you're welcome~


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Sure. Again, I outright said that not everybody felt that way, or even that anybody except myself felt that way. If I'm the only one having that particular reaction, then fine. I'd just like to hope that at least one other person can agree I'm allowed to feel that way.

I'll conclude for now by echoing this part of Shun's earlier post about gacha/event pace, which is probably the main reason I'm feeling left unsatisfied with the game:

What is going on in this thread?!

First, it's a bit silly to blame US w/r/t you pulling or not on the right banners. We don't have any inside information that you don't have or can't get. If you're in doubt, check the Reddit page, as someone there always analyzes each banner as to whether it's worth it to pull or not. Besides, most of the info posted here just comes from the Reddit page anyway. Those Reddit folks do a lot of analysis. And picture making.

Second, I think Cerium's advice posts are helpful. His "look at a screenshot of my unit killing another unit" posts are a bit obnoxious because they serve no actual purpose and I'm glad no one else does it. But we are all free to post and read and ignore whatever we want :)

As for your team, just save your orbs for the next good banner. The top end arena isn't something that everyone is going to compete in so don't think you have to min max to that level. If you are really into min maxing for PVE stuff then I would check out OPTC.


Haha, it's almost comical that I always end up with 3900s arena score. Only positive is I just realized I can surrender without breaking the streak. The text has been there whole time except I never read it until now.

I see lots of Ninian in the arena. While Olivia does her job well, I'm still envious for some reason.

I put ~300 orbs, sniping blue orbs only last banner and never got a Ninian. I see her in 90% of arena matches now, she's all of a sudden more common than Takumi. Stings a little, but then Linde murders everything and it feels better.

I've been running dancer-less to see if I can get my score a bit higher and it's so much harder to keep everyone alive. Lost 2 units last run, incidentally both times to a Ninian doing something unexpected with a Camilla. Most of the time dancers just sit in a corner stuck in a rally buff or draw back circlejerk with a melee unit.

I've already got a perfect score with my Olivia team, but unless I break 4400 I don't think I can get 1500 feathers and I can't do that with Olivia and Ursula. I barely fell below 30k last week and I'm falling faster this time even with a better score. I might just bite the bullet and promote Olivia, but I'm out of Fury to give her.
10th stratum cavalry quest done, that's all of them! Never thought I'd get them all done, but a few good pulls made it possible.

That's pretty impressive. Especially the armor one.

I've just now got a good enough cavalry team to properly do the quest between blade Ursula, Gunther, Peri and Leo but man is Leo useless. Wish I had Eldigan or Cain to cover red. He can't double shit obviously and his attack power isn't even that high to make up for it. Ursula kills greens better than him. Maybe one day I'll turn him into horseback Tharja.


I put ~300 orbs, sniping blue orbs only last banner and never got a Ninian. I see her in 90% of arena matches now, she's all of a sudden more common than Takumi. Stings a little, but then Linde murders everything and it feels better.

I've been running dancer-less to see if I can get my score a bit higher and it's so much harder to keep everyone alive. Lost 2 units last run, incidentally both times to a Ninian doing something unexpected with a Camilla. Most of the time dancers just sit in a corner stuck in a rally buff or draw back circlejerk with a melee unit.

I've already got a perfect score with my Olivia team, but unless I break 4400 I don't think I can get 1500 feathers and I can't do that with Olivia and Ursula. I barely fell below 30k last week and I'm falling faster this time even with a better score. I might just bite the bullet and promote Olivia, but I'm out of Fury to give her.
What does your Olivia have in her skill set?


Junior Member
Still waiting for Roy eh, Vena? :p

FCorrin isn't as good as Now or Tiki so it's not a huge loss.

Oh? That's encouraging. I now need 20k feathers to promote the 4* I have.


What does your Olivia have in her skill set?

she's still the default. A Ruby Sword or Triangle Adept would work well, but I don't have extra Ruby Sword+ to give out nor do I have Triangle Adept characters I can give up right now. Her B slot is really annoying because she attacks so rarely I forget she has Knock Back. So I'd go for Escape Route or Wings of Mercy instead. Fury 3/ Ruby Sword+ Olivia can easily solo Hector, but the main job I'd have in mind for her is eating a hit from a green mage here and there. So I could just do ruby sword and res+3. That could take two hits from a fully buffed, +atk, fury 3 Nino.

Hone Atk is fine. You don't want to get TOO crazy with inheritance on a dancer as farming SP on them is a pain. A promoted Olivia at least can be leveled to 40 multiple times to get more to work with.

My current 40 Olivia is +atk -def, I never want to level another one to 40 though.
More Spring Camilla thoughts:
Much as I dislike her stat spread, it's honestly the best you could ask for considering she's a flying mage.

A standard Klein deals 66x2 damage before mitigation against fliers. In Camilla's case, due to a combination of -raven and Triangle Adept, that comes to 40x2. After Def, 10x2. If her Def and Res were swapped to be more like a standard mage, she'd end up taking 21x2. A lot of characters die eating 21x2 and she's no exception.

Now, she doesn't exactly like the green mage matchup as a result of her unusual-for-a-mage stats, but being able to safely handle archers in a defensive position and without having to use Iote's Shield is the best you could ask for -- especially if you roll Flier Emblem where you've only got a limited number of them to pass around. Even as other flying mages start popping up, I don't think she'll lose her niche.
That's pretty impressive. Especially the armor one.

I've just now got a good enough cavalry team to properly do the quest between blade Ursula, Gunther, Peri and Leo but man is Leo useless. Wish I had Eldigan or Cain to cover red. He can't double shit obviously and his attack power isn't even that high to make up for it. Ursula kills greens better than him. Maybe one day I'll turn him into horseback Tharja.
Thanks! The armor quest was pure hell, it was basically the Hector & Sheena show. I didn't have Effie or Gwendolyn, and training 2* Draug to an acceptable level to help out would've taken up too much time, so I just rolled with the two (2* and 4*) I had and kept them out of the action.

For cavalry, I ran 5* Peri, 5* Abel, 4* Cain, and 4* Cecilia. Thanks to an extra Eliwood and Gunter I was able to put Hone Cavalry on Abel and Ward Cavalry on Cecilia. Out of of the 4, Cain was the biggest liability. I ended up killing most things by softening them up with Cecilia and then sending Cain (for greens) or Abel (for reds and blues) for the quick Brave weapon kill. Peri was great for distracting, then killing red and blue mages.
When is this freakin update? Can I please don't get my Arena 4415 streak screwed by a team of Nino+10 and Lucina+7, all crazy maxed inheritance on my 7th fight, against my very basic team? This is very dumb right now.


Just had the most fucked up arena encounter I've ever had and it was Flier Emblem on the bridge map. With Caeda and Hinoka buffing that ridiculous +8 Fury Minerva, she has goddamn 40+ SPD and 35 Def (Fury 3 replaced Life and Death, remember). And it certainly doesn't help that I run a full melee team among which two are blue (Nowi and Effie). And with this space-constrained bridge map there is little room for me to separate the buffers and this super Minerva. They just move in a row, like an ultimate death squad marching forward to execute my guys.

I refused to surrender to this mfker and came out losing three guys... I just can't surrender to this evil Satan whale; I surrendered quickly in the match after instead. I wasted one dueling sword but that's OK; I won't reward mean people who feel the need to make my life so difficult a win:(

But man, buffing up BST in the hope of higher score without being a whale actual team strength has not been easy. I might have to go back to using my ranged regulars and settle for a lower score; I'm not sure that extra 500 or 1000 weather really worth all the suffering.


Just had the most fucked up arena encounter I've ever had and it was Flier Emblem on the bridge map. With Caeda and Hinoka buffing that ridiculous +8 Fury Minerva, she has goddamn 40+ SPD and 35 Def (Fury 3 replaced Life and Death, remember). And it certainly doesn't help that I run a full melee team among which two are blue (Nowi and Effie). And with this space-constrained bridge map there is little room for me to separate the buffers and this super Minerva. They just move in a row, like an ultimate death squad marching forward to execute my guys.

I refused to surrender to this mfker and came out losing three guys... I just can't surrender to this evil Satan whale; I surrendered quickly in the match after instead. I wasted one dueling sword but that's OK; I won't reward mean people who feel the need to make my life so difficult a win:(

But man, buffing up BST in the hope of higher score without being a whale actual team strength has not been easy. I might have to go back to using my ranged regulars and settle for a lower score; I'm not sure that extra 500 or 1000 weather really worth all the suffering.

Flier Emblem and Horse Emblem (and I guess Armor Emblem) may require some nerfs in the long run, or IS is going to introduce some counter abilities and/or characters. Once more of them come online, many of the more general infantry teams will probably have issues with the comps as they don't have access to the mega-buff potential.

Klein in and of himself is actually pretty close to a counter to Flier Emblem if not for the -raven+ tome access on Camilla-mage.


she's still the default. A Ruby Sword or Triangle Adept would work well, but I don't have extra Ruby Sword+ to give out nor do I have Triangle Adept characters I can give up right now. Her B slot is really annoying because she attacks so rarely I forget she has Knock Back. So I'd go for Escape Route or Wings of Mercy instead. Fury 3/ Ruby Sword+ Olivia can easily solo Hector, but the main job I'd have in mind for her is eating a hit from a green mage here and there. So I could just do ruby sword and res+3. That could take two hits from a fully buffed, +atk, fury 3 Nino.

Hone Atk is fine. You don't want to get TOO crazy with inheritance on a dancer as farming SP on them is a pain. A promoted Olivia at least can be leveled to 40 multiple times to get more to work with.

My current 40 Olivia is +atk -def, I never want to level another one to 40 though.
Yeah, it's a pain to level her up. Wings of mercy saved my ass more than a few times. There is no perfect A slot skill or special skill for her that I can see.


Where can I find level 40 fliers?

Same as level 40 anything. Arena and the top 3 strata of the tower are your best bet. But in general I wouldn't worry too much about those sorts of quests - you'll almost certainly pick them up in passing over the course of a month anyway. You just need to go out of your way maybe to do the ones that want you to use specific types of units, and then the ones that tell you to go do specific story chapters.
hnnnnng got my sprintime camilla last nite after spending 50 orbs last night

Very grateful that i haven't spent a dime on this game and was able to farm enough orbs for this event. lol

I"ve already got her to lvl 30. Then realize is this version not raelly a top-tier green? :(

TIL you can skip battle animations by tapping the screen.

A few days ago I learned there is an auto-battle setting in the options. Incredibly useful for farming
hnnnnng got my sprintime camilla last nite after spending 50 orbs last night

Very grateful that i haven't spent a dime on this game and was able to farm enough orbs for this event. lol

I"ve already got her to lvl 30. Then realize is this version not raelly a top-tier green? :(

I wouldn't say she's not a top tier green. She's more like a unique green that gives options that no other char can do at this moment.


But man, buffing up BST in the hope of higher score without being a whale actual team strength has not been easy. I might have to go back to using my ranged regulars and settle for a lower score; I'm not sure that extra 500 or 1000 weather really worth all the suffering.

Basically? Getting to an Arena cap of around 4.2k or so (that is, breaking the 600 per win spot) is the first major goal of getting to push 4k without a perfect run. Getting any ranking reward beyond just 4k rating is a nice bump but everything after that is pretty small gains. At this point, I aim for 4k+ as a base and then do 0-6 (since I have to refresh anyway to get the 4 win daily) a day and accept whatever score I get in the end. Maybe I'll regret it when I need more upgrades but for the time being, I'm more than fine with my feather income; struggling to break higher tiers by inheritance into better BST units is a hard sell when the underlying systems are due to change.

It's part of why some of the "I don't have the perfect 5*s so I can't arena" posts are so weird to me since you can get by with a mix of 5s and 4s; hell, I think I still hit 4k, admittedly on flawless runs, when I had to use a level 20-ish unit for Arena bonus. There's no real cost to enter so just #DoYourBest and it'll work out fine.

I"ve already got her to lvl 30. Then realize is this version not raelly a top-tier green? :(

It's mostly due to Nino and Julia existing to offset her value somewhat. Flier synergy gives her a really good statline to work with and makes her into a single-shot highly mobile surprisingly tanky mage though? It's just a heavy allocation of resources. Post-Voting banners may change how scarce this setup is but it's also still lacking a better Red flier option, unless I'm overlooking some Caeda or Palla post-inheritance setup anyway.

She's good but in the same "need to support it properly" state as Nino except a higher investment cost.


After spending $40 impulsively due to frustration out of crap after crap, I was getting mad...until I got Azura.

I know I wanted Azura without knowing much about her. She's -HP/+Def. I wonder what role does she fit in, and how to set her up.

Along the way, I got 4* Effie with -Atk/+Spd. Is this trait usable?

No bunnies, nor Julia, nor good trait Nino in sight, but I feel OK now.


After spending $40 impulsively due to frustration out of crap after crap, I was getting mad...until I got Azura.

I know I wanted Azura without knowing much about her. She's -HP/+Def. I wonder what role does she fit in, and how to set her up.

Along the way, I got 4* Effie with -Atk/+Spd. Is this trait usable?

No bunnies, nor Julia, nor good trait Nino in sight, but I feel OK now.

Azura is fantastic, and -HP/+Def is fine but it means you'll need to be more wary of green mages. Her roles are dancing and popping red swords because she can tank and 1 round most of them. Putting wings of mercy on her B slot lets her dance anyone at low health no matter where they are on the map and triangle adept on her A will make taking out red swords like ryoma/lucina easy. Letting her buff is usually good for her C and she comes with fortify res which is a fine option. For her special I like miracle as it lets her live longer to dance more and she sees use every round due to her dance. Great unit, w/o incoherence she's S+ tier and with it she's S but she's still tied for the best dancer in the game


Neo Member
I have a large amount of 5*, but my favorite two are my Olwen and my Effie. Not really sure how to make a team around those two.


Neo Member
well who are you other 5stars?

Camilla, Minerva, Spring Chrom are my best greens (neutral)
My Reds are awful, Leo (-Atk), Lucina (-Atk) and Lyn (-Speed) all have crappy banes.
Colorless are Jaffar and Elise, both neutral-ish
There are a couple more blues but they don't work with Olwen and Effie being blues.
But man, buffing up BST in the hope of higher score without being a whale actual team strength has not been easy. I might have to go back to using my ranged regulars and settle for a lower score; I'm not sure that extra 500 or 1000 weather really worth all the suffering.

I feel you. The last few seasons were hell.

I got into the top 5000 during two or three seasons, and I still did well this season. The power creep is getting real. My score is 4530, but my rank is 6265! I'll be settling in the top 10000, which is still OK.

I'm glad I'm getting Defense scores again. I'll be getting 5K this season. When you look at the payout, even top 30000 is decent. That's 4K minimum and 4.5K with Defense.


Got Bunny Xander. Probably the worst of the bunny units, but at least it's something for the arena.

I want a 5* axe user, and Camilla is my best one. I have two of them right now at 4*, +Hp/-Res and +Atk/-Spd. Which one is better to promote? As a Brave user Camilla really wants that strength, but I'm not sure how important that speed is to her.
Got Bunny Xander. Probably the worst of the bunny units, but at least it's something for the arena.

I want a 5* axe user, and Camilla is my best one. I have two of them right now at 4*, +Hp/-Res and +Atk/-Spd. Which one is better to promote? As a Brave user Camilla really wants that strength, but I'm not sure how important that speed is to her.

Spd is generally unncessary on brave weapon users. +Atk -Spd is the IV you want. Quadsuna is the only exception I think of.
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