Ya I figured it was something to that end. The question then is there a build that can be made that puts even dumb-ass AI into Vantage?
We must theory-craft this counter to Cerium and email it to IS! (Or... I'll just email them better AI routines.)
Meanwhile, my opinion on Jaffar has done a pretty hard 180 from about a week or two ago now, and I think he may actually be one of the best Neutral/Assassins in the game. I think he's actually better than Kagero due to her pathetic health bar and her ineffectiveness against non-infantry.
So I started looking at his numbers and he definitely has a bruiser archetype to his stats in that he has deceptively high health, defense, and resistance in conjunction with a high-bar speed stat and can tank a hit. His effective "defense" is high across the board due to the conjunction of his health and his defensive stats. I also started looking at some numbers and, in general from experience with fights in Arena from him, his attack is too low to ever seemingly OHKO any mage that isn't, say, Sanaki with comical defense values. So that led me to thinking about this:
This would be done with Desperation as his B-slot regardless, since as noted he is going to almost inevitably trade with anything he attacks and almost assuredly double it as well unless its the highest of tier speedsters in the game. All in all, he seems to *only* really lose L&D3's +2 speed at the cost of his defense over Fury3 because the extra +2 attack between L&D3 and Fury3 does not open any obvious "one hit kills" due to his low base attack (even if his unique weapon compensate for this aggressively, boasting the highest damage dagger in the game).
(That said, Jaffar does lose to Kagero in a 1v1. But I believe he offers considerably more utility due to the fact that he can, in general, tank hits and put himself into Desperation for free while serving as a meatshield.)