As it should be!I was hoping for off-banner 5* like Hector or Linde. 2 Ryoma were the only off-banner 5* I ended up pulling. Lesson learned. I shall only whale for banner waifus.
Anyway, my ID is: 0786686105
Feel free to add me!
As it should be!I was hoping for off-banner 5* like Hector or Linde. 2 Ryoma were the only off-banner 5* I ended up pulling. Lesson learned. I shall only whale for banner waifus.
As it should be!
If you want, but you don't get more orbs.
repeat map for fun, yes. repeat for orb, no
Seriously.Tharja banner, when?!
Tharja banner, when?!
With the way the game works it would have been just fine IMO to gate the 20-40 level progression using level limit break items. Let the limit break be a class change, provide a modest boost in stats and access to additional abilities. I think people are feeling cheated because traditional roadblocks like this don't exist, and they're all focusing on what realistically should be a long-term, endgame upgrade.
How much would you spend to acquire Ike?
Six easy orbs baby.
I was thrilled when I pulled my 5* Camilla, but honestly she doesn't seem to be that great. Frederick seems to be a more versatile green unit, especially with his cavalry slaying powers. What are people's thoughts on Azama? He and Wrys are the only healers I have.
Six easy orbs baby.
I saw that Tharja. Already saving!wait for Christmas :v
I rolled 5* Lyn and 5* Cordelia when I started yesterday. I'm pretty sure i have been playing with a broken team, those two just butchered everything.
Lyn is good.
Cordelia is crap for her tier of characters, imo.
But they'll carry you through the game no doubt.
Nah, cordelia's great.
Lyn and Cordelia are very similiar in they both have astra/galeforce and brave weapons sorta.
Cordelia is perfectly meant to be a red killer, and there are so many red units in the game atm.
Lyn is blazingly fast and has moderate attack and bulk, which makes her excellent, on top of her excellent skills/weapon.
Cordelia has great skills but she's glass. Not a fan for an already frail class with moderate attack floors.
Can't you use orbs to refill?I don't get the energy thing.
You can't even buy it, can you? Not that I would.
But either way it seems that the more you progress the more energy it costs.
So basically now I play very little...
So from grinding up low-star units/sending home garbage and non-fancy-pants Hoshido/Nohr royalty or other such crutch scrubs, that (I've gotten them to 3*-4* (and all of them are at least 25 now so that I have a good idea on their stats) but the grind to 5* is going to be long but their growths and skills don't change for the worse):
Feel free to let me know of other such units and where you believe they go. Edit: Changed my mind, Fir deserves to be as high as Serra.
I don't get the energy thing.
You can't even buy it, can you? Not that I would.
But either way it seems that the more you progress the more energy it costs.
So basically now I play very little...
I finally got 20 orbs and rolled and got a 5 star hector and a 3 star robin. i was really excited to get robin cos he gets that sick intro and... 3 stars. lmao.
i can feel the gatcha hooking me though. Hooking me. Oh my god.
Yeah i wasn't so enamoured with his slow movespeed but... he eats every blow and demolishes everything in return.
i also got that psycho knight girl from conquest and she's kind of making me want to play conquest after i fell the fuck off birthright. lmao.
Are you using root/custom ROM?
That's the one I'm using:
You need to also install busybox (it's all done via the app).
You also need root access.
I would run Takumi too if I could find him.
I need a sword user. Have wind mage merric and arthur for great green units. Saizo and lissa for great neutral. Donnel as my best Lancer ( almost nothing lives through brave blance attack with his dmg output). Sharena and est were okay but really fell off in that department.
I have a 4* lon'qu who was doing great but then just stopped leveling strength and is no longer viable.
I don't wanna pull again til the banners change and maybe some new characters get added but I really need a red melee unit if I want to be able to really make my teams as versatile as they need to be.
Yeah i wasn't so enamoured with his slow movespeed but... he eats every blow and demolishes everything in return.
i also got that psycho knight girl from conquest and she's kind of making me want to play conquest after i fell the fuck off birthright. lmao.
Reason why he's really good is that he has distant counter.
I need a sword user. Have wind mage merric and arthur for great green units. Saizo and lissa for great neutral. Donnel as my best Lancer ( almost nothing lives through brave blance attack with his dmg output). Sharena and est were okay but really fell off in that department.
I have a 4* lon'qu who was doing great but then just stopped leveling strength and is no longer viable.
I don't wanna pull again til the banners change and maybe some new characters get added but I really need a red melee unit if I want to be able to really make my teams as versatile as they need to be.
I've been having success with 4-star Sully as a dedicated Sword destroyer on my main team, but she's quite specialized. I'm hoping for a more broad-use lancer to come my way eventually.
Selena's been okay for me as a passable Knight buster but her Triangle skill gets her owned by Lance knights. I really like Threaten Speed too. I have plenty of other sword users to work with though so it's not a huge deal, but she seemed alright when leveling a sub team.
I'm actually happy to hear that Alfonse/Sharena/Anna are not terrible. Might work on leveling them up just for fun.
Can't you use orbs to refill?
Yeah but on the other hand it's Serra.Chapter 9 cleared on Normal. I guess it's time to switch over to Hard.
All of the talk about Serra earlier convinced me that I need to level her. She's only 3*, so it'll take a while, but I figure I need a healer for more difficult content and she seems like she could be useful.
Yeah but on the other hand it's Serra.
Basically, to re-roll (on iOS, anyway) just un-install/re-install after you do your initial pulls (if you don't get what you want). Rinse/Repeat as many times as it takes. DON'T LINK YOUR MY NINTENDO ACCOUNT UNTIL YOU SETTLE ON AN ACCOUNT!How does rerolling work in this game? Any particular hero I should hope to get?
I like her art, so there's that.Yeah but on the other hand it's Serra.
You made me curious, so I tapped.She's an ass (oh god don't tap on her to speak) but she's a really, really good unit. May even be one of the best healers/support in the game.
really don't know. I used some kind of drink or something I think? Sorry I forgot. I had like 10 of them, not even sure where I got them.
while we are at it I also have two strange things:
1) what are the little swords for? I always have 3 and have some items to "refill them" but I don't even get what they are for, lol
2) someone else that is not my wife has added me. How the hell.... ? He did a random number? He found me through my phone number? Is there even such thing? I don't get get it
Chapter 9 cleared on Normal. I guess it's time to switch over to Hard.
All of the talk about Serra earlier convinced me that I need to level her. She's only 3*, so it'll take a while, but I figure I need a healer for more difficult content and she seems like she could be useful.
i know 3*s can be good, my lissa and donnel are both 3 star gods.have you tried leveling up your 3* units? Some of them can be quite useful. I have a 3* Olivia as my main sword user.
Basically, to re-roll (on iOS, anyway) just un-install/re-install after you do your initial pulls (if you don't get what you want). Rinse/Repeat as many times as it takes. DON'T LINK YOUR MY NINTENDO ACCOUNT UNTIL YOU SETTLE ON AN ACCOUNT!.