Only through summoning with orbs.
Daily special maps give you some basic heroes as well.
So when I summon my first hero with orbs, and it isn't turn out to be a 5*, that's when I reroll?
Only through summoning with orbs.
Daily special maps give you some basic heroes as well.
So when I summon my first hero with orbs, and it isn't turn out to be a 5*, that's when I reroll?
Her defence doesn't suck as much as Wrys.
I'm not sure myself, but that's probably it. Be aware that you can get a discounted 5-summons pack for 20 orbs, just keep going after the first summon.So when I summon my first hero with orbs, and it isn't turn out to be a 5*, that's when I reroll?
How are you supposed to get orbs when you finish the story quests?
Hard modes and events like those special maps since today.How are you supposed to get orbs when you finish the story quests?
How are you supposed to get orbs when you finish the story quests?
Hard modes and events like those special maps since today.
So if we do the daily special maps that offer characters, is it worth merging the 1star into the 2star?
1stars and 2stars are basically just merge fodder right, they don't really have any use?
Merging isn't really worth it in my opinion, just like sending home. I've stopped doing it until I may need the space (So if we do the daily special maps that offer characters, is it worth merging the 1star into the 2star?
1stars and 2stars are basically just merge fodder right, they don't really have any use?
It's similar to all gatcha games.I meant even ater finishing hard modes.
I also wanna know how to get thos green seals to upgrade my camilla from 4 stars to five.
Sölf;229810887 said:Sometimes from training tower floor 6 and above. I guess you get them more often or simply more on higher floors. Each of the colored ones drops on a specific weekday in the tower, with the weekend dropping all of them at random.
That's useful to know, so I can save my energy for the day the color I need drops.
Yesterday you also could get a mystery ? bonus. I wonder how frequent it is...Sölf;229810887 said:Sometimes from training tower floor 6 and above. I guess you get them more often or simply more on higher floors. Each of the colored ones drops on a specific weekday in the tower, with the weekend dropping all of them at random.
Yesterday you also could get a mystery ? bonus. I wonder how frequent it is...
Well, shit. So that's why I got garbage all morning. Would have been nice to know before I spent my whole stamina bar!Sölf;229811047 said:That mystery thing is probably just the randomly colored shard thingies, as it showed a colored version prior to the weekend. I think monday is the only day where you get nothing except the first time win reward from the tower.
Well, shit. So that's why I got garbage all morning. Would have been nice to know before I spent my whole stamina bar!
$$$How are you supposed to get orbs when you finish the story quests?
The new map was... disappointingly easy.
The new map was... disappointingly easy.
Sölf;229810691 said:But hell, the game isn't even a week old and people are already starved for orbs. The thirst is real.
Got lucky on my 2nd roll of 20 and got 5 star Tiki. SO couple of 5 stars and a few silvers can decimate haha. I reckon 5 star ranged must be OP
Already tied my Nintendo account to the thing though (and got the orb reward), so is it too late for me to toki wo tomare :v
Fucking worthless gamble game... I'm about to pull again, better not give me trash!!
Not to late at all - if you really have no 5* i would reroll, game has been only out for a couple of days. And the 10 Nintendo accounts orbs arent worth much if they resulted in shitty rolls for you anyway.
Then again its totally fine to keep going...but if its a game you see yourself playing for weeks and months, probably better to start out with better units.
I'm never going to get a 5* character, am I?
Tiki (Young) (5*)Chrono who u rollin wit
The rates of getting a 5* increase as you fail to get one, so you have to get one eventually.
I would really like Tharja, though. :/
Yeah, I'm not too concerned. If I can't get her base form, maybe I'll get lucky with the Christmas variant.She's bound to get a rates up someday, don't worry.
Man, that luck. :/
Man, that luck. :/
The bad news is that, unless I'm mistaken, if you don't manage to pull a 5* on the banner you're working on before it leaves, you'll lose the increased chance as it'll reset back to standard once the new banner hits. If that's true...
I really hope you pull one before then. At least your hard work will have been rewarded.
Yeah I think hoarding is smart at the moment just to wait and see what's gonna happen. At least you've got two 5*! I only have my Takumi but damn he's a beast.Tiki (Young) (5*)
Takumi (5*)
Fae (4*)
Serra (3*)
It's fine enough for me right now, but there are a lot of characters I still want. I'm hoping I'll get them in time, so I'm not going to freak out and spend all of my orbs just yet. We don't really know how the whole gatcha thing will shake out. For all we know, Nintendo could hold monthly gatcha where the rates are greatly increased. I'm going to hoard whatever I can from here on out, until I have a better idea of how things are going.
I would really like Tharja, though. Camilla too, for that matter. :/