Speaking of which, I have done every quest for February on every difficulty and that's it. You don't get anything extra for doing all of it.
Oh yeah, I do have a question for you. Which units did you use for the 6-1 with 4 infantrty units (or was it 6-5?)? Mainly, do you know if Dragons count as infantry? If not I definitly don't have enough high level units, else I could at least use Tiki and FCorrin.
Also, for the 1* and 2* Special maps:
I hold onto every character at least once, mainly the highest starred version. However, some people can use dailies to fill gaps (the hard quest where you have to kill enemies using flying units, the lunatic quest with mounted units and the Felicia Quest) and well, yeah, get free feathers. 15 may not seem much, but I only need 45 more for my 2k feathers. Also, with Olivia I will get a Dancer who sould prove useful even at low levels and low amount of stars. Also, I am somewhat mad we get not a single armor unit from Dailies.