What's the best way to gain hero feathers? Also, is Donnel worth investing the feathers in? He's my only lance user.
What's the best way to gain hero feathers? Also, is Donnel worth investing the feathers in? He's my only lance user.
Learn the Physic skill.
Oh nice I see that now. Only problem is that it would basically take the rest of my SP to teach since I spent a bunch yesterday giving her an attack. Is it worth the long distance healing?
It's honestly not worth spending feathers at all right now. Pouring resources into bad characters is just a mistake in this game. You don't need one of every type to make decent progress. Just hope you roll something better for that role eventually.What's the best way to gain hero feathers? Also, is Donnel worth investing the feathers in? He's my only lance user.
Yes. Complete ASAP.Are there lunatic difficulty monthly quests once I finish the hard-tier quests? I want to know whether I should be rushing the intermediate arena victory quest or not.
It's honestly not worth spending feathers at all right now. Pouring resources into bad characters is just a mistake in this game. .
Back when Sharena was my only Spear user, I upgraded her to 4*
What sucks is I don't even use her anymore, using a 4* Oboro for her bonus against armored, but wish I had a better Spear user.
Hey, the system works.
I mean there are a lot of stinkers in Heroes, by other people
Is there a big difference between 4* and 5* Camilla?
Is there a big difference between 4* and 5* Camilla?
Sölf;229882365 said:
Man, what kind of teams have you guys beat 9-5 Hard with?
I'm trying with Camilla, Lucina, Tiki, and Jeorge all 5* and getting my ass handed to me over and over.
Mine is 5 star level 35 and only 32 attack.
Mine is 5 star level 35 and only 32 attack.
Sölf;229882707 said:I said "Fuck it" and just used one of the revive thingies. I know I won't use them otherwise anyway and I was already at chapter 5 lunatic.
The JP risemara tier list bumped Azura up to SS alongside Takumi and Hector.
S rank got a bit more selective as well
Child Tiki
I just downloaded this last night and I've only played around with it for a little bit now.
How is the game for people that don't plan on spending any money? I'm not planning on doing anything really difficult in the game, so can I just get through normal difficulty stuff with the orbs and crap I earn normally?
it seems this game is finally available in my country but my cell is listed as incompatible (moto g third gen) does anybody knows what are the hardware specs needed?
edit: Oh, I saw that I need 2 GB ram, darn it, well I guess I'll skip this for now
Gotta say, auto-battle makes grinding in the training tower really doable. I'm busting out work emails left and right, while also busting out level ups left and right.
Agreed. I wish there was a way to skip through level up reports (maybe a toggle in the Settings menu? I understand the use of it, so I wouldn't want to turn it off entirely with no way to get it back.) so you could literally leave the game to finish an entire battle, from start to finish, without touching your phone after auto-battle is turned on.
Sölf;229882365 said:
Do you guys auto battle the closest to your current level, or do you go +3 levels for your stage? Auto battle seems to always get my team wiped.
Gotta say, auto-battle makes grinding in the training tower really doable. I'm busting out work emails left and right, while also busting out level ups left and right.
Sölf;229882365 said:
I'm now swapping between playing my lunatic conquest run and a randomized fe7 run while waiting for stamina to restore, my time is fully dedicated to maximizing the amount of fire emblem in my life.
I'm kinda worried that at the halfway point my fem Kamui doesn't look real impressive. I was planning to use the feathers from the twitter event to take her to 4* but if she's just going to turn out mediocre there as well I'd be better off keeping her a 3 star and waiting to replace her with another solid blue unit worth using feathers on.
Not for higher levels I guess.
The named characters in tower level 9 and 10 are ridiculously powerful.
Can't believe after the launch promo we are going to spend close to 20 stamina to do it once yet the EXP yield is so slow at higher levels (<35).
Absolutely, I'm not spending any money either and I'm having a blast with it. Like similar mobile games it's good fun if you can find a slot to fit it into your day for a few minutes each time, for me it handily fits into my commute/lunch break. If you're looking for something to play for long sessions you're better off with something else though due to the stamina meter.I just downloaded this last night and I've only played around with it for a little bit now.
How is the game for people that don't plan on spending any money? I'm not planning on doing anything really difficult in the game, so can I just get through normal difficulty stuff with the orbs and crap I earn normally?
I'm now swapping between playing my lunatic conquest run and a randomized fe7 run while waiting for stamina to restore, my time is fully dedicated to maximizing the amount of fire emblem in my life.
I'm kinda worried that at the halfway point my fem Kamui doesn't look real impressive. I was planning to use the feathers from the twitter event to take her to 4* but if she's just going to turn out mediocre there as well I'd be better off keeping her a 3 star and waiting to replace her with another solid blue unit worth using feathers on.
Sölf;229882753 said:32 vs 26 Res though. Could be yours is +Res/-ATK or his +ATK/-Res or something similar.
Man Takumi is rare as hell, I had two instances of Nox macro running this game for an entire day and he never showed up once