Disregarding playing the game with Lyn and Eliwood some 10+ years ago, I am a pretty much a FE newcomer. So far this is fun enough. My team is above, I do fairly well for my needs (up till 9-5 on Normal currently). I dunno, is this okay? Don't feel like I need a blue but I might use Effie.
Few questions.
1. Should I level a character as much as possible before unlocking his potential?
2. Do learned skills carry over when I do so?
3. Should I aim to be as high level as possible with both copies before combining units? (asking for my Effie above)
Also, even at 3*, this Azuma fellow is gold in my party. I'm promoting him the first chance I get.
And Fae is a TANK. High HP, hits like a truck and has self regen. Beautiful.
1.) Doesn't matter. You could gain more SP, but you can also get them for killing enemies.
2.) Edit: No, not when you combie them, I though when you upgrade them from, let's say, 3* to 4*. Then the skills and SP you learned will still be there.
3.) Doesn't matter.