Does anybody have a level 40 4* Robin? I didn't know to look for base level stats, so I'm trying to figure out what his + or - stats are while I decide whether to promote him or not.
I know he's ranked s-tier, but he doesn't seem that amazing at 4*. Not sure if I have bad stats, don't use him properly, he just isn't as good as my other gold units, or if the fifth star makes a big difference.
At 40, he has:
HP 34, Atk 34, Spd 27, Def 26, Res 23
Compared to a random gold I came across, he seemed high in res and maybe low in attack, but I don't know if its a 1:1 comparison where each stat just gets a few bonus points when they go gold. Because if that were the case, his attack would be above what the IV calculator says for low attack stat with just the 5* weapon and no other stat change. Maybe low HP?