I just wanted to give a quick trip report for the arena team I was tossing around yesterday. I've leveled a bit since then, but I think my setup was 37 Young Tiki/37 Takumi/30 4* Nino/20 4* Olivia.
My final score was 3944. I lost two characters the entire run, both on that damned 2x2x2x2 map, although I think I could've avoided one of those two losses with better positioning on my part. I also changed the order of my characters in the team screen since the pairings on that map seemed fixed, so now I'll hopefully have Olivia x Takumi paired together instead of Olivia x Nino.
For the most part it was just Olivia x Takumi shredding everything, with Nino using Draw Back to drag characters to safety and stepping up to MVP against Robin and Nowi, characters who would have previously countered me. To be honest, Tiki is mainly there to counter Hector and occasionally tank a hit/vulture a wounded unit. I haven't faced any Kageros yet, but Tiki is my only melee unit, so I'll also need her to soften up Kagero.
I do have to play carefully against red sword heavy teams due to a lack of blue units on my team, but Takumi can usually handle them with a double attack, with Tiki there to clean up when necessary. The trickiest unit to take out I've faced so far is Takumi, actually. I can do it with my Takumi, but he's dead if I can't create a safe zone around him afterward.
A few questions:
1. Two buffs of the same stat don't stack, correct?
2. Does anyone remember when the Arena finishes calculating? I have two leftover swords, and I want to know whether I should just waste them now towards the Arena quests, or wait until tonight to use them, if the new season opens before the day ticks over.
3. Just to confirm, Nino's weapon's damage bonus is regarding any stat bonuses on her, and not the unit she's attacking, right? I guess that's another reason why pairing her with Linde is so good, since Linde has Fortify Res.