**What is My Nintendo?**
My Nintendo is an online service that aims to connect all Nintendo services in a single place. By linking your 3DS and/or Wii U Nintendo ID or your mobile account to it you get access to bonus content, such as exclusive rewards and discounts.
**How you can use it in FEH**
So you may know that by linking your Fire Emblem Heroes Game to
https://my.nintendo.com/ you get 10 free orbs. But you may also notice that when you complete a chapter, you got 100 FEH Platinum Coins.
**You can use 100 Platinum Coins to buy the following**
* 1 Stamina Potion.
* 500 Universal Crystals.
* 1 Light's Blessing.
* 1 Dueling Crest.
* 500 Universal Shard.
**To claim the FEH Platinum Coins**
* Go to Home (Your Castle)
* Tap the Fountain (Quest and Missions)
* Tap the Glowing Platinum Coin in the Top Right corner.
* Tap Missions
* Claim the reward you have earned..
*You got coins!
**To use the coins, you have to do the following:**
* Go to Home (Your Castle)
* Tap the Fountain (Quest and Missions)
* Tap the Glowing Platinum Coin in the Top Right corner.
* Tap the prize you want and exchange it for 100 points.
* If you ran out of FEH coins, you can access
https://my.nintendo.com/reward_categories/fire_emblem_heroes and buy them there with regular Platinum Coins.
* Go to the owl to claim your reward!
You'll notice that so far you can only get a maximum of 1100 FEH branded platinum coins in the game, they may add more later on. But there is another way to get Platinum coins and get one more reward once a week.
You can get 120 coins every week by doing the following:
* Login to My Nintendo once a week. Be sure to click on the coin that your Mii is chasing. (30 coins)
* Visit Miiverse with a Nintendo account linked to My Nintendo once a week. (30 coins)
* Visit the Nintendo eShop Nintendo account linked to My Nintendo once a week. (30 coins)
* Visit nintendo.com once a week. Be sure to login. (30 coins). Thanks u/TripleFlipAndMeow and u/aianmoo16 for this tip.
* Subscribe to the e-mail Nintendo newsletter. (10 coins). This one is only once a month.
To claim the coins you NEED to access the My Nintendo page once a week, if you don't the missions will reset by next week.
Its something really simple but it takes 5 minutes and its something you can do while waiting for your stamina to refill, and if you don't feel like using them yet, you can save them to get special offers like free Nintendo games or better stuff down the line. For example, Miitomo uses the coins for exclusive clothing items. Maybe FEH might make a few costumes exclusive to the My Nintendo service, so its always nice to have it, just in case.