Screw exvius:
Screw exvius:
Yeah it feels great. Been lucky so far, much more than any other gacha.Oh baby a triple.
Are going for the Nino+Eirika = the dream?.
That eirika nature is a bit bad but could be worst +SPD is the best + but STR is the worst - to go with it.
And that Nino is beast
I have to figure out what to set it up with. Especially that Eirika's attack is low without any specials.
I think I'd still rather have Sharena. Your Nino has enough speed as it is. And Sharena can actually damage those red units. Plus Olivia is also red.Maybe...
I have to figure out what to set it up with. Especially that Eirika's attack is low without any specials.
At some point people will realize Takumi is not that great in Arena. People plays a lot of counters to him. Ofc him being OP is the reason why people play this counters. But still.
I have Tiki but I think she needs three hits to take out even the green one.Sölf;230412183 said:My team was Young Tiki, Elise (both 5*), Est and Nino (both 4*). Young Tiki eats those guys and can survive a hit. Nino can also dish out quite a bit of damage and Elise can heal. Actually, Young Tiki killing one and then Nino dragging her out of range was something I did. And well, kiting them. Also, I think I baited and killed the healer first with Nino as bait.
At some point people will realize Takumi is not that great in Arena. People plays a lot of counters to him. Ofc him being OP is the reason why people play this counters. But still.
You dont need much. And eirika has high enough speed to double a lot to compensate the lack of str and even without that she is a great battery. Imagine that 56 atk 43 speed Nino rampaging around.
I think I'd still rather have Sharena. Your Nino has enough speed as it is. And Sharena can actually damage those red units. Plus Olivia is also red.
Just a warning, but I think hone attack doesn't stack (start of turn boost), while spur attack does (positioning boost). There is probably some diminishing returns to having everyone with hone attack.
I have to decide between Tharja and Linde (bothe 5 stars) as my main caster. Besides the colour, which caster is considered better?
My Robin is -res +spd. Good?
I thought I was shit out of luck for the free orb from clearing one of the paralogues with a red caster, but I keep forgetting Raigh exists.
I just realised that all 5* are now 3%. Why have "focus" characters at all if you're not going to put them into the normal 5* selection?
I just realised that all 5* are now 3%. Why have "focus" characters at all if you're not going to put them into the normal 5* selection?
Seriously considering spending money. Someone stop me.
Is the best robin.
Seriously considering spending money. Someone stop me.
Seriously considering spending money. Someone stop me.
Seriously considering spending money. Someone stop me.
Ive spent money and look
This could be you!!!!
Now seriously. If you enjoy the game and want to thank the developer then go ahead. Dont use money thinking you will get tons of 5*s because the game owes you nothing. Remember that.
So that's who was talking to me when I was brushing my teeth this morning...
"It'll feel so good. The thrill of the pull, you know you want it."
It's 3% chance to pick a five star from (group of dozens of five stars) + 3% chance of picking a focus five star from (group of only 4 characters).
Thus, the odds of drawing Ephraim right now are much higher than the odds of drawing Takumi.
3% divided by 4 = 0.75% chance of drawing Ephraim.
3% divided by every non-focus five stars = odds of drawing Takumi.
Ah, so the percentages apply to the group and the chances inside are uniform? Okay.You're still a lot more likely to get a particular focus character than a particular non-focus 5*.
The pull will be even stronger once you've invested money.Seriously considering spending money. Someone stop me.
Some tips for some of you looking to spend money on this game. And this is just general rule of thumb for spending money while playing a gacha game. The cornerstone of this post will hinge on setting Boundaries and Expectations. If these are not set then you are fucked in more ways than one. When spending money on gacha games some good expectations for you to set are "pay until you get a 5*" or "pay until you get the character you want" or "pay for the lulz". If you pay money on anything there's an expectation associated with it. I know this is very obvious but sometimes it needs to be spelled out. If you pay 200 dollars and your goal was to get Hector and you didn't get Hector you are going to be very very very salty. So when working you have to set goals either really low or you better make damn sure you have enough money in the bank account to get something.
Let's use examples. I want to roll Lucina. She's currently not a focus character. I am going to roll for her using money. I spent 300 dollars and I have gotten a total of 27 5* and including many SS tier like Hector and Takumi but nothing in sight. I guarantee you despite you having dope rolls you will still be salty. Why? Cuz you spent an obscene amount of money but didn't roll what you wanted. To alleviate this you should've set your expectations lower or go out and get a job that will allow for this disposable income. They don't call people a lucksack or a whaler for nothing.
Here's another example. I want to roll until I get a 5* I spent 20 dollars but it was a crappy 5*. Now you're unhappy. Not because you didn't get a 5* but because it was crappy.
Rule of thumb. This game will give people a huge wakeup call on attitudes and expectations. Remember people. Don't ruin your life financially, emotionally, or mentally playing this game. A lot of what I wrote is common sense or something like "DUH! Of course I already know this" but for some people they needed to be reminded via other people.
That's all.
Screw exvius:
Ive spent money and look
4 5* in a single pull wtf