I've long resolved to myself that I won't spend money on free to play games. I don't need to in order to enjoy them if they're good. For Heroes, I've got a decent team with my regular summons. And most characters I can do without. I won't pay for Takumi, or Hector, or Lilina, or even Ephraim. But Eirika. I'm not missing her, no matter what. So, I plopped down $40 to get enough orbs to get her. My first time, and likely my last for a long while. Took a few tries, but I got my Restoration Lady. In a sea of blues too. I'm satisfied now.
Well, she's -Attck, +Res which kind of sucks, but she's meant to be more of a booster anyway, so it's not a huge deal.
I also got another 5* Young Tiki out of the deal. Would like a non-Red 5* someday please. I'll probably end up merging her later, but I'll see.