Tiers seem to be mostly useless. So far, pretty much everyone who participates in Arena goes up one tier a week.
I went from Tier 2 in Week 1 to Tier 3 in Week 2.
That even though my overall score went up. Competition got tougher.
Tiers seem to be mostly useless. So far, pretty much everyone who participates in Arena goes up one tier a week.
Reroll until you get one ? This game isn't too generous with orbs so making that first roll count is super important.
Upgrade Kagero to 5* she is by far the best of your 4*.Hey any advice on which heroes I should focus on leveling up?
Everything is 4 stars except the story characters and Tiki and Blue-haired girl next to her is 5 stars.
Which 4 star should I make into a 5 star when the time comes?
I went from Tier 2 in Week 1 to Tier 3 in Week 2.
That even though my overall score went up. Competition got tougher.
Tier 3 is above Tier 2.
What's the consensus on Donnel? At first blush I'm guessing he's too slow to be useful, but I'm thinking of levelling him to 4*.
Rank 37,980 with 4174 attack points and 259 defense points, I got better this week than last at least
Save your feathers.
Drag Back can be useful but he really does not have much going for him. There are so many better spear users available. I think Brave Lance is absolutely terrible on standard infantry units. Calvary can use terrain or move in easily to get the first blow, but Donnel is going to just get two hit all the time.What's the consensus on Donnel? At first blush I'm guessing he's too slow to be useful, but I'm thinking of levelling him to 4*.
Hey any advice on which heroes I should focus on leveling up?
Everything is 4 stars except the story characters and Tiki and Blue-haired girl next to her is 5 stars.
Which 4 star should I make into a 5 star when the time comes?
Upgrade Kagero to 5* she is by far the best of your 4*.
Then work on getting Anna to 5* and you'll have a very solid and well balanced team.
I've been trying to upgrade everyone so if the battle calls for it I can use multiples if the same type of unit.
I assume you mean the 5 stars would be the rest of the team. Are the two I have pretty good?
What's Kagero's benefit exactly? She also seems to die the fastest and have the weakest attacks of my 4 highest leveled characters. She's really quite a bit above the other 4 stars?
Is Anna actually good for a story character given to you automatically at the beginning? Enough to go the trouble of going from 2 stars to 5 stars? I would think I would be able to (and have already) pulled an axe unit better than her?
Nah I just can't reroll now, I'd miss my 10k feathers and all those sucky 2*'s I upgraded to sucky 4*'s. I think I'm just a masochist.
Man, life is hard when you have no 5*. I've finally finished the story mode (normal). Thank heavens for Nowi.
I assume you mean the 5 stars would be the rest of the team. Are the two I have pretty good?
I thought you still get the 10k feathers?
Did you upgrade Sharena & Anna? They're supposed to be really good at 5* and I find them good at 4* as well.
Need some help figuring out which units to level up and promote. This is what I have so far.
Need some help figuring out which units to level up and promote. This is what I have so far.
If they are heavy armour, magic is one option. Do you have any units with armourslayer weapons or hammers?Wow... I'm starting to get slaughtered in the later Lunatic missions (8-5 and 9-2 thus far). Everything's defense is so high (over 40+?) I barely do any dmg even with a 53 (boosted) attack Takumi or when I have type advantages like with Abel against Zephiel... I guess I need a mage or something? Their resistance seems more reasonable.
I have a 4* Cecilia at level 31 with attack 34. Other than that all I have is a 2* Sophia and 2* Raigh at lvl 1 and 2...
I'd put together a reserve team of Anna, Sharena, Olivia and one of the mages- they are mostly 3* but they are solid picks.Need some help figuring out which units to level up and promote. This is what I have so far.
If they are heavy armour, magic is one option. Do you have any units with armourslayer weapons or hammers?
I assume you mean the 5 stars would be the rest of the team. Are the two I have pretty good?
What's Kagero's benefit exactly? She also seems to die the fastest and have the weakest attacks of my 4 highest leveled characters. She's really quite a bit above the other 4 stars?
Is Anna actually good for a story character given to you automatically at the beginning? Enough to go the trouble of going from 2 stars to 5 stars? I would think I would be able to (and have already) pulled an axe unit better than her?
You could also try units that inflict set damage regardless, like Saizo's poison strike or Azama's 'pain' ability, they inflict 10hp damage after combat. It's a good way of chipping away at units that are frustrating your big hitters.I have a lvl 30 4* Florina with a heavy spear that's good against armor. Hm.
Need some help figuring out which units to level up and promote. This is what I have so far.
That's up to you.is it worth using 8 dueling crest to get 1000 feathers?
Team right now is Olivia (dance), Robin (3 star), Ryoma (5), Nowi (5). Olivia's dance ability is huge, but she feels like she could become a weak link down the road. Anyone have any ideas for who to replace her with on my main team?
is it worth using 8 dueling crests (to finish the arena quest) to get 1000 feathers ?
It seems that there was an announcement that "Events using friends will be held next month to" Fire Emblem Heroes "next month! # FE Heroes
I love a good challenge. This is a tough one because there are a few directions you can take.Any suggestions for a team comp?
They need to increase the friends list limit. I'm just adding random people and I already run into the limit multiple times this week.
I love a good challenge. This is a tough one because there are a few directions you can take.
Roy and Effie should be the core. Marth at 5* is better than Roy but Roy is serviceable and you'll need the feathers to shore up the rest of your lineup. Effie is very solid at 5* because of the lack of strong greens that can handle her.
From there, you have a bunch of 4* that are full of potential:
and also 3* Olivia
You could theoretically run a heavy blue lineup. There isn't a lot of good green out there, and Roy will absolutely delete green units of any kind, so something like Roy, Effie, Robin, and Nowi could actually be viable and will make red heavy teams (which there are a lot of) absolutely cry.
If you want something more balanced then you can go for something like Roy, Effie, Anna, and Olivia.
Or meet somewhere halfway and go with Roy, Effie, Nowi, Anna.
You have options but you'll need feathers. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of the heavy blue lineup; Robin has colorless advantage too so that gives you an answer for Takumi and Kagero. And if a team with 2 or more red runs into you, they might as well quit. Roy covers your weakness to green. It's unconventional but could be really strong.
I had a feeling you'd say that.