Hi, facing tough decisions again and would like some advice. I have been running 5* Marth, Lilina, Takumi, and Raven for a while and figured out Raven is just not cutting it. While he does provide checks for blues he is such a liability to keep alive in the Arena. So I ditched him and experimented with 4* Catria and Kagero with various degrees of success. With the 20K feathers now seem within reach (I re-rolled a while back so I missed the first week of Arena feathers), I asked previously on whom I should promote and was pretty much settled on Catria. However, things changed and I just pulled a 5* Nowi yesterday. So the tough question reopens...
What I have:
Marth: +Spd,-HP. Works OK and is my only answer to Hectors.
Takumi: +Res,-Atk. Really unfortunate nature, but what am I going to do. I relied so much on Threaten Speed which combined with Marth's Spur Speed has done some wonder. My formation until now are pretty much set up around these two guys.
Lilina: +Res, -Def. Not ideal but who else am I using to deal damage to Effies? (Thank god I now have Nowi to help dealing with her) I would kill for Nino or Julia, but as of now I'm out of luck

Raven: Certified failure.
Nowi: +Def, -Atk. Welcome to the team, 1000-year old loli dragon. I'm not a fan of your design tbh but god damn, a much needed good blue!
Notable 4*:
Catria: Really liked her but her priority score just plunged with Nowi's arrival.
Kagero: Effective one-shoter (both giving and getting that is...), but I'm really weary of her dragging my average stats rating behind.
Merric: I have never set my sight on him before just now. I really a need a good mage to counter Effie who has given me so much trouble and my Lilina is just far from ideal in that regard. A good green mage would have been awesome, not to mention their usefulness in dealing with pains in the ass like Robins and Lindes. Unfortunately I just can't get my hands on Nino and Julia after numerous orbs. So, is the weirdo mage with high Def and laughable Res a viable substitute? Mind you, he can't comfortably beat Linde even with weapon advantage for god sake, which is sort of the whole point of having someone green. (Trivia: if you have played FE1/3/11/12, you will know that Linde had a crush on Merric, and in this game she literally CRUSHES him. Just for shits and giggles.)
So, what is my team going to be now? I pretty much have to keep Marth; and Nowi is too good to pass on. Those 2 are pretty much locked down. And then there's Takumi, I want to keep him, even just for the sake of countering fliers, but I'm open to ideas of ditching him for someone with high stats rating.
And then there's also the 20K feather question that's driving me nuts. I suppose as of now, my sensible options will be:
1. Marth/Nowi/Takumi/Linina: doesn't cost a dime. Continue with these and hope some good green mage pops up in the near future so I can replace Linina with it. FemRobin you say?
2. Marth/Nowi/ Takumi/Kagero(bumped to 5*): Cost 20K feathers. Will cry if something like 4* Nino shows up later. Plus Takumi and Kagero combined cost a bomb in terms of ratings.
3. Marth/Nowi/Takumi/Merric(bumped to 5*): Cost 20K feathers. Will cry even harder if Nino or Julia shows up later, but adds some much needed green magic to the table for now, albeit not a very powerful one.
What do you guys think? Thanks in advance.