Aww. I do wish that Arena was about average stat totals. :/ Ultimately, it will become a pigeonholed bucket of a handful of max-potential stat heroes.
These Mastery quests are very nice.
Aww. I do wish that Arena was about average stat totals. :/ Ultimately, it will become a pigeonholed bucket of a handful of max-potential stat heroes.
Pretty sure 4,600 is going to be the minimum for Top 1,000 rank this season.
Woah just had a 264 defense, 3rd 260+ this week, what scores are people getting?
Because I dropped below 5000 in rank I spent my last dueling crests and ended up getting a perfect 7-win streak.
4530 points, up from 4489 or something.
And here's me doing a draw back and drag back that saved my ass.
The positional abilities are way undervalued
They're so so so good
Nah, I dont think so, I have 658 rank at 4586 and my rank barely moved yesterday. No way I lose 350 ranks in one day.
Christ alive. I remember why I don't like reading smartphone reviews.
I don't think they actually killed your unborn child by not having infinite content in the f2p gacha game, in the first month, just because you are at a point where the quests are largely easy.
Spoil this for you now, the game is never going to satisfy you.
I haven't played other games like this so can't comment on what's standard or not, but personally I disagree with the bolded point. I like the battles, they are the meat of the game to me, and I've found the tiny skirmishes I can resolve in under two minute to be quite fun. Raising a variety of characters to have a strong, rounded roster is useful with quests like 'use only Sword wielders' or 'do X with cavalry', it's not just raising them for the heck of it. It's been useful to have a number of 4* characters that I've levelled way past Lv20 as I can tailor strong teams to quests even if they aren't my A-list arena choice. I'm really only just starting to have enough high-level characters to use teams that exploit the skill synergies a bit more, like buffed heavy armour teams that can throw each other at vulnerable enemies or flier teams that can leave half the enemy stranded while they defeat them in detail. I like playing around with that stuff and TBH find it much more interesting than arena where I'm fighting the same few characters over and over again and never seeing 80% of the rest of the is this your first gacha or something? The lack of content right now is completely unacceptable when other similar games start out with a lot more during the first month. This is the first RPG gacha I've ever played where I have felt disappointed because there's absolutely NOTHING to do. Raising characters just for the hell of it is not content.
Nobody is asking for infinite content. We're asking for meaningful content that makes us want to log in every day and actually play. Stop gaps solutions this early into the game is absolutely laughable. Maybe you have low ass standard for F2P games and that's why you don't see what's wrong, but some of us here don't.
What I find mildly annoying is that the increased odds to summon a 5* after each session where you don't gain one don't carry over to the next banner. I rarely have enough orbs for more than 2-3 summoning sessions per banner.Got 20 orbs for a full summon through the new weapon quest .. and got 3 3* and 2 4* .. playing since release and NEVER had any 5* till now .. Come on, how are you guys pulling 5* left and right? That's really annoying ..
Yeah, unless you want to try and do them shorthandedSo, I need a full team of Lance/Sword/Axe users for the new quests?
I haven't played other games like this so can't comment on what's standard or not, but personally I disagree with the bolded point. I like the battles, they are the meat of the game to me, and I've found the tiny skirmishes I can resolve in under two minute to be quite fun. Raising a variety of characters to have a strong, rounded roster is useful with quests like 'use only Sword wielders' or 'do X with cavalry', it's not just raising them for the heck of it. It's been useful to have a number of 4* characters that I've levelled way past Lv20 as I can tailor strong teams to quests even if they aren't my A-list arena choice. I'm really only just starting to have enough high-level characters to use teams that exploit the skill synergies a bit more, like buffed heavy armour teams that can throw each other at vulnerable enemies or flier teams that can leave half the enemy stranded while they defeat them in detail.
More content is good, but if you view the battles and levelling up of a variety of heroes as 'not content' I'm not really sure what you're asking for more of, could you clarify? Again, I don't play these games often, sorry if I've missed the point.
What I find mildly annoying is that the increased odds to summon a 5* after each session where you don't gain one don't carry over to the next banner. I rarely have enough orbs for more than 2-3 summoning sessions per banner.
If you've been playing since launch you must have enough feathers to promote someone by now though- who is going to be the lucky hero(ine)?![]()
Yeah, unless you want to try and do them shorthanded
The ones to gain the orbs are pretty easy, but some of the others require relatively high-level teams.
I don't consider raising character "content" because that's an essential aspect of the game. When I say content, I want something that makes me feel like I'm progressing towards something. For example, most gacha games tend to have event missions that you have to play multiple times a day for a week in order to unlock exclusive or time-limited rewards. While it can be a grind if you're aiming for the best prize, it demands the player to play, which is what you want in a game like this.
That's just one example of something they could do. It would also give a purpose to raising characters because you know you're going to be using them towards something. Right now, it doesn't matter much because you can rush through the majority of the story and all the special missions/paralogues with a high level team, which kills some of the drive. Furthermore, having the same free units pop up again so soon means that people don't have an incentive to play those anymore.
Time to run those rookies through the training towerShould have trained more than 1 unit per kind then.![]()
Sounds like you're holding your own as a 4* team though, that's nothing to worry about. My Catria is also 4* and she's turned out to be much stronger than she looks!I have around 10k feathers right now, as I promoted some 2* to 3* and 4*. Strongest team is made of Gunter, Catria, Olivia and Lilina (all level 39 right now). They fight ok on medium in the Arena, but the highest rank is always full of Takumis ..
Pretty sure 4,600 is going to be the minimum for Top 1,000 rank this season.
I'm just barely scraping by at this level.
4622 here and I'm sitting at 286 right now. Earlier I was at 4574 and was ranked at 935 or something. Not sure how competitive it'll get in the last 12 hours though. I better not get bumped from Top 1000...I used so many dueling swords lol
What team did you use to get that rank?
What team did you use to get that rank?
Eirika, Nowi, Marth, Hector
Almost the same as mine Hector, Nowi, Marth, Linde. But mage low stats probably dragged me down a bit. Have Eirika available so I may try her in the future, sadly mine has the worst IV ever (-SPD +RES).
Almost the same as mine Hector, Nowi, Marth, Linde. But mage low stats probably dragged me down a bit. Have Eirika available so I may try her in the future, sadly mine has the worst IV ever (-SPD +RES).
My Eirika barely ever fights. She just stands there and lets Nino do everything.
Yeah with Nino she doesnt need to do much becasue Nino will kill everything for her. Sadly not mages allowed if I want to top my score(unless I whale like crazy for a +10 mage). I hope IS changes that. It narrows a lot of the char elections if you aim for top 1000.
Sounds like you're holding your own as a 4* team though, that's nothing to worry about. My Catria is also 4* and she's turned out to be much stronger than she looks!
I get stomped by Takumi teams too, as my arena team has two fliers. What I need is some serious heavy armour that can bait him and bounce the hit, but the only one I have is Gwendoline. She's sweet but so defensive, I'd prefer one of the armour units than can hit back harder. Still, looking at the odds I think we have to make our peace with this game that you make the best of what the RNG provides!
what's the current consensus on Julia and Cordelia
Both good. Not the best, but solid choices.
Good work sirtried the hardest level in the arena ones more after your post and trashed two Takumi / Camilla teams. feelsgoodman.gif Lured them into one corner of the map, took the first Takumi-hit with Hector and Lilina did the rest with her really high attack.
so yeah, you CAN survive this game with 4*s only. You just have to use the right strategy.
lolNah, I dont think so, I have 658 rank at 4586 and my rank barely moved yesterday. No way I lose 350 ranks in one day.
Did another pull this morning after all the new quest orbs and got a sixth(!) Henry. I literally have only ever gotten any other character twice. Why do I keep getting Henrys, so many Henrys.
Did another pull this morning after all the new quest orbs and got a sixth(!) Henry. I literally have only ever gotten any other character twice. Why do I keep getting Henrys, so many Henrys.
right? I'm running Selena with my Hector/Effie team. Reposition helps a lot moving their slow asses.
It's reasonable if you're a whale.