What the shit. 3*, level 40 Narcian has better stats than 4* Camilla. Much more useful too seeing as his axe actually damages blue units.
Fake edit: Oh what the fuck, equipping a brave axe lowers the unit's rating by a LOT due to the -spd and lower damage. That's silly. Does it actually affect your arena score...?
Engrish?Why is the new banner just called Battling Robin
That's so weird
Oh well, this banner... just pulled 5* Fir and I can list out many other characters I would prefer.
Pulled on the new banner because... reasons...
3-Oboro (new)
4-Sully (new)
Watch as the next set of bonus units turn out to be Fir,Tiki, Hawkeye, Female Robin, and Maria.
As we all know the bonus characters are just a way to coerce people to roll more to get that arena rank.
so im still in dire need of a green hero
what ya guys think probably should wait for better banners?
so im still in dire need of a green hero
what ya guys think probably should wait for better banners?
Greens in a tricky position at the moment really.
There isn't many of them, and even then a good proportion of them are flying. Flying is too easily countered with how popular Takumi is.
Hawkeye is on the current banner but I don't think he's fantastic unless he improves drastically at 5*. (I own the 4* ver of him).
Definitely. Orbs are in short supply, and none of the current green heroes are worth the risk imo, even though I think Julia is pretty good.
so im still in dire need of a green hero
what ya guys think probably should wait for better banners?
I'm not sure who I want to try to get anymore. I'm pretty happy with my team, though no one is a bonus character this season.
I'm currently running Jakob - Lucina - Nowi - Olivia, and I feel like the team works well towards a slow burning play style that takes advantage of defensive buffs and regeneration.
Jakob and Nowi respectively have rally def and rally resistance, which is good for buffing and placing someone strong as bait. I usually use Jakob or Nowi for this, then follow up when it's my turn with either Olivia dancing someone or just going in with Lucina. For strong melee units I can hit and run with Jakob+Olivia, which takes advantage of Jakob's regeneration. Armored units like Effie and Hector can be kited so that Lucina + Jakob can regen before I take them down. My team usually doesn't oneshot people, but Jakob and Olivia do a great job of helping Nowi/Lucina get kills.
I've been able to beat most teams I've fought this way, though I think I may be weak to very aggressive teams on cramped maps, since my team seems to work based on resilience/winning by attrition rather than by crushing people.
The only thing I might replace is changing Olivia for Azura, since a hard-hitting blue might be nice. Maaayybe change Jakob for a powerful ranged damage nuke, but I'm surprised at Jakob usefulness. His kit didn't seem that good on paper, but he always has something to contribute.
To be fair the best Green physical Hector will always be a long shot. And if you want Nino you'll have to cough up 20k feathers and Camilla isn't bad on offense where you can keep her from Takumi. Julia is pretty nice but I miss out on a bunch of ORKOs (Robin, Tiki) because I don't have a+atk nature which is aggravating.
But yeah overall Greens aren't doing so well.
He really is. He's the reason I no longer fear Takumis, Falchion users, multiple dragons, armored units, and (to a lesser extent) Robin.Jakob being able to debuff defense and resistance at range is really nice. There are some great utility characters that make you wish your team could be 5 characters. Like Azama for instance would be a really cool fifth character.
Anna is actually really good. Not wonderful against Effie because she's reliant on her Spd, and obviously she's physical damage so if you're really just looking for a green mage she doesn't work, but she's got a really solid stat distribution with great skills.
That sounds bizarre. Are the pots still gone?The fuck?
One of my units was level 34 when I shut the game earlier today, after I used some pots leveling my second team. I've come back and now they're Level 27. The other units have also lost some levels as well.
What the actual fuck?
Yeah I got tired of waiting and am now working on my Anna.
That sounds bizarre. Are the pots still gone?
so this is what i'm working with right now
not sure how well this works since three of them all have the same +attack buffs and i'm not sure how much use nino gets out of that. ideally i would probably want azura instead of olivia though
Most people: Oh man, I got trolled by 3 ★ Robin. Damn
Hawkeye is on the current banner but I don't think he's fantastic unless he improves drastically at 5*. (I own the 4* ver of him).
Most people: Oh man, I got trolled by 3 ★ Robin. Damn
If you don't mind spending the feathers, promote Sharena to 5* and you'll have a nicely balanced team with lots of buffs and big numbers.
No. Nino is the whole reason to run a buff heavy team. Read her weapon stats. All buffs, no matter what kind, get added as damage. Except for Atk, it gets added twice. +4 anything is +4 damage. +4 Atk is +8 damage.sharena in place of nino?
sharena in place of nino?
No. Nino is the whole reason to run a buff heavy team. Read her weapon stats. All buffs, no matter what kind, get added as damage. Except for Atk, it gets added twice. +4 anything is +4 damage. +4 Atk is +8 damage.
She is easily one of the units who benefits the most from being buffed. In theory you could make her do 20 additional damage if you manage to +4 all her stats. (+Atk, +Spd, +Def, and +Res) Realistically 12-16 is probably as good as it gets with Sharena and someone else buffing another stat. Eirika would be amazing for that. Nino would love +Spd.
No. Nino is the whole reason to run a buff heavy team. Read her weapon stats. All buffs, no matter what kind, get added as damage. Except for Atk, it gets added twice. +4 anything is +4 damage. +4 Atk is +8 damage.
She is easily one of the units who benefits the most from being buffed. In theory you could make her do 20 additional damage if you manage to +4 all her stats. (+Atk, +Spd, +Def, and +Res) Realistically 12-16 is probably as good as it gets with Sharena and someone else buffing another stat. Eirika would be amazing for that. Nino would love +Spd.
I would replace Olivia actually.
I had no idea
That's pretty crazy. I run a buff heavy team with Sharena. Seems I need Nino.