How is Fae? I'm considering replacing Camilla with her, as she struggles to do her job of picking off Blues, especially Robin. Fae hits Resistance, which Robin has less of, and she has nice supportive skills.
Or Tharja, depending on what colors you need.
She is easily one of the units who benefits the most from being buffed. In theory you could make her do 20 additional damage if you manage to +4 all her stats. (+Atk, +Spd, +Def, and +Res) Realistically 12-16 is probably as good as it gets with Sharena and someone else buffing another stat. Eirika would be amazing for that. Nino would love +Spd.
I have 2 CorrinF's; one with +atk -def and the other -hp +spd. I think the 2nd is the one better to be using/raising because of the +spd, is this right?
I can not for the life of me beat this robin mission, I have a 40 robin (male), 40 hector, 40 lilina and a 36 olivia.. What should I be doing differently? I don't have Camilia or whatever her name is :/
I can not for the life of me beat this robin mission, I have a 40 robin (male), 40 hector, 40 lilina and a 36 olivia.. What should I be doing differently? I don't have Camilia or whatever her name is :/
I had no idea
That's pretty crazy. I run a buff heavy team with Sharena. Seems I need Nino.
Actually, I'd keep Olivia. My team core is Nino, Sharena, and Olivia. Do 12x2 more damage... twice! My fourth is Adult Tiki, she's my tank. She makes Camilla sad, but really dislikes blue magic. But with the Nino-nuke setup, anything blue is... temporary. Robin. Female Corrin. Nowi. Green swords from above!Ah okay, thanks. I'll give that a go then
3 extra speed going from 34spd to 37spd doesn't really do much for her, evaluated in a vacuum. The characters you're going to double because of that gain includes Jeorge, Kagero, Merric, Elise, M Corrin, Palla, Jakob, Roy, Serra, Eliwood, Cordelia, Sakura, and Young Tiki. Within the list probably only Young Tiki will be common enough and troublesome enough. But F Corrin still takes three hits to kill Young Tiki so that's not really an important enough gain in my opnion.
However I would say -def is bad for her if you intend to play her as a debuffer, which requires her to be tanky. I'd say your natures are kind of a wash, it'll depend on the other characters in your team.
Man thanks for the analysis! Even though this game looks quite simple and I seem to do OK I'm properly lost at sea with all this stuff. How would I work out what you have done so quickly? Is there a tool or spreadsheet or something I plug numbers into? It takes me long enough cross referencing my characters against to see what their IVs are (and why are they called IVs..?)
IVs are a misnomer. /shrug
You can use the max stats page, to sort the speed of characters. You do 2x attacks when your speed - enemy speed >= 5. So by going from 34 spd to 37 spd, you are now able to do 2x attacks on characters with 30, 31, and 32 spd which you can see to be the characters that I listed. After that it's just a general familiarity of what each character can do in the list and how dangerous they are.
Understood. Thanks for the tips. I think I need to school up on the nuances past the colour triangle..
One more question; do buffs from multiple allies to the same stat stack?
How does female Robin compare to Cecilia? Are they more or less the same in terms of strength?
I still don't know if multiple spur buffs (i.e. spur attack) stack. But persistent buffs (hone and rally and things like eirika's weapon) do not stack, only the best one applies. In combat buffs (spur and goad buffs) do stack with persistent buffs. Conditional self-buffs (i.e. defiant attack, darting blow) are also considered separately and do stack with the other two.
So you can stack Hone Attack, Spur Attack, and Defiant Attack 3 to get 4 + 4 + 7 = 15attack buff on the same combat round. Can you add another spur attack on top of that? I'm not sure.
I'm not sure if conditional self-buffs work for weapons like Nino/Tharja/Odin's, but in-combat buffs don't and persistent buffs definitely do.
3 extra speed going from 34spd to 37spd doesn't really do much for her, evaluated in a vacuum. The characters you're going to double because of that gain includes Jeorge, Kagero, Merric, Elise, M Corrin, Palla, Jakob, Roy, Serra, Eliwood, Cordelia, Sakura, and Young Tiki. Within the list probably only Young Tiki will be common enough and troublesome enough. But F Corrin still takes three hits to kill Young Tiki so that's not really an important enough gain in my opnion.
However I would say -def is bad for her if you intend to play her as a debuffer, which requires her to be tanky. I'd say your natures are kind of a wash, it'll depend on the other characters in your team.
I disagree with this completely.
37 Speed is a big deal because it lets you double every neutral natured red sword user in the game after speed buff. If your pair her up with Olivia, you can double pretty much anyone after her debuff activates. It also prevents her from being double by +Speed Lucina, and anything in the 39~42 range. The 3 extra Speed is absolutely a game changer, and -hp/spd is easily her best iv combination.
From that list, I'd be really tempted to do a Caeda, Sharena, Nino, and Olivia team.OK so the reason I'm asking is last week I pulled a Nino and read about a buff team with Olivia. On the last page it got mentioned again so reminded me to have a pop at building around Nino..
Which of Olivia, Caeda, Marth, Sharena or Tharja should I use to make up the best team to support Nino? Is there an optimal set off allies to pair up with Nino that I'm missing from this list?
Just spent $20
get nothing but 3 stars over 2 pulls
Don't use Robin as FemRobin can almost guarantee OHKO against him. Who else do you have?
That's why I said evaluated in a vacuum. Evaluating natures and considering the possibility of your other characters giving you buffs is silly because the possibilities increase tenfold. That's not a way to do a single character evaluation.
That's why I said evaluated in a vacuum. Evaluating enemy natures and considering the possibility of your other characters giving you buffs is silly because the possibilities increase tenfold. That's not a way to do a single character evaluation. What if that +spd Lucina you're fighting against also have other characters giving her speed buffs? Then +spd becomes useless again. If we want to go that far, how about we start with calculating the possibility of someone using a +spd Lucina?
Does anyone, anyone know how much SP you get from leveling from 1 to 40?
From that list, I'd be really tempted to do a Caeda, Sharena, Nino, and Olivia team
I don't remember specifics but I didn't have any trouble maxing Anna by 5* level 40 leveling her only slightly above 20 at 4*.
Yeah, in practice there are going to be a lot of random buffs and different IVs on both sides such that rather than being able to count on particular speed deltas in different matchups you're looking at more of a probability distribution of speeds that you're going to come up against even for particular characters. That's exactly why +Spd is such an all-around great property for almost every character, since it'll often come in handy against a huge range of characters. We don't need to do an explicit calculation to observe that she's actually likely to get a much bigger benefit out of having +Spd than just having an advantage over baby Tiki. I mean, Corrin herself is often going to be applying a Spd debuff to things that will attack her next turn.
Does anyone, anyone know how much SP you get from leveling from 1 to 40?
I think it's 1-10: 54 (no SP for level 1), 11-20: 120, 21-30: 180, 31-40: 240
No. Nino is the whole reason to run a buff heavy team. Read her weapon stats. All buffs, no matter what kind, get added as damage. Except for Atk, it gets added twice. +4 anything is +4 damage. +4 Atk is +8 damage.
She is easily one of the units who benefits the most from being buffed. In theory you could make her do 20 additional damage if you manage to +4 all her stats. (+Atk, +Spd, +Def, and +Res) Realistically 12-16 is probably as good as it gets with Sharena and someone else buffing another stat. Eirika would be amazing for that. Nino would love +Spd.
Since we're kinda talking in a world where everyone could have potential access to speed buffs, here's the list of characters that can grant speed buffs to others.
Rally Speed: Caeda/Gaius/Seliph
Spur Spd 3: Jeorge/Lyn/Marth/Palla/Saizo
Hone Spd 3: Laslow/Matthew/Ryoma/Eirika
Depending on which meta you live in (depending on your team composition), it could be common enough or not so common. The reb orb from the family bonds banner is really good if you want to roll a speed buffer at all costs.
So my 5* Lyn hit Level 40 but is lacking a few SP to unlock to last skill I have left open. What now? (Besides pulling another Lyn and merging)
So my 5* Lyn hit Level 40 but is lacking a few SP to unlock to last skill I have left open. What now? (Besides pulling another Lyn and merging)
Female Robin thoughts:
- No colorless triangle advantage. Not the end of the world when healers are pretty rare (though I have to say I think a few might actually -win- vs. Robin) and nobody runs with archers or ninjas not named Takumi or Kagero, but not winning a ranged battle isn't doing her any favors.
+- Defiant Res, which makes her better in the green mage v. green mage matchup that she doesn't really like from the start and will not stop her from getting blown up by green mages not named Cecilia. Of course, the same can be said for Male Robin who hates the blue mage v. blue mage matchup as both of them have shit for Res. At least Defiant Res would give her a shot of surviving another hit, I suppose. Perhaps in time for a critical Ignis proc. idk
+- Ignis. Bonfire is quicker. Ignis hits harder.
+- Anti-cavalry magic. When you consider that there are 13 cavaliers in the game so far (17 including bosses) and consider that there are 20 grays in the game (and two of them are cavalry), it doesn't sound -too- bad a trade. Odd how there's so few cavalry though. I'm pretty sure cavalry would always outnumber healers/archers/thieves. Maybe someday there'll be a cavalry insurgence for her to shine in.
+ Blue mage = (almost) free. Honestly, I'd prefer Triangle Adept so that blue anything would be 100% free. Not like she'll take on a red mage / dragon / swordsman any time soon. Then again, it'd screw with her ability to kill red cavalry. Hm...
As an interesting note, Male Robin, despite WTA, gets roasted by Lilina in a 1v1. Meanwhile, Blue Tomebreaker stops Female Robin from getting roasted by any blue mage, including Linde. Seriously, their Res is -terrible- for the mage v. mage matchup, nor are they the fastest nor hardest-hitting.
I had no problem with Nacien on hard, but I just can't get Robin on hard. I'm going to try to level up my 4* Kagero and see if her being effective against infantry helps at all.
Current team is 40 5* Robin, 40 5* Nowi, 36 5* Elise, and 38 4* Bartre (garbage).
Yeah. She obviously won't hit as hard as a neutral one, but just subrtact three from the numbers we've talked about here and that's what yours can do. She'll still counter Male Robin, she'll still have a severe hatred for the color blue in general. You may want to be more careful when nuking red sword lords with her, though. It's not as safe as it could be if you can't take them out.So is a -Atk Nino still worth it then with the proper team? I know it's not obviously ideal, but her weapon's skill seems to make up for it to an extent.