You must be bragging, right? I would love to have more 5* reds.
No, you can't make a good team with only reds...
Though i finally pulled 1 5* green axe. (Raven)
Really, i want 5* hector and nowi...
Will probably never happen.
You must be bragging, right? I would love to have more 5* reds.
Subaki is a pretty defensive blue.
Why do you want a defensive blue anyway.
Robin sounds exactly like what you're looking for.
Maybe this will help you a bit? I never had a single unit tank 4 hits. I had my Takumi immediately go up and kill off the archer, and then had Olivia dance Takumi, and then Takumi killed the blue mage (OHKO). Olivia (4* lvl 37 with 23 Res?) then tanked the 2 magic hits with 6 HP left.
Maybe if you have two characters out, each taking 2 hits (1 unit takes a phys hit & magic from the top 2 units, second unit takes FRobin & Red Mage attacks), you'd have a chance? Lissa should technically work for the second role, although you may need a cavalry unit to move far enough to prevent Lissa from getting hit a third time. This was my strategy for Hard, but it should work for the normal version.
Given upgrading from 2 to 3 stars isn't all that hard there's no real rush to beat the mission on hard.Normal was fine, I had no problems with it.
This is what I've got on Hard:
I can get Tharja out along with Lissa and in a position to kill the green axe guy, but she then gets killed by the attacks from the others. I've run out of stamina again so I need to wait a bit before trying different configurations. I don't have a Takumi, or an Olivia who can Dance (Dance is 4* and above only I believe?).
Given how F!Robin's actual art turned out, I think I would have preferred it if they'd just used the male version's artwork with a wig.
You might be able to put Minerva northwest of the hole (she'll get hit by green axe and blue mags) and then have a tharja or Lissa just west of the hole (Tharja should wreck Robin right?) and she'd get hit by FRobin and red mags while blue axe gets into position.
I'm not entirely sure what your next steps would be, but that may help you tank the first attack.
I'll try that once my stamina is restored.
Here's the details on the team I'm trying to do this with (everyone else is lower level / lower star rating):
Level your blue and green.
Get them minimum 36 or 37. You got time, then you'll do it easily.
Don't waste that stamina![]()
Given how F!Robin's actual art turned out, I think I would have preferred it if they'd just used the male version's artwork with a wig.
It's impossible within the remaining time unless I start blowing orbs to restore stamina. I want to complete the map, but not so badly that I want to waste a load of orbs on it.
and Sakura had Physcic
and Sakura had Physic (Psychic? Can never remember what it's called)
I got the app login bonus for today, so I blew an orb and tried a couple of configurations but neither of them worked.
Need to wait for stamina to restore before trying more levelling up.
A dancer would probably make it easier. Kill the two top units with your strongest fighter and a dancer, then wait a turn and rinse and repeat.
You can't as someone else mentioned.
I was going to say, "even if you could, what's the point? They'd finish moving after dancing."
Then I realised what could occur.
3 dancers + Takumi.
Takumi moves forward and kills someone. Dancer dances to him and he moves forward and kills another. Then the dancer that hasn't moved moves to the first one and uses Dance. The first dancer moves again and refreshes Takumi and he kills another person. Then the third dancer moves to the second dancer, refresh, second dancer moves to first dancer, refresh, first dancer moves to Takumi, refresh, Takumi kills last unit.
Stage cleared in one turn.
Hey guys, I just pulled a 5* Cordelia. According to the Calculator, she is +Atk -Def. How's that?
Hey guys, I just pulled a 5* Cordelia. According to the Calculator, she is +Atk -Def. How's that?
I got the app login bonus for today, so I blew an orb and tried a couple of configurations but neither of them worked.
Need to wait for stamina to restore before trying more levelling up.
Good enough since you are going to attack twice right away so +atk is excellent. -DEF is a bit bad since she is already squishy but luckily theres not a lot of green you have to worry about. So I would say is a pretty good nature.
Not optimal bu pretty good. Cordelia will probably die when something not red touches her so you might as well go full offensive.
Stupid question. But what's the difference between 5 ⭐️ Vs 5 ⭐️ focus? And if there is a difference how can you tell them apart?
I just drew Fir, who is a 5 ⭐️ focus. And the only reason I know, is that's the only version available :lol
Stupid question. But what's the difference between 5 ⭐️ Vs 5 ⭐️ focus? And if there is a difference how can you tell them apart?
I just drew Fir, who is a 5 ⭐️ focus. And the only reason I know, is that's the only version available :lol
Once you have them there's no difference. The idea is just that there are four particular 5* heroes that you're particularly likely to get for a given banner and so you're much more likely to end up summoning them. Sometimes the focus heroes are heroes that you can't ordinarily pull at 5*. But you're never going to be able to tell whether you got 5* focus Hawkeye or just regular 5* Hawkeye.
Thanks!Focus just means you have an increased chance of summoning them.
Unfortunately, dance doesn't work on other units with dance or sing.
Good enough since you are going to attack twice right away so +atk is excellent. -DEF is a bit bad since she is already squishy but luckily theres not a lot of green you have to worry about. So I would say is a pretty good nature.
Its not 100% optimal (I would say + ATK - min spd is now optimal if you can inherit wary fighter).
But she is a glass unit design best used with a dancer and +ATk is the best mod for her in that role.
Given how F!Robin's actual art turned out, I think I would have preferred it if they'd just used the male version's artwork with a wig.
EDIT: used a bunch of crystals and feathers and now she's level 22, but levelling any higher seems to be hard going.
Wat do?
Fun (and probably illegal) weapon+skill combo that doesn't involve Counter nor Vantage: Gravity + Knock Back. This can severely reduce the threat range of ranged units, effectively forcing them to only ever engage the healer. Not that healers are likely to win a ranged fight, but it seems like a fun stall tactic if they can take two rounds of combat. lol
If the target in question is a melee unit though, gg. 100/0 matchup without a wall or other unit to stop the knockback. Any magic user (or sufficiently strong archer), regardless of Gravity effect, can also win the armor knight matchup for free if they had Knock Back.
Units w/ Gravity: Elise, Lissa, Leo (not healer, but Brynhildr has a similar effect)
Units w/ Knock Back: Barst, Olivia
Kill enemies in the tower. 3SP per kill for enemies near your level.
doesn't seem like anything with Gravity has an open B slot so I doubt it'd be allowed. I expect there to be restrictions on shenanigans like this anyways, in particular knock back or drag back on ranged units,
Arena and arena missions (the missions earn you 1k feathers each and you'll get 1.6k on offence for running a 7 win streak team with a bonus character assuming the stats are high enough. If you get enough points you'll rank and earn an additional chunk of feathers on top of that.How the heck do you earn feathers faster to unlock potential?
i have a lvl 23 4s tiki that needs to be 5 star asap lol