Anyone?What's the difference between the two focus options when summoning? Just what drops?
This game confuses me. When you guys say re-roll, are you referring to redeeming the first set of free orbs you get? I was confused on what colors I should select when using them. I got a bunch of trash. How does this work?
Wait, what do you get for linking your MyNintendo?
Wait, what do you get for linking your MyNintendo?
How do you get the orbs after linking your account?10 free orbs. You can also buy items (stamina potions, battle emblems, and so on) for 100 My Nintendo coins a pop instead of spending real money.
How do you get the orbs after linking your account?
How do you get the orbs after linking your account?
Wish I would have read about rerolling instead of rushing to play the game as soon as I realized it was up.
Oh well.
Never knew the Fire Emblem theme had lyrics.
"Fi-iire Eeem-blem"
Correct. If you don't like your first pull of five characters then you can delete the app and start over.
Once your NNID is linked you can just login and play on another device.
Gotcha, so it's best to go ahead and spend all those orbs right away? Which "set" do I want to pull from and what colors should I choose? I most want a Lucina or Camilla.
So the game tells me I unlocked new difficulties for earlier chapters, but I see no option to change difficulty?
Also the game is EZ mode so far.
Even from iOS to Android and vice versa? Because Android emulation would make rerolling way easier.
Even from iOS to Android and vice versa? Because Android emulation would make rerolling way easier.
Right now I'm under the assumption it'll work, the only time I've seen anything clarified in the FAQ was related to Orbs, stating that Orbs purchased on Android only work on Android, for example. Which is pretty standard for premium currency purchases. I haven't seen anything saying you can't use the same account across operating systems.
Should I reroll?
If I got a 5* and two 4*, I'd consider stopping.Should I reroll?I like Hector (not the art though...) but I couldn't even roll a single girl, lmao.
You monster. I'm still trying to get one.Had a 5 star Lyn but sacrificed her and now I'm kind of regretting it
What's up with dueling swords? Do those come back like stamina?
Gotcha, so it's best to go ahead and spend all those orbs right away? Which "set" do I want to pull from and what colors should I choose? I most want a Lucina or Camilla.