Haven't played F/GO, so i can't speak to what its story is like. The three that I've put the most time into would be Kingdom Hearts Unchained, Terra Battle and Granblue. They're certainly not the greatest stories ever written, but I think they're a magnitude more interesting than whatever this is. So far it seems like you get a dude saying "I'm the monster of the week" at the beginning of the chapter and then the dude tells me "You bested me!" at the end of each chapter with Veronica adding in a little "You meddling kids!" for good measure.Welcome to gacha stories. Most of the ones based of already existing franchises are bare bones and dumb. Fate/Grand Order might be the only exception since the person behind the story writes visual novels for a living.
Oh booI don't have a 3DS.![]()
Welcome to gacha stories. Most of the ones based of already existing franchises are bare bones and dumb. Fate/Grand Order might be the only exception since the person behind the story writes visual novels for a living.
I dunno. One Piece Treasure Cruise, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Fate Grand Order, Kingdom Hearts Unchained Chi. That's four gacha games based on four big franchises. They all have stories which aren't a joke like Fire Emblem Heroes.
Mobius Final Fantasy had a reasonably fun, self-aware story - it wasn't groundbreaking, but it served its purpose well enough. Especially in the context of Heroes, it's worth noting that it managed to incorporate decent extended scenes with its crossover characters (Ultros, Gilgamesh etc.).
I think Chain Chronicle had the best story and unlike a lot of these Gatcha games you could actually reach a conclusion... (at least you could see credits before book 2 started). It's a shame Gumi shut it down because I haven't played a Gatcha game as good as it since.
OPTC is literally the same story as the original though...I dunno. One Piece Treasure Cruise, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Fate Grand Order, Kingdom Hearts Unchained Chi. That's four gacha games based on four big franchises. They all have stories which aren't a joke like Fire Emblem Heroes.
Got a 5* lilina and 5* ogma in my first roll
These are going in the trash
OPTC is literally the same story as the original though...
Why isn't my device compatible lol. I got a note 3.
That is 7 hours of life you can't get back =O Great that you have what you want tho haha I settled with 2 four stars after 2 reroll.After 7 straight hours of rerolling I got around 10 5stars, but never two in one. Almost settled on a solo tiki.
Did an extra hour and I finally won; 5star Tiki, 5star Peri, 4star Robin!
You can just install the apk.
I did and I'm getting an error.
What kind of error ? apk source legit ?
Inside of the game. "Communication error"
Is your device rooted ? Had the issue as well - reinstalling the game helped me.
Hey at least it's reviewing well on App Store. Don't know how much that actually matters, but means people are enjoying the game.
I've been re-rolling since the game came out in US and I haven't gotten any of the characters I want (Marth, Roy, Lyn, Lucina). I'm burned out. I did get a 5 star Corrin, Robin and Tiki but I don't like any of them so I re-rolled......*sigh*
I did get a 5 star Corrin, Robin and Tiki but I don't like any of them so I re-rolled......*sigh*
On my 10th or so reroll, nothing so far. Sigh dont know how much longer I can keep this up lol.
Damn you. I did have Lyn but that same list had her at like B rank and then updated to SS.
Well I need to go to bed and I can't do it at work (no wifi access). Guess I have my weekend planned...
Okay you can indeed link your Nintendo Account to a new save game if you deleted the first account.
So much better than that linked forever Facebook shit that games like Brave Exvius have,
Bravo !!Worked. Thanks!
How? I am in the same predicament.
Downloading on second device now to xonnect with Nnid then unlink it. Hopefully this will allow me to link the new saved game
Not sure if you're going through the entire prologue or not but the fastest way to reroll is to just get the 15 orbs after the first part then the 2 bonus ones from the mail and just pull 4 heroes. It takes a fraction of the time.
I've been on the same banner for over 5 hours. I'm gonna change banners now though to see if something changes for the better.Any of those would've served you well dude.
Sounds like you've been alternating banners, just pick one and keep going at it.
I've seen most of the people here pull 5 but since I'm tired I think I'll do just that.