Damn, so I'm grinding to a halt progress-wise in the middle of Chapter 5. Am I the only person hitting this road block?
Damn, so I'm grinding to a halt progress-wise in the middle of Chapter 5. Am I the only person hitting this road block?
3. Events. Actual events with stories, new characters, and so on. Maybe introduce a new item that gives SP and tie it to events. Exclusive characters. Don't have to be top tier, don't have to even be good, but new characters or even costumes to equip to our characters would be great.
Sölf;229640743 said:Block as in... do you need to wait for your energy to refill? Or are you actually walled by the enemies?
Just been playing through the main story, been a breeze as I guess it's supposed to be. Should I just do the same 5 summon thing again with 20 orbs or be using them for something else?
I keep getting the communication error. Last time I reinstalled I lost my save (RIP Lyn), if I have linked my save does that solve this problem. Or...?
Sölf;229641213 said:Yes it does, but you still need to uninstall and reinstall the game on an unrooted device or you have to go to "data -> data -> com.nintendo.zaba -> shared_prefs" and then delete the "deviceAccount:.xml" file. This can only be done on an unrooted device. Also, you have to connect your account again, but you won't loose any progress.
Also, the final mission on normal requires 12 energy.
Crossover events in particular - continuing to fill out the back catalogue of FE characters and adding appropriate seasonal variations is necessary, but when most of the series' popular characters are there at launch; they're kind of running on fumes as far as worthwhile incentives to keep rolling new characters goes. A properly timed release of the Echoes cast will help, but after that the only source of characters tied to a new release will be FE Switch sometime in 2018. A couple of cameos would help enormously - it doesn't need to be anything huge, but one or two Zelda characters and Peach would be decent fits that could redirect more attention towards the game, like the Mario Kart 8 DLC.
Cross-company events are probably too much to hope for from Nintendo, but Ramza would be amazing.
I came here just to ask this question.
Should I be summoning at first or should I upgrade my castle?
I have to go to an unroofed system? I can't just uninstall the current app and reinstall it?
If people are starved for orbs, you can redeem from the my nintendo website if you got plenty of platinum points.
Game is way too easy. Don't even really have to try. And you can't select hard mode until you beat a chapter on normal.
Sölf;229641429 said:No, you can of course do that. But then you have to redownload everything again. IF you have a rooted device, you can just delete the file above instead of uninstalling, reinstalling and redownloading the whole game.#
Oh, whoops. Yeah, I meant you can only do that on a rooted device.
Game is way too easy. Don't even really have to try. And you can't select hard mode until you beat a chapter on normal.
Doesn't look like you can redeem orbs. Only other stuff, like shards. There is a one time 10 orb bonus, but aside from that you can't just buy them with platinum points
Is this your first gacha game? :lol:
In a month you'll be complaining along with the rest of us how near impossible it is to win unless you've paid for 5stars.
Agree on this. I had to change my party for some battles too, while until then I just brute forced everything.Sölf;229641513 said:Come back once you reach chapter 8 and 9. Especially the last few missions in 9. Even on normal they are ridiculous in comparison to most other chapters. Heck, I had to level a bit just to beat 9-3.
On my need of getting a green spellcaster, I was spending 5 orbs to do one summon whenever I could get a green orb. First one was crap because I already had Gunter.
Second time around when I tried to spend 5 orbs once...
Not what I was expecting but if it deals magic damage then I'm happy. I'm guessing it is, female Corrin has the skill seal resistance and it'd be useless if her attack is physical.
Now to grind levels.
Lon'qu is 3 stars?
Chapter 7 and the only unit I have that can do more than 2 damage is my 5-star Lucina.
Should I reroll? I've already fully graded my castle and redeemed my 10 orbs from Club Nintendo. Plus I got the daily log-in bonus today and yesterday.
I've spent 40 orbs rolling on this account and have one five-star to show for it.
I should probably reroll, right?
I got 3 invites from asian names. I wonder how they even found my code.
I got 3 invites from asian names. I wonder how they even found my code.
Sölf;229642339 said:I guess from dueling. You can send a friend request after a battle.
Sölf;229642257 said:Can't you level other characters? The training tower only requires half energy at the moment. Even 3* are pretty cool, my female Corrin is only a 3* but one of my bulkiest units.
The latter. I was blazing through missions until this chapter - then suddenly the weapon wheel became important.Sölf;229640743 said:Block as in... do you need to wait for your energy to refill? Or are you actually walled by the enemies?
Yeah, I think I have to actually implement strategy now.I experienced that enemies get a tad more challenging and stamina drain faster
and it escalates from there
Sölf;229642059 said:I am pretty sure all dragons deal magic damage. At least my Corrin totally fails against casters... xD
Chapter 7 and the only unit I have that can do more than 2 damage is my 5-star Lucina.
Should I reroll? I've already fully upgraded my castle and redeemed my 10 orbs from Club Nintendo. Plus I got the daily log-in bonus today and yesterday.
I've spent 40 orbs rolling on this account and have one five-star to show for it.
I should probably reroll, right?
Haven't done that yet. (Edit: is it random adversaries? maybe from that then yeah) I got those requests a few hours after launch and still debating if I should accept :lol: