Doing a 5-pull and get 5 3-star characters is such a nut punch.
Changed my settings to tap to confirm moves. I kept making errors before.
The game is addictive and the matches are so quick so I end up playing a lot more than I thought.
Thanks!You're right. There isn't a consistent time -> conversion.
The source is an interview.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. On the "bright" side, there are a lot of 5* characters that just aren't worth it. For instance, spending 2k getting my Lissa to 4* for an upgraded heal is a way better deal than getting my Cherche to 5* for +4 atk and +1 ally def on her skill.You need how many feathers for a 5 star upgrade!?
I guess Raven and Nowi is staying 4 stars forever.
I haven't played THAT much gacha games before this but it really feels like they're stingy with orbs here. Like, I really need more character pulls to get hooked in the first placed, I'm surprised they don't throw more at you for free during the early game. :/
What's the benefit to adding friends by the way?
How much can you upgrade your castle? Currently have 80% xp unlocked.Save your orbs and use them to upgrade the castle instead. Less heartache. That's what I'm doing now!
I haven't played THAT much gacha games before this but it really feels like they're stingy with orbs here. Like, I really need more character pulls to get hooked in the first placed, I'm surprised they don't throw more at you for free during the early game. :/
What's the benefit to adding friends by the way?
How much can you upgrade your castle? Currently have 80% xp unlocked.
2000 feathers to upgrade Robin to 4*.
I have twenty.
Also I have no idea how to get half the items. Sometimes you get shards, but there are bigger shards, in addition to emblems, which also have BIGGER emblems...
Where Is your friend code located?
I think 100% is the last one. I don't have it yet. Need to beat 10 more story missions!
I've gone against him twice in arena and he is way too good, he is like a 4 man team on his own.
I agree upgrading the castle will help you better in the long run due to the exp gain because of it.
Thanks.Click the slab on the bottom left of the Home screen section to go to Friends List. Then click the magnifying glass icon (search icon). Your ID will be listed
I've gone against him twice in arena and he is way too good, he is like a 4 man team on his own.
20,000 to go to 5-star.
Adding friends gets you feathers.
The game is very bare bones atm. Lots of systems missing, resources are stupidly scarce and not a lot to actually do. I mean it's the first weekend after release...there should be a ton of events and shit on right now to bring in the players and get them started.
But then, I bet all the other games started like this. We're just used to titles that have had months and months of post release development.
20k? Seriously!?
This game is going to be pay2win :\
Go to Applications>App Manager>Fire Emblem Heroes>Storage> and Clear the Data... and then open the game again and download the game data... Worked for me, but i have to do the same every 2 hours. Galaxy S6 non rooted.any of you experiencing Support code: 803-3001?
Wait, there's a difference between summoning under Legendary Heroes or Deep Devotion? I thought they were just banners. D:
You have a base 6% chance to get a 5* in each. 3% can be any 5 star, 3% to get the 4 characters shown. Its a minor difference.Wait, there's a difference between summoning under Legendary Heroes or Deep Devotion? I thought they were just banners. D:
How can you tell a character is focused or not? As far as I can tell my Lucina and Tiki are just plain 5*.Yup, you can get the characters on the banner as 5 * characters. But that's the only difference: all the other characters in the two "pools" are exactly the same (last time I checked).
How can you tell a character is focused or not? As far as I can tell my Lucina and Tiki are just plain 5*.
How can you tell a character is focused or not? As far as I can tell my Lucina and Tiki are just plain 5*.
So what is the lower-right runestone? I've beaten the story and that's still sitting there with "???".
There's no difference once you have them. You just have a much better chance of getting a particular focused hero.
Is the cast of Tokyo Mirage Sessions in this? If not do you think they will be?