So I'm up to Chapter 7 in the story and I'm kinda lukewarm on the game as a whole.
I'm not even rerolling lol, just playing through. Really happy to get such a rare unit so quickly, he has Distant Counter too which sounds useful.This is a Fire Emblem game. I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to start with a male character. It's in the rules.
BUT if you want to violate that rule, I would definitely stop with Hector and start playing the game. Any base 5 character is the most desirable imo.
The game just started and the level of difficulty will go up. That pretty much how all gacha games work. If the enemies are easy there's no need for power creep which means no need to summon which means no revenue.
Stat distribution is very important. Imagine an MMORPG/Western RPG where you can't control your state placement and its completely random.
I dunno. One Piece Treasure Cruise, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Fate Grand Order, Kingdom Hearts Unchained Chi. That's four gacha games based on four big franchises. They all have stories which aren't a joke like Fire Emblem Heroes.
So I'm up to Chapter 7 in the story and I'm kinda lukewarm on the game as a whole. While the smaller maps and fewer units are nice because it keeps the gameplay at a bite-size level, the actual quality of that bite is kind of lacking. Maps being small means there's very little room for tactics to be used, It leads to brawls instantly. With only 4 slots for characters, there's not very much in the way of team-building. When you combine that with the fact that evasion and criticals aren't in the game, you're pretty much cornered into running counters or relying on high levels with good stat boosts to overcome taking damage and dealing damage to units with high defense and the like. It feels like units aren't good enough until they hit 5-star after awhile as well.
I'll probably continue playing for the time being and see how fast Feathers can be gathered since I got a 4-star Roy last night but I don't know how long my interest will last considering everything.
I'm not even rerolling lol, just playing through. Really happy to get such a rare unit so quickly, he has Distant Counter too which sounds useful.
He appears to move only one square at a time though which is... hmm
I'm not even rerolling lol, just playing through. Really happy to get such a rare unit so quickly, he has Distant Counter too which sounds useful.
He appears to move only one square at a time though which is... hmm
What's the green ✓ and red ! that sometimes show up on top of enemy units?
What this game desperately needs in terms of long term expansion is multi-stage maps. Sticking to the one screen map idea will kill the game real quick. There should be boss maps at least where you have to clear 2-3 consecutive battles with the same party, carrying death and damage across each one.
What's the green ✓ and red ! that sometimes show up on top of enemy units?
What's the green ✓ and red ! that sometimes show up on top of enemy units?
What's the green ✓ and red ! that sometimes show up on top of enemy units?
It means you should either attack (Green check) or get the fuck out of there (Red !). For example archers completely destroy flying units so if you are moving a flying unit a red I will appear on archers and if you're moving an archer a green check will appear on flying units.
Those are like Super Effective and whatever the inverse of that is.
Bows for example wreck face on Flyers, or if you attack as an Armored unit into a unti with armor pierce that ! tells you its gonna go bad for you.
Favorable/unfavorable type matchup beyond the color triangle. An archer will get green checkmarks on flyers. A flyer will see red !s on archers.
Strengths and vulnerabilities. Green means you are strong. Red means you are weak.
Send your unwanted heroes home, you get rewarded with feathers. The rarer the hero, the more feathers you get.
This obviously hasn't been tested seriously but my impression, based on what I've seen and on my experience with the franchise, is that these maps are small enough and the number of units few enough that you can get by fine without a healer. In fact, I would guess that the meta will favor aggressive play and therefore strong offensive characters rather than tanks or healers.
Does anyone think the prices are kind of unreasonable?
I mean, a full five character summon is 20 orbs, which is 17.99 CAD. That's a lot. Puts me off of even buying orbs at all.
What's the green ✓ and red ! that sometimes show up on top of enemy units?
The hell? I'm out of "dueling swords"? How do I get these? Why did I only have 6 when there's 7 check marks to earn?
The hell? I'm out of "dueling swords"? How do I get these? Why did I only have 6 when there's 7 check marks to earn?
The hell? I'm out of "dueling swords"? How do I get these? Why did I only have 6 when there's 7 check marks to earn?
People pay attention to the story in gacha games?
Man, even games with 'good stories' like FFBE, GBF events, and KH:U I skip that shit as soon as I can.
The hell? I'm out of "dueling swords"? How do I get these? Why did I only have 6 when there's 7 check marks to earn?
So far, this seems fair to my impressions but I'll need to play a bit more today before I give my own detailed thoughts.So I'm up to Chapter 7 in the story and I'm kinda lukewarm on the game as a whole. While the smaller maps and fewer units are nice because it keeps the gameplay at a bite-size level, the actual quality of that bite is kind of lacking. Maps being small means there's very little room for tactics to be used, It leads to brawls instantly. With only 4 slots for characters, there's not very much in the way of team-building. When you combine that with the fact that evasion and criticals aren't in the game, you're pretty much cornered into running counters or relying on high levels with good stat boosts to overcome taking damage and dealing damage to units with high defense and the like. It feels like units aren't good enough until they hit 5-star after awhile as well.
I'll probably continue playing for the time being and see how fast Feathers can be gathered since I got a 4-star Roy last night but I don't know how long my interest will last considering everything.
I enjoyed the story in GBF, at least the chunk I played. It seemed like even some of the events in that game had more thought to them than the main story of this game. I'm just surprised at how barebones it is. There should be something more there for people interested and other people like you who aren't interested should be able to skip it.People pay attention to the story in gacha games?
Man, even games with 'good stories' like FFBE, GBF events, and KH:U I skip that shit as soon as I can.
Are you new to mobile game gambling?
Does anyone think the prices are kind of unreasonable?
I mean, a full five character summon is 20 orbs, which is 17.99 CAD. That's a lot. Puts me off of even buying orbs at all.
Hmm, we appear to have reached a stalemate
Yes. I played Pokemon Go and that's about it in terms of FTP on mobile. I thought Go had pretty fair pricing but it's a different type of game, obviously.
Not mobile, but I play a lot of overwatch and think their loot box pricing is pretty fair too.
Tbh, I think Int Sys made a mistake giving out stamina and should have given out orbs today instead.
People are blaZing through mid game content too quickly right now and late game doesn't seem to be there yet.
Yeah, one of FE's staples is bosses and it's a little anticlimactic when the chapter's "main" antagonist goes down super quick
I agree with this wholeheartedly. It'd fit what the game is doing right on. And actually encourage some tactics.What this game desperately needs in terms of long term expansion is multi-stage maps. Sticking to the one screen map idea will kill the game real quick. There should be boss maps at least where you have to clear 2-3 consecutive battles with the same party, carrying death and damage across each one.
You get 3 per day.
They replenish over time and you can also get more from completing challenges and spending My Nintendo coins.
You get three new ones every day.
you get 3 a day as it refills, or you can use one of those dueling refresh items if you have any.
That's the case with 100% of gacha games, ever. They need time to come out with new content and end game stuff. If you take any mature gacha game and compare it to the game at release, the differences are ridiculous. These aren't the kind of games that you spend 4 hours on every day. There just isn't enough to do and there won't be for a long time.