Has anyone found a solution to the 803-3001 bug? I'm tired of having to redownload the game all the time.
Yeah good luck for getting those feathers needed...
Now that I have a screenshot, cripes, lol. It looks all nice and shit on the surface then WHAM they hit you with the grind.
This makes it even worse. highest streak and not accumulated? You might not even get all you need in 10 weeks if you can't get a strong streak, lol
The random stat distribution makes this game so disheartening. Get an awesome 5*? Oh wait you got a garbage distribution of your stats. Yes the stat total is the same at max, but where it's placed is not.
I also have this issue, did uninstalling and installing fix the issue for you, at least temporarily? I haven't done that cause I don't even know if its guarantee to work.
Do we know what it is causing it? Server loard? something else? I think we are gonna have to wait till IS/Nintendo fix it.
Peri is a goddamned animal. Not that the game is very difficult at the onset but man, she can wreck a map by herself.Just got the game, I got a bunch of horsey people.
This thread is a strange amalgamation of FE fans and gacha gamers. As a guy who fell down the Granblue rabbit hole for about two months, I can say that anyone who considers FE Heroes grindy now would faint at what GBF asks people to do. I saw the mid game grind for top-level weapon pools and just laughed to myself. The game is beautiful and fun in spots but good lord.It's still not too bad in terms of the gacha world. granblue item requirements for the "free" SSR characters were to max level and max skill a guild war weapon, then go through a series of mini upgrades that culminated in throwing a single use item that could be used to limit break your gacha weapons, and was only obtainable either through sheer dumb luck or a time limited multiplayer quest that only restocked the item once every 6-8 months. It's probably on the extreme end of things, but it requires mmo style grinding to obtain some of these characters. A flat 20k in feathers doesn't seem too bad in comparison, plus the game just came out.
So I've been rerolling for about 5 hours now, and I've gotten no rolls with 5-stars. I'm tempted to just go with the next roll... will it put me that far behind?
I've been pulling nothing but four and three stars. I'm gonna be grinding for awhile.Yeah good luck for getting those feathers needed...
You won't be getting that much rolls after initial one so I'd suggest to make that first pull count.
Swords are red right? In that case, blue tomes (mages) should work best, though spears should still be fine. Leveling up can also really help - even 1 or two levels can be a big difference.
Yeah, reinstalling the app fixes it temporarily. I have no idea what's causing the error, but I wonder if it has something to do with my phone being rooted.
I'm already starting to feel disillusioned with the way this game is set up. What's really making me think I'm not going to like the progression structure of the game is that the currency (feathers) for the evolve mechanic is based on how well you do in PVP, so basically the players who already have top-tier teams will be the ones earning the most currency needed to evolve units, when they don't actually need it.
What level are most intermediate duels?
What units are you using so far? I made it to midway Chapter 8 using a team of 2 4 stars (Sophia and Barst) a 3 star (Shanna) and a 2 star (Matthew)Really considering buying orbs. Hard mode and Chapter 6 are both handing me my ass.
The random stat distribution makes this game so disheartening. Get an awesome 5*? Oh wait you got a garbage distribution of your stats. Yes the stat total is the same at max, but where it's placed is not.
Peri is a goddamned animal. Not that the game is very difficult at the onset but man, she can wreck a map by herself.
This thread is a strange amalgamation of FE fans and gacha gamers. As a guy who fell down the Granblue rabbit hole for about two months, I can say that anyone who considers FE Heroes grindy now would faint at what GBF asks people to do. I saw the mid game grind for top-level weapon pools and just laughed to myself. The game is beautiful and fun in spots but good lord.
Welcome to mobile gaming.Decided to give this a go despite not really playing mobile games, barring Final Fantasy Brave Exvius for a while a few months ago.
This is... pretty grim. The story took the most generic route possible, the art is all over the place qualitatively, there's barely any room for actual tactics because of the map size being scaled to phone screens, the battle animations are the same for every character and absolute trash. 3* and below versions of characters are completely irrelevant by the end of the normal story.
It's a game about collecting and upgrading characters where you can't get the characters you want, the only way to upgrade them to maximum potential involves spending around a month focusing on them and the gameplay you partake in to earn the items you need to upgrade the character has basically no meaning or value.
So basically, it's a phone game through and through. Lowest possible effort while hoping for the highest possible reward based on luck, brand recognition and people with dreadful self control. It does some stuff better than other phone games for sure, but it's absolutely not a product worth any investment of actual time or money.
I don't think there's a fully random stat distribution. I believe there are different unit types that are hidden, similar to those found in say Brave Frontier or Phantom of the Kill. I've rolled 3 Lucina so far, and have been monitoring their stats every level up. Two of them have the exact same stat growth point for point each level. The other has a slightly different stat growth, with it currently having 5 less atk but 3 more speed with all of them at level 28. They currently all have the same HP, def, and res. What I'm expecting at lvl 40 is that the 2 that currently are growing exactly the same will end up exactly the same, while the other will end up with less atk but more speed than the other two, with maybe some very slight differences in res and def.
The amount of stats is the same. The distribution is different. People have posted screenshots of max levels units where the speed of attack differed by 10. Maybe there are hidden unit types, but that's still annoying if you are going to have to get 6+ of the same hero until you get the one you want.
3* and below versions of characters are completely irrelevant by the end of the normal story.
Yeah good luck for getting those feathers needed...
What does the speed stat do anyways? I've always been curious. Does that control the multi-attacks?
My team:What units are you using so far? I made it to midway Chapter 8 using a team of 2 4 stars (Sophia and Barst) a 3 star (Shanna) and a 2 star (Matthew)
Hmmm just read on Reddit that the stats DON'T always even out at level cap, so one character could be significantly better than another. That's really lame.
Hmmm just read on Reddit that the stats DON'T always even out at level cap, so one character could be significantly better than another. That's really lame.
Hmmm just read on Reddit that the stats DON'T always even out at level cap, so one character could be significantly better than another. That's really lame.