Where did you read that? I'd like to see multiple level 40 screenshots where the total stat points don't add up to the same. Also that screenshot isn't a good indication since there's a 4 level difference on top of 11 levels left of stat growth that is undetermined.
4 levels can't make up 13 speed. That is an ENORMOUS difference in the quality of the unit, even if they are 4 levels apart.
Two level 40 units. 161 total stats vs. 163. Don't know if their skills could make a difference? Or some other factor. Also have no idea how big the delta could be - 2 stats is not huge but the fact that the stats are different period is a big deal imo.
There are other screenshots out there.
Reddit only proved that level 40 enemy NPC units don't have the same stat totals as level 40 player units.
Hmm? Not sure I am following... I wouldn't expect NPC and player units to have same stats... right?
Anyway, I hope I am way off base.