I'm going to need a link to this.And there's already a cool Zoya on the Workshop!
I'm going to need a link to this.And there's already a cool Zoya on the Workshop!
Yes, seems so. I haven't experimented with logic yet but this is one of the aspects I'm most excited about.wait, you can create a wrestler, "program" it, and let it fight another created wrestler from someone else and see who wins?
I enjoy the game, but I've never been great at games that require you to 'find your own fun' (like Just Cause) in a sandbox environment.
Seems like in Fire Pro, some of that comes from Simming your own matches, fight nights, leagues or federations. Because that would mean having a seperate spreadsheet available where you track wrestlers across multiple nights. The game itself is pretty barebones in the fight night/league/fed department. Am I missing something here?
I'm the same. My own personal aim is to try and build wrestlers that can (sim) beat increasingly difficult AI wrestlers and/or a friend's creation (both with a fixed number of stat points)I enjoy the game, but I've never been great at games that require you to 'find your own fun' (like Just Cause) in a sandbox environment.
Seems like in Fire Pro, some of that comes from Simming your own matches, fight nights, leagues or federations. Because that would mean having a seperate spreadsheet available where you track wrestlers across multiple nights. The game itself is pretty barebones in the fight night/league/fed department. Am I missing something here?
Is there any way to make a Royal Rumble in this game?
Has anyone created Mil Mascaras? He was by far my childhood favorite.
That would be incredible. I'd also love if Fire Pro were so successful for Spike that we somehow end up getting a King of Colosseum III, too.
Hey Squeenix, feel free to join the puro gaming return train with All-Star Pro Wrestling IV, plzkthxbai.
I'm struggling with the Mission where you have to win with a top rope move to the outside. What's the easiest way to get my opponent out of ring. Also, do you have to roll them back in and pin them right after the move or any time later in the match?
This is my controller settings:
wait, you can create a wrestler, "program" it, and let it fight another created wrestler from someone else and see who wins?
I have a dumb newbie question; is there any way to do mid match interruptions, swerves and other WWE style shenanigans?
I'm struggling with the Mission where you have to win with a top rope move to the outside. What's the easiest way to get my opponent out of ring. Also, do you have to roll them back in and pin them right after the move or any time later in the match?
This is my controller settings:
Has anyone created Mil Mascaras? He was by far my childhood favorite.
Doesn't that mission just say high-flying? Not necessarily top rope. Run toward the ropes and hold BIG, you'll dive out, it's pretty precise to line up so it might take a few tries. Also, remember that BIG grapples make the enemy get up stunned once they're wore down. So you probably have time to do one outside, run back in, then hit a diving outside move(toward ropes + BIG when close to them). Another good setup is to throw your opponent into the ropes and run after them, hit a running attack when you're both near the ropes and it can knock them over the top rope to the outside, more often than not they will get up stunned on the outside from this. Leaving you in the ring to either hit a diving attack next to the ropes or line up a running diving attack.
As long as you hit one of those, you can pin at any point.
I did, I need a guy to replace Juice Robinson as the guy who I lock in MMA fights against Minoru Suzuki to feed on for hours XD
I even made a Bullet Club Hunter stable. Mwahahahaha
Looks great! I'm really impressed with the detail of the CaW.
Will the price go up after early access? If so I might just pounce on it.
Looks great! I'm really impressed with the detail of the CaW.
Will the price go up after early access? If so I might just pounce on it.
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
Early Access users will enjoy a lower price. Were still considering the final release price.
Call me a jerk but, isn't a game with these kinda visuals and presentation going to be a tough sell on PSN/XBL? It seems super popular, surely some higher production values would pay for themselves. I mean, I love the game but I can imagine many turning their nose up at it from the visuals alone.
Call me a jerk but, isn't a game with these kinda visuals and presentation going to be a tough sell on PSN/XBL? It seems super popular, surely some higher production values would pay for themselves. I mean, I love the game but I can imagine many turning their nose up at it from the visuals alone.
If they charge $40 for this on consoles and they have no CAW sharing solution it is pretty much DOA
The workshop stuff is so cool
Phew, good to hear
Call me a jerk but, isn't a game with these kinda visuals and presentation going to be a tough sell on PSN/XBL? It seems super popular, surely some higher production values would pay for themselves. I mean, I love the game but I can imagine many turning their nose up at it from the visuals alone.
I will eat you, AND DELETE YOU
As awesome as Fire Pro is, I hope the success this game seems to be having will convince someone to dig up the old Aki engine and do something similar.
I will eat you, AND DELETE YOU
Damn, this is amazing.
I am going to cave and get this on steam. Can anybody tell me if the steam controller will work for this or is there a better option? I only have mouse and keyboard currently.
It's mostly done. Just working on Moves and Logic now so another day or so before it's uploaded.
I really hope they add in some type if Universe mode. Having to keep up with stuff using an excel sheet is a downer.
Any chance they would add something like that? Something that makes it easier to book and play shows out?
OR does anyone have a suggestion on how to handle something like this?
They've done single player stuff before, but nothing that extreme. Spreadsheet probably is the way to go.
One thing I've seen totally crazy hardcore people do is play the booking game EWR and then play the booked matches out in Fire Pro and book the winner based on that match.
They've done single player stuff before, but nothing that extreme. Spreadsheet probably is the way to go.
One thing I've seen totally crazy hardcore people do is play the booking game EWR and then play the booked matches out in Fire Pro and book the winner based on that match.
To say something bad about the game, after so much praise:
I hope the AI and logic works better now after the patch, couldn't test it yet, I simmed a tournament 2 days ago and while 1 or 2 matches were pretty cool, most of them were awful, nobody pinned anyone after a finisher cause it's bugged, almost everyone does their finisher 6-8 times out of the blue and most matches where done after only 4-6 ingame minutes. And yes CPU was on level 10.
It's really hit & miss so far and unfortunately, I didn't really got the "OMG another 2.9 very close kickout, this match is amazing" feeling yet.
Oh and Over the Top rope Battle Royal is garbage, hope they change that very soon. You get eliminated when you fall out under the ropes which is stupid when the match is called OVER the top rope and there is pinfall which you can't turn off.
What the actual fuck.
I need to buy this game today. Can you make arenas like Full Sail?
I used to keep a notebook in the N64 days and book everything out over a few months. Had a top ten and wins and losses did matter.