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First Look at THE FLASH [Extended trailer in OP]

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Amazing CG


What were they thinking?
LOL This looked so corny, I thought it was done on purpose
First half of the trailer was meh... then it got alot better.

Wonder if this is just a trailer for the first episode.

This,Gotham(I hope this one will be good) and Constantine. DC is on the right track.


First half of the trailer was meh... then it got alot better.

Wonder if this is just a trailer for the first episode.

This,Gotham(I hope this one will be good) and Constantine. DC is on the right track.

I believe it's all from the first episode. I don't think they filmed anything past the pilot yet. I agree that DC has some good looking shows this year. I'm excited!


First half of the trailer was meh... then it got alot better.

Wonder if this is just a trailer for the first episode.

This,Gotham(I hope this one will be good) and Constantine. DC is on the right track.

Yes, this is a pilot trailer. Only the pilot (the first episode) has been filmed, thus the trailer is just for that episode. You can also pretty much get the plot of the entire episode in these 5 minutes, but that's alright. The point is it sells the show as a concept.


The trailer looked really good, and i was a fan of the original 90's live action Flash series. I don't know a lot about Flash in the comics, but do that many people know about Flash secret identity as the ones shown in the trailer?


i started arrow this month and finished season 1, starting 2 now..

wtf got into CW? did they get new people in charge? how are they producing such high quality shit now
Mark Pedowitz took over and is making a shit ton of smart decisions in rebuilding.


I like that the pilot seems to fix Barry's motivations when compared to the nonsense in Rebirth by Johns.

TV Motive:
I witnessed a paranormal event which changed my life. I got a career that gives me the resources to analyze and access to investigate paranormal events so I can understand that event.

Rebirth Motive:
I came home to find my mother murdered and my dad professing his innocence while taken away in cuffs. The justice system found him guilty on the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted him to life. I did not find fault with the justice system convicting my dad on insufficient evidence and become an attorney. I did not doubt my dad's innocence in the face of objective evidence convicting him and become a psychologist to understand him.

No, I became a part of the justice system that convicted him. I became a man of science based on faith in his innocence (ignoring the objective evidence which convicted him). I toiled in the sole profession which would never allow me to assist him or anyone else because my biases would render any evidence I touched completely worthless.

If I found exonerating evidence for my dad, it would be suspect because I was his son with the ability and access to manipulate the evidence. If I found condemning evidence for a perpetrator, any competent defense attorney would ask me on cross:

"Mr. Allen, is this evidence reliable? Wasn't your father convicted on evidence? Don't you maintain his innocence despite that evidence? So the evidence is be relied on only when it suits your belief?"

Just the tip of the iceberg with the problems with Rebirth... but at least the TV show seems to sidestepping this error.
I like that the pilot seems to fix Barry's motivations when compared to the nonsense in Rebirth by Johns.

TV Motive:
I witnessed a paranormal event which changed my life. I got a career that gives me the resources to analyze and access to investigate paranormal events so I can understand that event.

Rebirth Motive:
I came home to find my mother murdered and my dad professing his innocence while taken away in cuffs. The justice system found him guilty on the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted him to life. I did not find fault with the justice system convicting my dad on insufficient evidence and become an attorney. I did not doubt my dad's innocence in the face of objective evidence convicting him and become a psychologist to understand him.

No, I became a part of the justice system that convicted him. I became a man of science based on faith in his innocence (ignoring the objective evidence which convicted him). I toiled in the sole profession which would never allow me to assist him or anyone else because my biases would render any evidence I touched completely worthless.

If I found exonerating evidence for my dad, it would be suspect because I was his son with the ability and access to manipulate the evidence. If I found condemning evidence for a perpetrator, any competent defense attorney would ask me on cross:

"Mr. Allen, is this evidence reliable? Wasn't your father convicted on evidence? Don't you maintain his innocence despite that evidence? So the evidence is be relied on only when it suits your belief?"

Just the tip of the iceberg with the problems with Rebirth... but at least the TV show seems to sidestepping this error.

Uh, well.....................

The paranormal event that happened resulted in his mother's death and his father's incarceration and conviction for her murder. No one believed Barry that some lightning blur thing blew him blocks away.


I like that the pilot seems to fix Barry's motivations when compared to the nonsense in Rebirth by Johns.

TV Motive:
I witnessed a paranormal event which changed my life. I got a career that gives me the resources to analyze and access to investigate paranormal events so I can understand that event.

Rebirth Motive:
I came home to find my mother murdered and my dad professing his innocence while taken away in cuffs. The justice system found him guilty on the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted him to life. I did not find fault with the justice system convicting my dad on insufficient evidence and become an attorney. I did not doubt my dad's innocence in the face of objective evidence convicting him and become a psychologist to understand him.

No, I became a part of the justice system that convicted him. I became a man of science based on faith in his innocence (ignoring the objective evidence which convicted him). I toiled in the sole profession which would never allow me to assist him or anyone else because my biases would render any evidence I touched completely worthless.

If I found exonerating evidence for my dad, it would be suspect because I was his son with the ability and access to manipulate the evidence. If I found condemning evidence for a perpetrator, any competent defense attorney would ask me on cross:

"Mr. Allen, is this evidence reliable? Wasn't your father convicted on evidence? Don't you maintain his innocence despite that evidence? So the evidence is be relied on only when it suits your belief?"

Just the tip of the iceberg with the problems with Rebirth... but at least the TV show seems to sidestepping this error.

You I like. Shitting on Johns feeds my soul.


Uh, well.....................
Reread Rebirth. (edit: No, don't. Just take my word and spare yourself.)

In the TV trailer, Barry is THERE while the paranormal event occurs. He SEES it. So becoming a scientist to understand evidence he personally observed is rational.

In Rebirth, Barry arrives AFTER the murder. He doesn't know that it's a paranormal event. He only has his dad's word. The paranormal doesn't enter the picture at all until after Barry becomes the Flash and travels back in time to that point.


Will this show have Buffy/Angel style crossover episodes with Arrow? Or are they both just self contained story lines?
Expect special events where they work together for one/two episodes each season, but mostly self-contained stuff.


I guess i'm watching Arrow this summer. It's good right?
It starts okay, then it becomes good and towards the end of season it becomes awesome, season 2 is even better.

I'm so excited, i can't wait for Flash to start, why can't summer be over, I'm ready for the fall season.
I guess i'm watching Arrow this summer. It's good right?

Watching Oliver lone-wolf it in the beginning of season 1 is a bit rough. When he gets his key partners to play off (Diggle and Felicity in the present, Slade in the flashbacks) it gets much better very quickly. There's about half a season to get to this point. Season 2 jumps it up another massive notch.

Be prepared to hate at least one regular cast member per season. CW can't write shows where there isn't at least one character who's painful to watch (Or as I call it, having a case of the Lanas). Thea is awful throughout most of season 1 and Laurel is fine in season 1, but terrible in 75% of season 2.
I guess i'm watching Arrow this summer. It's good right?

The first few episodes try way too hard to be a Nolanverse Lite, practically stealing elements wholesale from the Bale movies. Except it's on TV, making everything look like a cheap imitation.

Then it finds a sense of humor, stops taking itself seriously, and just runs with it. This carries over in full force in the second season, especially with the prominence of Slade. The recent finale is just so comics and works so well in the continuity they've created.

I'm looking forward to the expansion of the universe with Barry, too.


Looks good looking forward to to having Arrow and this each week. Are they going to start introducing crazier stuff into Arrow now, it's been pretty empty of any superpowers and the like really with the closest being Slade and Mirakuru.

Also, do we know what's going on with The Flash in regards to Batman vs. Superman? I think he's like one of the only main ones I haven't see any casting stuff about unless I've missed it?


Looks good looking forward to to having Arrow and this each week. Are they going to start introducing crazier stuff into Arrow now, it's been pretty empty of any superpowers and the like really with the closest being Slade and Mirakuru.

I hope not. Wouldn't really fit into Arrow and would blur the lines between this show and Flash. I hope they stick mostly to humans with ocassional low level power dude, like Slade.


Looks good looking forward to to having Arrow and this each week. Are they going to start introducing crazier stuff into Arrow now, it's been pretty empty of any superpowers and the like really with the closest being Slade and Mirakuru.

Oh I doubt it.


Then it finds a sense of humor, stops taking itself seriously, and just runs with it. This carries over in full force in the second season, especially with the prominence of Slade. The recent finale is just so comics and works so well in the continuity they've created.
What? One of my few gripes with Arrow is that is still takes itself way too seriously. Especially the B-plots are bad at this, with cringeworthy filler to pad out the (way too many) episodes.


What? One of my few gripes with Arrow is that is still takes itself way too seriously. Especially the B-plots are bad at this, with cringeworthy filler to pad out the (way too many) episodes.

There's definitely a lot more humor in S2 and the show turned more comicbooky. It's still pretty serious overall though, which is good, because it fits this type of hero. Plus screw short seasons. Cable-like season of Arrow would be terrible.
There's definitely a lot more humor in S2 and the show turned more comicbooky. It's still pretty serious overall though, which is good, because it fits this type of hero. Plus screw short seasons. Cable-like season of Arrow would be terrible.

Until Ollie starts making all those wise cracks we know him for this show is still serious to me.
What? One of my few gripes with Arrow is that is still takes itself way too seriously. Especially the B-plots are bad at this, with cringeworthy filler to pad out the (way too many) episodes.

The show is still on the CW, and so does have its fair share of soapy moments. I meant it relatively also; those first few episodes were cringeworthy in how much they emulated the Nolan movies. But you said it yourself-- the seriousness now is almost all relegated to the B-plots. The Arrow-centric story? They know exactly what they're doing. Things like Slade's ridiculous comic book villainy and the show's self-awareness (especially those genius middle fingers to Olicity shippers, of which the finale was the epitome) make this show for me.

Compare with the extended trailer for Gotham, which had its head so far up its own ass that Bat-ears are impaling its spine. Its misguided attempts to dredge up the mythos don't help either.

Barry will lighten the tone of the universe even further. Even Ollie was smiling under the hood during the preview, which almost never happens.
Meh, I don't know. The new marvel movies have made me really dislike boring DC, I'll probably skip this. It's not like Flash is the most interesting character to watch either.

I'll stick to waiting for new Heroes.
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