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First No Time to Die Reviews


Movie was f*cking wank. Don't make a Bond movie if you're afraid of everything that makes Bond Bond.

Avoid this absolute piece of crap and go watch Dune instead.
There was plenty of the stuff that makes Bond Bond, just mixed in with a lot of woke Bond for the next generation. Despite all the woke, though, the film was phenomenal. My ratings for the Craig Bond films are as follows.

1. Casino Royale
2. No Time to Die
3. Skyfall
4. Spectre
5. Quantum of Solace


There was plenty of the stuff that makes Bond Bond, just mixed in with a lot of woke Bond for the next generation. Despite all the woke, though, the film was phenomenal. My ratings for the Craig Bond films are as follows.

1. Casino Royale
2. No Time to Die
3. Skyfall
4. Spectre
5. Quantum of Solace

I like how the Craig era is the reverse Star Trek rule. Where with Trek the even numbered movies were the good ones, with Craig it's the odd numbered ones.

The Skull

Saw it. Very meh considering how many people I know are raving about it. Some decent action but for the most part it was a mess of a movie from a narrative perspective and the villain was trash tier.
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I like how the Craig era is the reverse Star Trek rule. Where with Trek the even numbered movies were the good ones, with Craig it's the odd numbered ones.
I’d agree, but QoS is also an odd number, and that was just…ugh. The only two redeeming scenes were the opening car chase and the scene set at the opera. Everything else about that film was entirely forgettable.


I’d agree, but QoS is also an odd number, and that was just…ugh. The only two redeeming scenes were the opening car chase and the scene set at the opera. Everything else about that film was entirely forgettable.

QoS is the second Craig movie. Even numbered.

And as bad as it is, I can somewhat forgive it due to them filming it without a script and due to Strawberry Fields.


QoS is the second Craig movie. Even numbered.

And as bad as it is, I can somewhat forgive it due to them filming it without a script and due to Strawberry Fields.
Yeah, I just re-read your post. For some reason, my mind had accepted my film rankings as the release order of the films. I really need sleep.
There was plenty of the stuff that makes Bond Bond, just mixed in with a lot of woke Bond for the next generation.

Woke Bond is an oxymoron, like wanting dry water.
Don't make a f*cking Bond movie if you can't deal with the character being who he is, make something else instead.

Nobody wants to see Bond becoming a daddy of a 5 year old girl only to pointlessly die in the end. If I want to see family drama, I'll watch a dumb soap opera. What's the point in making a Bond movie, if you subvert every single core aspect of the character? By this point they are just milking the franchise for its brand recognition, but apart from the name this is not a Bond movie.

Sure the media shills are going to love it for its subversion of the protagonist alone, but they don't give a crap about the character either. F*cking hell, a true 60s era Bond would be more daring in today's Hollywood climate than this tepid piece of shite.


Woke Bond is an oxymoron, like wanting dry water.
Don't make a f*cking Bond movie if you can't deal with the character being who he is, make something else instead.

Nobody wants to see Bond becoming a daddy of a 5 year old girl only to pointlessly die in the end. If I want to see family drama, I'll watch a dumb soap opera. What's the point in making a Bond movie, if you subvert every single core aspect of the character? By this point they are just milking the franchise for its brand recognition, but apart from the name this is not a Bond movie.

Sure the media shills are going to love it for its subversion of the protagonist alone, but they don't give a crap about the character either. F*cking hell, a true 60s era Bond would be more daring in today's Hollywood climate than this tepid piece of shite.

It's not subverting this Bond AT ALL. He probably would've ran off with Vesper if she wasn't a backstabbing bitch who died.


Gold Member
Bond is gonna be in a weird place if they start doing a lot of serialized storytelling without having a consistent creative team film to film. Every actor change is already a bit chaotic but if there are story beats that need to be made the task is even harder. I can already imagine they are trying to figure out how to bring back Bardem from Skyfall.



+ visual story telling
+ action set pieces
+ decent cast both new and familiar faces

- pacing and long stretches of soap opera boredom
- underdeveloped villain with an evil garden centre, world domination has never felt so mediocre
- no decent bad guys or henchmen and lazy twist and character who was reintroduced to just die
- is Bond a product of bygone era or a hero? the story can't decide

this felt like a farewell to Craig but overly long, a Bond season finale to tie up loose ends instead of a solid standalone film

Casino Royale remains the best, followed by Skyfall (Spectre can fuckuckoo off as always)

I give this DB5 out of 10
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Woke Bond is an oxymoron, like wanting dry water.
Don't make a f*cking Bond movie if you can't deal with the character being who he is, make something else instead.
Well Casino Royale established that Bond wasn't a psychopath, and was prepared to give up being a spy to settle down. So in some sense the "subversion" of the character has already happened, since Craig's Bond was already established as a character who wanted a "real" life, but was forced to give it up in service to his country.

The interesting question was always, does Bond get to retire, and does he get to live his own life. The answer this movie gives is no. He can't have a family because he is too much of a danger to them. Ultimately he puts the completion of the mission ahead of his daughter's life, and dies saving the rest of the world. To me that sums up the essence of Craig's Bond. Not inhuman, but prepared to give almost everything.



james bond deal with it GIF


Movie was f*cking wank. Don't make a Bond movie if you're afraid of everything that makes Bond Bond.

Avoid this absolute piece of crap and go watch Dune instead.

Lol, Franchise fanboys, doesn't matter which franchise we're talking about, Star Wars, Star trek etc,etc, they're all just so toxic.

It's like they're always having their toys taken off them and the only response is to throw a tantrum.


Woke Bond is an oxymoron, like wanting dry water.
Don't make a f*cking Bond movie if you can't deal with the character being who he is, make something else instead.

Nobody wants to see Bond becoming a daddy of a 5 year old girl only to pointlessly die in the end. If I want to see family drama, I'll watch a dumb soap opera. What's the point in making a Bond movie, if you subvert every single core aspect of the character? By this point they are just milking the franchise for its brand recognition, but apart from the name this is not a Bond movie.

Sure the media shills are going to love it for its subversion of the protagonist alone, but they don't give a crap about the character either. F*cking hell, a true 60s era Bond would be more daring in today's Hollywood climate than this tepid piece of shite.
I think it was an entirely fitting end to Craig's Bond.

I've enjoyed Craig's Bond a lot. It's been a nice refresh. But yes, I would like Eon to go back to a more fun, fantastical Bond but with plots based on current events ala Brosnan's Bond.

I'd love it if they did a proper North Korea one. That would be fun. A China based one would be cool, but for now at least they won't want to give up that market to make it.

But to call Craig's Bond 'crap' is incredibly close-minded and rather silly.

Well Casino Royale established that Bond wasn't a psychopath, and was prepared to give up being a spy to settle down. So in some sense the "subversion" of the character has already happened, since Craig's Bond was already established as a character who wanted a "real" life, but was forced to give it up in service to his country.

The interesting question was always, does Bond get to retire, and does he get to live his own life. The answer this movie gives is no. He can't have a family because he is too much of a danger to them. Ultimately he puts the completion of the mission ahead of his daughter's life, and dies saving the rest of the world. To me that sums up the essence of Craig's Bond. Not inhuman, but prepared to give almost everything.


He doesn't just give his life for the mission (due to bleeding heavily). He does it because he knows that he will never be able to touch his family ever again without killing them, so would rather not put them or himself through that agony.
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No, it's EXACTLY that. The fact that you can't see it is why the outrage YouTube grift is a thing.

These are interviews with the actress - not articles based on leaks.
I remember they did the same with Shang-Chi and a few others. If it wasn't about a woman in the movie, it was about a race swap or something else... They're already doing it with Indiana Jones 5.
I don’t know what was said about Shang Chi but you can’t blame people for being skeptics - we’ve seen what happened to Star Wars, for example.
I've enjoyed Craig's Bond a lot. It's been a nice refresh. But yes, I would like Eon to go back to a more fun, fantastical Bond but with plots based on current events ala Brosnan's Bond.
I'd love it if they did a proper North Korea one. That would be fun. A China based one would be cool, but for now at least they won't want to give up that market to make it.

Nah man, there's no coming back from what they did to Bond in this movie.
Hollywood has become afraid of its own creations, it's pathetic really.


Straight to the insults because you're triggered that somebody didn't like a movie. You just here to throw around ad hominems?

Stick to discussing the movie or bugger off, I'm not interested in your pathetic attempt at looking for beef.
It’s not really an insult, it’s an observation on how narrow-minded you’re being about this movie. You’re completely slating it because the film doesn’t live up to your ‘BOND MUST BE MANLY AND WHITE’ expectations. It’s ridiculous, and the only one being pathetic here is you, my friend. You need to grow up and set your expectations at a realistic level, and accept that the 60’s era Bond is long gone.

On a side note, I don’t need to look for beef. I have some here. It’s in the fridge, ready to roast layer, along with some roast potatoes, parsnips, carrots, and Yorkshire puddings. Jelly? You should be.


I'm astounded by what kind of garbage as script on that level of film-making. First half (maybe little less) was great. It was more like what Craig's bonds have used to been. Reminded a bit of License to Kill.

The rest was a collection of all the 70s/80s Bond cliches put together: remote islands, labs, men in hazmat suits, plane which is also a sub, a philosophical villain who has an unexplained want to destroy the world...

Two unnecessary bad guys bringing the total to four. Cut away the two bigger name baddies and you have a bit less fluff and a bit more coherence to the plot.

And the ending was for all the wrong reasons if you reallt decide to make a personal story, theb at least make the ending about that, not just "because".

So many plot holes, so many rushed scenes which served only to hastily close some arcs

Infuriating as I really liked t first and then some parts here and there (pre-credit, Ana de Armas, the long take, the brilliant corridor shot) but Malik's baddie being pointless and the whole plot stupid even on scale of Bond films made it more disappointing.

The previous movie was just utter shit and I hated it through and through. This had potential
It’s not really an insult, it’s an observation on how narrow-minded you’re being about this movie. You’re completely slating it because the film doesn’t live up to your ‘BOND MUST BE MANLY AND WHITE’ expectations. It’s ridiculous, and the only one being pathetic here is you, my friend. You need to grow up and set your expectations at a realistic level, and accept that the 60’s era Bond is long gone.

On a side note, I don’t need to look for beef. I have some here. It’s in the fridge, ready to roast layer, along with some roast potatoes, parsnips, carrots, and Yorkshire puddings. Jelly? You should be.

That's a lot of salty straw-manning for somebody who so desperately tries to sound cool.
If you enjoy this fake facsimile of a Bond character that's fine, but don't go around attacking people for not appreciating the subversion of everything that made the original character so appealing in the first place.

Holy f*cking christ man, don't tell other people to "grow up" when you're that hellbent on castigating others for merely daring to not enjoy a vapid entertainment product.
How hollow and empty is your life if you feel the need to generate so much hostility over something so trivial? That's juts sad, man.

Maybe a slice of that 60's Bond manliness would do you some good.
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The new 007 was treated like a side character rather than a proper member of the team. She was babysitting unfunny Russian scientist for most of the time. Goldeneye had a better dynamic with rogue 009. They were on equal footing with different motivations. This was contrived, based on 'look a female, black 007, pls clap' and they didn't even make an effort to build her character. The trailers made it into a big deal but they didn't have the conviction to follow through.

Blofeld bionic eye may as well be out of a parody film so stupid.

James you dinosaur, y u no dead. Actually we need u pls. The number 007 means nothing, oh wait it does, actually nah, but I'm 007 right? What a load of bollocks.

The movie wants to be traditional, modern, break with the key elements which make Bond and be respectful. It doesn't work. Felix Lighter was done dirty, Bond didn't even get to kick the shit out of CIA agent.


Gold Member
The new 007 was treated like a side character rather than a proper member of the team. She was babysitting unfunny Russian scientist for most of the time. Goldeneye had a better dynamic with rogue 009. They were on equal footing with different motivations. This was contrived, based on 'look a female, black 007, pls clap' and they didn't even make an effort to build her character. The trailers made it into a big deal but they didn't have the conviction to follow through.

Blofeld bionic eye may as well be out of a parody film so stupid.

James you dinosaur, y u no dead. Actually we need u pls. The number 007 means nothing, oh wait it does, actually nah, but I'm 007 right? What a load of bollocks.

The movie wants to be traditional, modern, break with the key elements which make Bond and be respectful. It doesn't work. Felix Lighter was done dirty, Bond didn't even get to kick the shit out of CIA agent.

007 babysitting the scientist made no sense because their mission was to terminate him. The script desperately wanted 007 to join Bond on this mission but there was no legit reason to do so, so they filled time by having her babysit the guy only for her to kill him anyway in the most campy, schlocky way.

And "Blofeld's eye unlocked" may very well be the most cringiest line ever uttered. That was ultra dumb.



These are interviews with the actress - not articles based on leaks.

And they're sensationalist clickbait that drive outrage because it doesn't represent what ACTUALLY happens in the movie.

But of course people here don't care about that.
You do realise/remember that 60’s Bond was sexist, chauvinistic, and pretty damn rapey. If that’s what you look up to, well…you do you.

Why am I not surprised to see our resident eunuch raining praise upon this anemic reinterpretation of a Bond?
This right there clearly shows that you know nothing about this character really.

Seems to me you never really cared about Bond or the quality of this movie, you're just gleeful they castrated yet another "white cis male power fantasy".


Why am I not surprised to see our resident eunuch raining praise upon this anemic reinterpretation of a Bond? This right there clearly shows that you know nothing about this character really.

Seems to me you never really cared about Bond or the quality of this movie, you're just gleeful they castrated yet another "white cis male power fantasy".
You’re posting on the wrong forum, pal, ResetEra is the other way. Go join in the conversation there and enjoy your circle jerk over 60’s Bond.

Oh, FYI, I am a Bond fan. I’ve seen every movie. And I still stand by my comment about Cold War-era Bond being a chauvinistic pig who forced himself on women. Like I said, if that’s your jam, then so be it. I’m happy with the Bond Craig portrayed.

The Skull

Also that Russian scientist felt like a parady of Borat up the point where he randomly flips out at the female 007 saying he'll exterminate her race. Legit came out of nowhere.
You’re posting on the wrong forum, pal, ResetEra is the other way. Go join in the conversation there and enjoy your circle jerk over 60’s Bond. [...]
And I still stand by my comment about Cold War-era Bond being a chauvinistic pig who forced himself on women. Like I said, if that’s your jam, then so be it. I’m happy with the Bond Craig portrayed.
You do realise/remember that 60’s Bond was sexist, chauvinistic, and pretty damn rapey. If that’s what you look up to, well…you do you.

james bond smoking GIF by CraveTV

You are the one getting overly hostile over a simple difference in movie tastes, only to then insinuate that you somehow treat women badly if you like watching old Bond movies.
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Gold Member
Ian Fleming, when asked what he looks for in a woman, said ‘She should be double jointed and make an excellent Bernaise sauce’.

For those who have not read any of the novels, Bond is a psychopath. If people realised that Fleming essentially created Patrick Bateman before Bret Easton Ellis was even born, then they would understand why it *does* matter that his martini is ‘shaken and not stirred’.

He doesn’t care about women because he is a serial killer.

But I suppose it helps simpletons to pretend he reads The Guardian and cares about Global Warming.


Casino Royale was more progressive than this anyway and it did it while being true to Bond as a character. They've been circling the drain for the last 9 years now with Craig. Giving him a long emotional arc over two fairly average movies has been dire for the franchise. He really should've gone out on a high after Skyfall.


It’s not really an insult, it’s an observation on how narrow-minded you’re being about this movie. You’re completely slating it because the film doesn’t live up to your ‘BOND MUST BE MANLY AND WHITE’ expectations. It’s ridiculous, and the only one being pathetic here is you, my friend. You need to grow up and set your expectations at a realistic level, and accept that the 60’s era Bond is long gone.

On a side note, I don’t need to look for beef. I have some here. It’s in the fridge, ready to roast layer, along with some roast potatoes, parsnips, carrots, and Yorkshire puddings. Jelly? You should be.
We are talking about escapists fictions stories here not real life. Who the fuck told you that a fiction work has to conform to anything in real life, in principle people can do whatever they effing want with their art. Your argument is as retard as expecting other fiction work like game of thrones to not sexualize women because some woke jagoffs tell us how man and women dynamics should be be portrayed in 2021.
You do realise/remember that 60’s Bond was sexist, chauvinistic, and pretty damn rapey. If that’s what you look up to, well…you do you.
Found the woke justice warrior.
Jesus, you cant help yourself throwing around "chauvinistic" and "rape" at everything, can you?

  • Why cant you respect the characters traits that made the character his name and recognition?
  • Why cant you respect the characters traits that made its fan base?
  • Why cant you respect the fanbase that make possible thee life and continuity of james bond?
  • Do you think that only men are fans of james bond?
  • Do you think the women who likes james bond since the 60s think that james bond is a disguting sexist, chauvinistic man?
  • Why do you dismiss all these people?


Gold Member
If I cared enough I would put in Sean Connery in the bottom. But I don't, because folks who disparage fans of classic Bond atent worth the effort.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
wow reading through the impression in this thread, people hated it? wth, critics loved it. I am so excited for my IMAX screening next weekend
And they're sensationalist clickbait that drive outrage because it doesn't represent what ACTUALLY happens in the movie.

But of course people here don't care about that.
Clickbait driven by the studio then - unless the actress took it upon to give these interviews to drum up something that doesn’t actually happen in the movie.
wow reading through the impression in this thread, people hated it? wth, critics loved it. I am so excited for my IMAX screening next weekend

I saw it in IMAX. I thought visually it was just good. But the sound was outstanding!

Also I didn't hate it either. But I am mixed on it. I put my review of it in the spolier thread.

The plot of this movie is straight up Metal Gear Solid 4! Kojima should be talking to his lawyers lol.
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