Look...I'm not even one to comment on this. I don't think I've ever read a comic book in my life, and I don't think I've watched the original Superman ever. But, really...this costume doesn't piss me off, and I don't think these countless edits are doing anything to help it, really. The Superman costume is always going to look lame. Now, that's not to say that it's bad, but it's a blue and right suit to begin with. It will always have that intrinsic reality of lameness.
But, I think this looks fine. I do not believe there is anything intrinsically wrong with this; I believe that this is, indeed, pre-judgment of a costume that is seen in ONE Promo shot.
Bitch about it in motion in June, and then you have something tangible. For now, you're overreacting to a picture of a suit. It is your right to be angry with it; it is also your civic duty to tone it down a notch when the point has clearly been made.
I'm bitching about a costume that totally doesnt resemble the Superman this is supposed to be based on.
And sorry...but that's NOT a fanboy comment? That word CAN'T be used here? I mean, really now. It's red, it's blue and it has an S on it. It "Resembles" Superman. Don't act as if they've made it purple, because based on that comment you'd swear they would have.