You know what? I do actually. I've never really thought about it. Must be good karma! He gave me some soft caramel coated with expresso chocolate. It was beyond great!
Sweets Handmade Chocolates or Rocky Mountain Chocolate?
You know what? I do actually. I've never really thought about it. Must be good karma! He gave me some soft caramel coated with expresso chocolate. It was beyond great!
100 to 150 a day.
Almost no processed carbohydrates. My diet consists of these foods mainly:
-Chicken Breast
-Salad Mix
-Grape Tomatoes
-Brussels Sprouts
-Feta Cheese
-Olive Oil
Sometimes i will make apple carrot juice. Once every 2 days. 1 apple and 2 carrot stalks.
It's consistent on a weekly basis because these are the only things I buy from costco and I cook most of my meals.
Every now and then I will throw in some brown rice or whole wheat pasta. Maybe once or twice a week. I do not buy snack foods, bread or use white sugar. Do not drink sugary drinks.
Heres a pretty much standard bi-weekly grocery run
The most challenging thing when it comes to diet and lifestyle is drinking. I live in NYC where the only thing to do at night is drink and eat. When the weather gets good and you go to a club, its near impossible to not drink. I can go to a bar and be fine without drinking, but once I go to a club the vodka just pours.
Um...straight from the guy you're linking...
It's useful but not needed.
Read the rest of the thread. He says cardio is the best fat burner.
This. Won't be sustainable. And if he is able to sustain it, then he effectively just undermined his own abilities.
But he doesn't even do it and he's absolutely shredded.
But he doesn't even do it and he's absolutely shredded.
Cardio is definitely not needed. I think it is more important the leaner you get since you don't want to keep dropping calories at some point you'll want to offset with cardio.
Depends on what your goals are. If you want abs than cardio is very helpful is getting from 12%-7%. Cardio+Diet=6 pack
lol you should be seeing abs at 12% if you lift properly. No cardio needed but yes, trying to get below 10%, you probably going to need it.
I'm moreso talking about people with higher bodyfat though, that's why I said it gets more important the lower your bf is.
I'm certain of it, you have a foundation that I doubt anyone would tell you that you aren't ready.If I ever decide to, it will be glorious. Since I won't lose them gains or have to PCT but I don't really care so I'm not sure I would.
Jogging at a steady aerobic pace. Walking is steady but its not nearly as effective as jogging.
100 to 150 a day.
Almost no processed carbohydrates. My diet consists of these foods mainly:
-Chicken Breast
-Salad Mix
-Grape Tomatoes
-Brussels Sprouts
-Feta Cheese
-Olive Oil
Sometimes i will make apple carrot juice. Once every 2 days. 1 apple and 2 carrot stalks.
It's consistent on a weekly basis because these are the only things I buy from costco and I cook most of my meals.
Every now and then I will throw in some brown rice or whole wheat pasta. Maybe once or twice a week. I do not buy snack foods, bread or use white sugar. Do not drink sugary drinks.
Heres a pretty much standard bi-weekly grocery run
I'm sure that's so, but I find jogging a bit too hard on my joints. I would ride my bike more, but I'm worried it's going to hurt my squats too much.
I'm certain of it, you have a foundation that I doubt anyone would tell you that you aren't ready.
lol you should be seeing abs at 12% if you lift properly. No cardio needed but yes, trying to get below 10%, you probably going to need it.
I'm moreso talking about people with higher bodyfat though, that's why I said it gets more important the lower your bf is.
Tahoe City Chocolates!Sweets Handmade Chocolates or Rocky Mountain Chocolate?
What would you do if someone unracked 315 as if to shrug, then proceeded to nod their head up and down for ten reps? Then they put on two more plates and did it again, then left the whole setup for someone else to clean off? What is this I don't even
I've had to clean that off the front (!) of the power rack twice before and I could not figure what could possibly be accomplished with that setup. The answer is nothing, nothing at all.
Find a parking lot, put your car in neutral and push it 5x100m two times a week. Your legs will get bigger, your joints won't take a pounding and you will burn fat by the truck load, plus you'll look like a beast doing it.
f'ing diet mountain dew. have it every day with my post workout meal.
once I hit 12%, imma stop the cutting and go into a lean bulk. That being said, I feel better now at 231 than I did at 240. Dat fat loss.
I should really give this a try sometime. Do you do that on the same day you lift?
I only just learned this recently through jason blaha. Seems like you have to be in it for the long haul otherwise suffer some consequences. I don't want to be dependent at a young age. It's no wonder people get stuck in the steroid vortex, you're at an all time high and then crash so it's natural to want to feel like superman again. Jason's philosophy seems to be more anti recreational, and only for those serious about their gains. Personally I want to hit a 600lb deadlift, and I want to reach this goal through my own volition.Would never even consider it though if I had to pct. I've heard that makes you depressed plus losing your gains. It's gotta be frustrating.
Would never even consider it though if I had to pct. I've heard that makes you depressed plus losing your gains. It's gotta be frustrating.
I only just learned this recently through jason blaha. Seems like you have to be in it for the long haul otherwise suffer some consequences. I don't want to be dependent at a young age. It's no wonder people get stuck in the steroid vortex, you're at an all time high and then crash. His philosophy seems to be more anti recreational, and only for those serious about their gains. Personally I want to hit a 600lb deadlift, and I want to reach this goal through my own volition.
The fact that you lose your gains once you cycle off would be the most depressing thing for me. I say that impacts me more than any other health side effect. Prolly my #1 reason why I would stay away.
I space it out so that it's never within 48 hours of legs, but it almost always follows a upper body power day.
It's a great total body workout, it really hits your glutes & quads hard. I try to get low and push it while almost being parallel to the ground, if you can do it on an empty stomach even better.
Okay, need some advice (again). I'm looking to add BCAA to my supp stack. But I'm pretty confused on what I should be looking for. What makes a good BCAA supp? Abd what's the difference between a product labeled BCAA and just Amino?
Nuts shrinking is my number 1.
Even if you don't want to PCT, you have to weigh the damage it's doing to your body too. Having no hair, high cholesterol and a prostate the size of a grapefruit (among others) seems like a significant price to pay for a hobby. Then again, it's not that different from people who do extreme sports for fun; you're bound to get banged up.
lol you should be seeing abs at 12% if you lift properly. No cardio needed but yes, trying to get below 10%, you probably going to need it.
I'm moreso talking about people with higher bodyfat though, that's why I said it gets more important the lower your bf is.
With me at 12% I can see them. Sub 10% than they are full blown poppin out.
Damn you dropping quick. I'm gonna start another cut once I get back from a week long party/conference in SF at the beginning of June.
225 @10% here I come.
Cut until September then bulk like a madman.
With me at 12% I can see them. Sub 10% than they are full blown poppin out.
I myself love the Raspberry Blue although when my current stash runs out, I'm going right for orange.
HCG prevents that. It's prescribed to me as part of my TRT protocol. No nut shrinkage at all.
With me at 12% I can see them. Sub 10% than they are full blown poppin out.
I still can't bring myself to taking dat dere.
Not available in Canada.
I've been consciously having more cheat days because I don't want to go below where I'm at now which you guys say is 12 percent. What is the draw of being below ten? Seems like more work than it's worth and you are most likely going to lose strength.
Tahoe City Chocolates!
I've been consciously having more cheat days because I don't want to go below where I'm at now which you guys say is 12 percent. What is the draw of being below ten? Seems like more work than it's worth and you are most likely going to lose strength.
Debating between this:
and this:
Are you not getting enough protein? If you are, BCAA aren't very useful.
They can help if you are working out fasted.
I'll go a little below 10 just because I can.
Plus it gives me a nice buffer for my next bulk.
Nope, Im not. Despite the protein shakes and mass gainers, im just not eating enough. I dont have a ravaging appetite, time or funds to be preplanning my meals and/or eating every four hours.