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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Got insane pump in my arms after taking a week off. My bicep is feeling a lot better now.

What lifts did you do that day?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
As requested, here is a picture of my mom's cheesecake. Don't mind the 30 something holes scattered throughout. It's so good!

Happy bday cootie

Officially its the 17th so its my 31st i just totally dived in teh pool with only my boxers and a bunch of panty wearing Colombians yeaaaaa

J. Bravo


I'm too nice, I don't want people getting sick if they see me. :( Baggy and hiding is best.

Here is my sad butt. :(

Sad and fat, but flat. :(

I do squats with the 10lbs weights so... 20 extra lbs (one of the only moves I can do with the 10s lol). They are squats with overhead press. Two sets for 30 seconds I think is what the dvd does. And then other than that, there's some deadlift-like moves, forward lunges and backward lunges.

ok honestly i'm drunk now and if i saw that ass at the club i'd say whats up. i don't think i saw an ass that great tonight and it's not like i was among small assed females. you aight, just get the rest of your body on point and you'll be straight.


Another thing to remember is that even with lower body fat percentages, our bodies will still store fat in areas that are designed to do so. So even though it goes down over-all throughout your body, the relative ratios of those fat stores will probably stay more similar than you would think. I would say you would have to get extremely lean and well below 10% BF to see a drastic reduction in your bust, but I'm not a woman so that is only my personal speculation. My fat stores are definitely still on my low back on the backside of my hips and on the bottom of my glutes and always will be.
I would be extremely happy if the ratio wouldn't change too much or if it would change, it would change on my benefit. At the moment I think that my tits actually do look bigger than they did before, since their size hasn't really changed all that much while my waist has definitely lost many inches. It might just boil down to genes so we will see will I go more to my father's or my mother's side what comes to this.

What came to that body fat percentage though, I don't think women will generally ever go under 10%. I would assume I would be extremely happy to be around 20-25%. They seem to differ quite much from the lads from what I can tell. I still understood your point though and it was a good one! :D

Yes, sorry if I sounded like a broken record. You are absolutely right in that you should not begin strength training until you have a green light from your specialists. You are moving in the right directions and I always love to see your progress!
Oh no. I really appreciate every comment you make! I am also extremely happy to hear that you don't mind me spamming pics. :p I kinda do strenght training but just not with free weights so I don't know does it really count. Those silly machines aren't as effective. I am going to change to free weights at some point, but I am just moving quite slowly since I don't want to break myself. I am eager to do the switch and I can't wait. :p

In my opinion you can never bee too (overly) flexible, emotionally or physically:
Well, generally flexibility and adaption are both great things, but I do have overly flexible joints. For example if I would bend my knees "straight" in the point I would lock the joints they would bend to the back a bit too much. Quite naturally I don't do this but I just need to be aware of always having soft knees and stabilizing myself with mucles and not with locking the joints. In general I am just hoping to get my movement range back to where it used to be since it was quite handy once in a while.

I also need to say that I was extremely delighted when a lad could just easily pick me to his lap yesterday! I don't remember when anybody could just pick me up and hold me up as well! :p I know I am far from being small or even medium sized, but that did make my day none the less. ^_^

Man, I feel ancient now. :(
Awww silly. How old you are then if you don't mind me asking?

All of you are great! Thanks a ton everyone. Love this place!
And we love you so it is all nicely balanced. <3

Oh and extremely awesome happy birthday a bit late! It seems you had a good one. That cake looks so delicious.
Not as edible as you though, but I wouldn't mind it either.

Got insane pump in my arms after taking a week off. My bicep is feeling a lot better now.
Oh yes! Keep the pics flowing in! I really like yours arms and shoulders on that one! :p

I'm too nice, I don't want people getting sick if they see me. :( Baggy and hiding is best.

Here is my sad butt. :(

Sad and fat, but flat. :(

I do squats with the 10lbs weights so... 20 extra lbs (one of the only moves I can do with the 10s lol). They are squats with overhead press. Two sets for 30 seconds I think is what the dvd does. And then other than that, there's some deadlift-like moves, forward lunges and backward lunges.
Hahah, you do way more than I do. :D

And you are seriously blind. Nothing extra ever goes to my ass and it is honestly flat if I don't do anything. Even at the moment it is small, but I am steadily working on it. Your butt on the other hand looks, like already stated in here, very juicy. I would be ready to kill an ass of that size, but with my genetics I can't ever have one or at least I need to work literally my ass off for numerous years to gain one.

I am really a broken record, but you won't be happy with yourself no matter how sexy you are if you don't change your attitude. Hahah, you really look like my end game so I would hope you wouldn't be that negative about it. :p


Thank you for sharing your experience in words and pictures. It really goes a long way towards illustrating your commitment. I have to thank you for helping reassure my perspective that bulk and cut cycles are not for me. When I look at your muscle gain (13.2lb) minus the over-all-weight fluctuation (66 lbs of fat cut) in the context of the images it seals the deal for me.

I would rather creep on things, because if the scale story is the same either way - 6 lbs of muscle over 2 years - why not just do it lean gains drip-style, without the stress on your body and hormones of getting fat as fuck in between? While staying shredded up super human beach body awesome the whole time? Uhhh yesss plz

This has always been my "opinion" though, without having the experience, I have often wondered if it was popular for a reason I was overlooking. Was my vanity really holding me back as Rippetoe is known to say about people who have a six pack but not an ice chest to put it in? Maybe I was selling myself short and making it harder than it needed to be? I think your response helps me understand that it is popular because people are impatient and it makes some kind of weird intuitive sense, but not much sense on paper when you look back over the numbers. I think it's really valuable that you mention "experts" suggested this and even after having been there and done that you doubt the validity of that methodology.

Thanks brother, i appriciate it. I think alot of people like the heavy bulk because they tend to get really strong when doing so. Which only makes sense, if you put on 10kgs without your lifts increasing then you are DEFINITELY doing something wrong. But, are you able to keep that strength when you want to lean out again? Odds are, no. So then you might get a serious mental block. Your strength goes down, does that mean you are loosing muscle? And then you get stuck in some kinda limbo, not happy with how you look and not happy with what you are lifting. Not fun at all.

Also god damn, I can only imagine going from one to the other and how you would feel in between. I look at pictures of you now and they make me feel like a fat ass sitting at 10% so I can only imagine how huge you felt at your BF% peak versus the valleys. I suppose it's all about relativity after all.

I remember the day i decided to start cutting again as it was yesterday. I was on my way to work, walking thru a forest. It was hot so i was walking without a shirt and I came upon a bunch of kids, probably a school class. And when i went past them i heard a girl say "That man had HUGE boobs!" Then i figured it was time to cut some weight :D

Also at the end of the day I will never be a strong man or an olympic power lifter or follow any similar strength training pursuits, so raw body weight multiple #'s on compound lifts are not as important to me as the cumulative effect of the training with the diet on my body composition. I can't even begin to act like I would remotely care about squatting 2x bw worksets if I looked like a tub of lard doing it.

Yeah for most strength athletes more fat will be a good ide. Both for strength and joint support. But like all things there is no need to overdo it. And if you feel miserable each time you step out of the shower and look at yourself in the mirror then what is the point?

In my opinion I think having a steady low bf% is healthier than constantly yo'yo-ing your body weight over 2 year periods. Also as long as we are talking relativity I would seriously suggest that you will live a lot longer and healthier life than people who are obese and constantly churning over empty calories. Senescence and cellular degradation occur at similar wasting rates across age brackets but I would presume that process is more out of control in a population with higher rates of "useless" or "extraneous" tissue versus those who are constantly stressing their bodies and culling useless stores while rebuilding functional tissue. Although I have no data point for this other than studies of mice eating at slight maintenance deficits versus average and obese mice. Aside from the fact that they were mice and not humans the study had no consideration of strength training or muscle versus fat tissue percentages, it was only about calories in/calories out and overall effect on lifespan.

Oh i totally agree. I was more refering to a VERY low bodyfat percentage. Where you start loosing your brown fat (around you organs). You really dont wanna loose all that. But i agree 100%, yoyoing up and down in weight is in no way healthy.

I appreciate your added point about being able to enjoy yourself. At the end of the day that's what it's all about. You should be able to enjoy the process, not just the point of having reached these mythical goals. Thank you so much for sharing! I can imagine you enjoy yourself very much! :)

Yeah i absolutely do. My diet and training is made for me alone and what i enjoy. So Ive made room for a refeed every saturday evening that allows me to eat whatever i want. Because that makes ME happy. I can keep my calories low during the week if that means that my saturday evenings are how i want them to be. And I am known for some pretty crazy refeeds :D


Same. Just turned 38.

Though really I guess that's now LATE-30s. UGGGGH.

Ahhh, I remember when I was in my late 30's.

Sometimes, I think of myself as the Murtaugh of FitGaf.

Most of the time, I'm going too old for this shit. However, every once in a while, I revoke the diplomatic immunity of the weights.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Is it ok that 25%-30% looks best to me?


Coots, at 35 have you ever though about getting some testosterone blood work done just to see where you are at?
Honestly I haven't. My dad got some work done at 63 this year and they said he was on the extremely high end for his age. Told him the same thing in his early fifties. I just assume based on genetics and how I feel I'm doing ok in that area. It would be interesting to know I guess. Not really keen on getting supplements even if I do supposedly need some.

EDIT: Oh, and Sadetar, if I ever hit Europe up I know where my first stop will be! ;-) haha! You're too much.


Aging actually motivates me to continue to hit the gym more. I don't want to be a pudgy 50 year old, which is all too common, people just give up.
Had a perfect storm of stupidity today that had me expecting the worst for deadlifts today. Last night I tore open a callous and started bleeding from it. Top top it off I forgot to pack my chalk bag.

Deadlifts went great through. I really expected my grip to suffer, but maybe the chalk isn't doing as much as my brain thinks it is.


Blowing this place up with pics and video this weekend but thought this was cool. Kids picked this out for me.


Cooter, you need more forearm work. If you want a punch powerful enough to turn a cow into a pile of steaks, then you need to work on your forearms.

I'm just being honest.
tfw you open a new protein powder container and the scoop is on top of the mound instead of buried underneath and you gotta dig around on some Indiana Jones shit


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter, you need more forearm work. If you want a punch powerful enough to turn a cow into a pile of steaks, then you need to work on your forearms.

I'm just being honest.
I appreciate your constructive criticism Szu. I can always count on you to give it to me straight. Adding forearm curls to my routine starting Monday!


tfw you open a new protein powder container and the scoop is on top of the mound instead of buried underneath and you gotta dig around on some Indiana Jones shit

Sometimes, I still have the scoop from the previous container. I use it to find the new scoop.


Are ab rollers legit? I want something to help with my core that's a little easier on my lower back than sit-ups and more interesting than just doing planks.

I'm also on the lookout for good snacks/recipes for cutting if anyone's got them. The simpler, the better. Bonus points if they can be made using only a microwave.


Alright, first day back, and I feel really, really good. Just trying to get the form down for sumo deadlifts before I hit the ground running; I think it looks pretty good, although my neck positioning could be much better. Critique is really, really needed. Not trying to have a repeat of my injury.


I felt no pain in my lower back and, having not lifted in 3 weeks and deadlifting in over a month, felt some pretty good work in my lower back (above my slipped disc) despite it just being 135lbs. Light weight, baby.


Are ab rollers legit? I want something to help with my core that's a little easier on my lower back than sit-ups and more interesting than just doing planks.

I'm also on the lookout for good snacks/recipes for cutting if anyone's got them. The simpler, the better. Bonus points if they can be made using only a microwave.

Yes, they are a good alternative. Another good alternative would be hanging leg/knee raises.


Got insane pump in my arms after taking a week off. My bicep is feeling a lot better now.

Blowing this place up with pics and video this weekend but thought this was cool. Kids picked this out for me.



you bastards, you make me wanna hit the gym right now. amazing guns.

I'll get there one day... one day..

so....<_<...>_>.... ^_^....all aboard the Bicep-selfie Sunday train.



Looking great guys! Lets keep this biceps train rolling!

Basically yeah, and the second one is subjective. If you're at a point where you're no longer comfortable in your own body, it's time to cut. Some people go all out, don't care about this 'limit' and keep bulking for a couple of months no matter what.

ok thanks

Stall and deload relates to the fact that on these beginner programs you're increasing weight every single session. At a certain point, your muscles will not be able to keep up with this rapid increase and you will stall on a weight, and you will need to deload, or lower the weight 10% so you can maintain the rapid increase rate.

Oh interesting. It actually worries me a bit because when this happens I'll feel like I'm failing :/


Nice Biceps everyone! Excited to hit legs tonight. I had hurt my bicep a few weeks ago being a jackass, but that week off helped it feel a lot better.


Is it ok that 25%-30% looks best to me?


Coots, at 35 have you ever though about getting some testosterone blood work done just to see where you are at?

Gaddam if there's anyone on this thread that clearly doesn't need to worry about test levels it's Cooter hahahah.

I think I've been low my whole life but it doesn't really matter because I won't be spending the money on TRT regardless


Gaddam if there's anyone on this thread that clearly doesn't need to worry about test levels it's Cooter hahahah.

I think I've been low my whole life but it doesn't really matter because I won't be spending the money on TRT regardless

I'm turning 32 this year and I was just thinking about getting tested just for knowledge sake.


Totally unrelated to anything I am just going to open up that internet creates needs - I just ordered cosmetics worth around 80 euros / 110 dollars (still only three products and yet I am thinking that they were cheap). I better look epicly beautiful after I will receive them. (Not that I would be sporting any unrealisticly high hopes or anything...)

The wrong side of mid thirties.
Awwww, poor babe. You are good in my books as long as you are younger than my father is. :p

Is it ok that 25%-30% looks best to me?
Hahah, those look best to me as well to be honest! I like the hourglass shape, round ass and tits. Like I have said, I want to have curves on the right places.

I just think that since I have been so huge it could be a smart move to first get smaller and hope that the skin would at least shrink a little and then look what would be a good and healthy way to go up a bit. If someone knows any better about this matter, please share your valuable information!

EDIT: Oh, and Sadetar, if I ever hit Europe up I know where my first stop will be! ;-) haha! You're too much.
Lol. Cutie, I am waiting. ;P

Blowing this place up with pics and video this weekend but thought this was cool. Kids picked this out for me.

Hahah. Love that photo! I need to add that I never thought that anything resembling Popeye in any way could be that sexy though. ;)

And come on, you just make me feel better when I can think I am not the only one who has been spamming this place with photos. :p

Speaking of which, here is again very blurry full body shot. I can't really jump to that train of yours since I am missing a proper ticket so I thought to share a belfie (in hopes of encouraging other people to do so as well - this far I have MTP and Leeness ;) ). Like mentioned earlier, ass is still small in the bigger picture, but I am confident I will manage to grow it a bit when the time goes by.

sphinx, I personally think that that was the best photo I have seen of you! I am really liking your facial hair and arms on that one! Great work!

Matugi, otherwise it looked brilliant but I am slightly disappointed for the lack of tight fitting short shorts - Pete got the bar quite high. ;) But hey, you are still rocking that beard! Yay!

Hahha, no really, I loved it all! ^_^

Cooter's birthday overshadowed my anniversary. :(

Looking great guys! Lets keep this biceps train rolling!

Your post was pure love! Hahah, thank you for collecting all those cuties to the same post for me and adding yourself to it as well. ;)

Szu still looking great as always!

Levi, looking good darling!

Bowser, that was totally hot! <3

Sean, you are so massive! Love it! :D

FE, <3

braves01, crappy selfies are the best. :p Also looking really good already!


Hahah, you do way more than I do. :D

And you are seriously blind. Nothing extra ever goes to my ass and it is honestly flat if I don't do anything. Even at the moment it is small, but I am steadily working on it. Your butt on the other hand looks, like already stated in here, very juicy. I would be ready to kill an ass of that size, but with my genetics I can't ever have one or at least I need to work literally my ass off for numerous years to gain one.

I am really a broken record, but you won't be happy with yourself no matter how sexy you are if you don't change your attitude. Hahah, you really look like my end game so I would hope you wouldn't be that negative about it. :p

Sigh... I guess I just need to work harder then because you look much better with less work.

Really going to get back into it tomorrow, this weekend was a shitshow.

And ick, that BF% picture. I'm probably 40-45 still. I'd be happy to even be 35 :|

Ugh. Going to bed. :(
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