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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Deleted member 47027

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tuna + coke + blender

anybody test this yet ? might switch coke with water.

i cant really eat it without water

Just a thought... don't eat tuna maybe?

I appreciate many other protein forms can be expensive, but still... if you don't like it, don't eat it.
Taking a few months break from my 3 day split routine to poverty bro split routine due to joint pain. As always mixing strength with hypertrophy as strength is still going up.

Feels good to be hitting shoulders fresh though.


Do yourself a favor:

canned tuna + cottage cheese + mayonnaise + sour cream + lemon pepper

Mix it all up = great sandwitch spread, also good when you just eat it.


Something I do that I saw on a youtube video somewhere is Tuna mixed with egg, wheat germ, and spices. And you fry it up like a pancake and get it crispy.


I just made my ghetto fractional "plates," with the help of my mom, to use for Greyskull LP. They each weigh approximately 1.25lbs.
Anyone that wears size 12/13/14/15/16 can buy adiPowers for $99.99 (sign up with your email and get an additional 15% off to make it $85). Link.
I really wouldn't bother with that one. Creatine aside, most of them aren't worth bothering with unless you're competing (or you're willing to use more extreme "supplements").

Unrelated, what sort of wanker would "call someone out" on their trap size. Some people fucking astound me.
Cool, I'll scratch it off the list. They always make things sound good when they are trying to sell it Lol. Thank for the info.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
First day using my red 10mm Inzer meduim single prong belt for deadlifts! I'm really looking forward to it. I might even throw it on for RDLs just because!

EDIT: As expected my working sets went up 30 pounds.


Weighed 176 before I left too. Lighter than I thought.

EDIT#2: This belt helps RDLs a lot also.

425x1x3 (increase)


My sciatic nerve issues are completely gone today out of the blue.

I heard that pain from pinched nerves will go away very very quickly once the source of the issue is addressed. So maybe any swelling or disc issues in my back were resolved or had moved in a way that is no longer pinching the nerve. I won't be too optimistic unless the symptoms are gone for at least a week or two.
Darth, obviously the person who brought up your traps is insecure. I've never noticed your traps being disproportionate for what it's worth. Maybe you just have a skewed view based on MTP's and Imm0rt4l's freakishly massive neck holders? ;-)

I know that we are own worst critics but trust me brah, your traps are fantastic. And while you see them as a weak point, I fail to see that at all. As for the guy who called you out, I don't get it either. Whenever you post pics, "weak traps" is not even close to what I am thinking. Hell, your traps aren't even a negative at all.

Trust me, take it from a guy who would kill to have traps like yours.

You're being waaaaaay to hard on yourself, those are an impressive set of traps you've got going on there.

Darth, your traps look massive dude, wtf


Did you tell them your arms are bigger than their head? And that their argument is invalid.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

You guys, thanks. It was just one of those days where I am just really harsh on myself. It got spurred by that guy's comment and I don't know why I took it to heart. Means a shitton hearing it from you guys, really. You're all my bros!


Cannot stay healthy anymore. Aggravated my disc playing flag football tonight; went to grab a guy's flag and slipped and hyperextended my back. Muscles are now swelling and pressing the disc against the nerve. I had been blessed with not having back issues over the last month, and now this. Hopefully it'll go away quick, obviously not gonna lift tomorrow. My PT on Monday was only supposed to be for my quad but now it looks like I'll have something else on the agenda lol


Slayer of Combofiends
tuna + coke + blender

anybody test this yet ? might switch coke with water.

i cant really eat it without water

i did tuna and water, i vomited it back out. its honestly one of the worst experiences ever and i was dumb enough to add protein powder to it too. tuna is a curse but its soooooo good for gains, ive forsaken it for chicken and broccoli but might have to get back on it!

also, since im broke and PF is dirt cheap, ive learned the errors of my ways and have stopped benching on a smith machine. dear god is it annoying how i have to break down all my work outs without have a barbell! gonna save up some money for a bit and get a drivers license so i can get the hell outta there!


I cant imagine how drinking a water/tuna puree is easier than eating tuna itself

I guess I'm lucky that I can just eat plain tuna from the can


the piano man
I cant imagine how drinking a water/tuna puree is easier than eating tuna itself

I guess I'm lucky that I can just eat plain tuna from the can

it's about making room for stuff in your stomach. liquids are easier/faster to digest.

for skinny guys who need to eat way more than they can keep in their gut at a given time, protein shakes are a must.


Good night at the gym again. Got 250lbs on bench for 2 singles. Love my bulletproof coffees, so glad I fit them back into my macros. Really feel energized at the gym again. Still cutting and not going to stop till I have a flat stomach. Gains be damned.


Cannot stay healthy anymore. Aggravated my disc playing flag football tonight; went to grab a guy's flag and slipped and hyperextended my back. Muscles are now swelling and pressing the disc against the nerve. I had been blessed with not having back issues over the last month, and now this. Hopefully it'll go away quick, obviously not gonna lift tomorrow. My PT on Monday was only supposed to be for my quad but now it looks like I'll have something else on the agenda lol
Don't worry, you'll be back.

J. Bravo

Nailed 250 on bench today. Weighed myself right after: 178.2lbs! Tried 260 and failed, followed by a failed 255, so 250 is my new max. Pretty excited.


Which style of yoga requires the most strengh. Ideally something with inversions and handstands.

Look for something that says vinyasa or power flow. It really depends on the instructor though cause that stuff almost always comes in near the end.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Good day at the Gym, I PR'd on the Deadlift for 315lbs x 6 reps. On the squat I got 245lbs x 6reps. I use to be able to do more but I recently started to focus on my form and had to dial back the weight considerably. Since June I have lost 20 lbs and gained a lot of strength. I started training exclusively for strength on a cut and have still made some gains in my lifts. My clothes fit looser and my face is more chiseled, also I noticed my shoulders are more pronounced.

I do seem to have a dilemma and that is my diet and School. Since June I have started to prepare all my meals and weigh them. Taking into consideration all macronutrients. However, when I am stressed from school (ie. Have an exam coming up) I get really nervous and anxious and my diet goes to shit. I had lost 20 lbs but recently gained back 5 lbs in the last 3 weeks for having a crap diet. I still workout and have not lost motivation in that department but when it comes to food I just seems to lose track. Anybody have any good tips on how to deal with this situation?
Cook and freeze a bunch of stuff (put the nutrition details on the bag / tub). That way, doesn't matter how busy you get, you know you've got a high quality five minute meal available in the freezer (assuming you have a microwave) at all times.


I just came to say I keep reading "Quesadilla" in your thread title and it makes me chuckle because I'm dumb like that.


I don't :( And I'd really benefit from it since I have an acute case of teh skinny. How effective are starting "programs" that supposedly only require your body weight?


Considering picking up a pre-workout to use from time-to-time. Any recommendations? Am I just throwing my money into the shitter?

Ever used any? It can definitely help with your energy levels in the gym, but it's possible for you to crash after and that can be real shitty.
C4 was pretty good, no crash though i needed 3 scoops.
Jack3d was intense, the energy i had was inhumane. But the crash was sooo bad, plus it make my man part not work srs.
Swollen was kinda meh, took 4 scoops and didn't feel that much.
Noxipro was one of the first i ever used and it was real intense, can't really find the same nowadays since they removed an ingredient.
Personally i stopped using pwo's after being somewhat addicted to them for 6 months, but when i'm cutting i use ECA for both a fat burner and pwo.


Incredibly Naive
I replied to you regarding costochondritis a few months ago, just don't know if you read it or not.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=119267093&postcount=2426 It sucks and it'll take time to recover from it. I hope you recover quick!

Sorry not sure how I missed that! Sucks man :(, I know it's stupid, but despite doctors orders I'm pushing through it for now. I'm so far at this point, 1 repping 250, would suck to take a long break like that.

It's affected my back as well right by the scapula. What got me into the doctor was a sneeze actually. Was sitting in my office at work, sneezed and absolutely locked up my whole left side.
Ever used any? It can definitely help with your energy levels in the gym, but it's possible for you to crash after and that can be real shitty.
C4 was pretty good, no crash though i needed 3 scoops.
Jack3d was intense, the energy i had was inhumane. But the crash was sooo bad, plus it make my man part not work srs.
Swollen was kinda meh, took 4 scoops and didn't feel that much.
Noxipro was one of the first i ever used and it was real intense, can't really find the same nowadays since they removed an ingredient.
Personally i stopped using pwo's after being somewhat addicted to them for 6 months, but when i'm cutting i use ECA for both a fat burner and pwo.

Used various free samples over the years and loved the feeling. Never had a bad crash that I recall. I used EC years ago for a while and it was great for cutting, but I'm not looking to cut now by any means. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into them.


Incredibly Naive
Used various free samples over the years and loved the feeling. Never had a bad crash that I recall. I used EC years ago for a while and it was great for cutting, but I'm not looking to cut now by any means. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into them.

I got Assault on clearance at GNC for 8 bucks, 3 huge tubs. Changed the way I lift big time. Used to use 5 hour energy shots, those work decent as well. Does fitgaf recommend creatine?
I find pre-workout to only really be of any use if the workout is short / doesn't involve a lot of cardio. If it's not, I tend to blow myself out in the first half hour or so and then feel wrecked for the rest of the workout.


Incredibly Naive
I find pre-workout to only really be of any use if the workout is short / doesn't involve a lot of cardio. If it's not, I tend to blow myself out in the first half hour or so and then feel wrecked for the rest of the workout.

I would somewhat agree with this, which is why I start with a warmup, take my pre-workout during the warm up, then get down to work.


Do it! Paint...Cooter as your first project haha.
Hahahahahahaha, this is actually so great idea I might need to do it at some point!

Cooter, any good reference photos so I could paint you like one of my French girls? ;)

I've got big shoulders (although not Imm0rt4l big) so throw the blame on them!
Lol, oh I definitely will sweetie. ;)

And I agree with you there, they are big and extremely good looking. :p

Have I mention how much I hate shoulder/tris day? Doing DB seated OHP with raises and all cable work for tris is excruciatingly dull! Blah... Getting old sucks!
Nonsense. You are not even old yet. This month I have admittedly been feeling older than I am due to overly busy schedules. Today when I went to gym I still managed to have solid 7,5 hours sleep before it and boy it made a difference! I managed to do full repetitions with new higher weights with so many things.

I hate having weak traps, they've grown a lot since last year but they're still small by proportion. Someone called me out on it today and it made me feel pretty shitty.

I've pretty much done everything to facilitate trap growth, heavy DLs, shrugs, upright rows, face pulls, heavy, light.

I'm convinced I just don't have the genetics for it. All my trap size goes to my quads.


Kitty, with all honesty when I look at your photos I haven't never thought that anything would look small or out of proportion. He/she must have been just in a bad mood and needing to throw it on someone. Forget it, you look gorgeous!

Sorry the yoga didn't work out for you. I think you have to go to a beginner class. Some of the movements are really difficult if you don't know what you are doing and the instructor sucks. I hope you find a better class!

Masters degree, ooh. Congrats! That will be really exciting! Then hopefully you will have a Real Person Job with good hours. Awesome.

I have set a physio appointment for October 2. It should only be one session, and then I will have exercises to help me fix my ankles. That's the hope anyway. I am going to start my workouts again tomorrow. Middle of the week makes it kind of weird but better late than never. I am going to try that program that Cooper recommended, You Are Your Own Gym. We'll see how that goes.
Hahaha, cutie, if master's degree would be that exciting I would have got it like 4-5 years ago. Thanks anyways, I think I should be more excited about it than I am. :p But yeah, now I just need to get it done before end of July or I will need to do some extra work and I rather skip them.

What comes to that case yoga, I went to a class that was supposed to be designed for people who haven't never done yoga before and who are out of shape. I have actually done asthanga yoga before (did one class of it even if I didn't enjoy it since I was in so bad shape) and I am not particularly out of shape anymore, but I can't just do the movements because of my back and the instructor was just absolutely awful and most of the time didn't even try to come out anything that I could have done instead. I am anyways going to go to another yoga session that should include slow phased hatha yoga with different instructor.

Hopefully the physio visit will help you to make you feel better. How have your work outs been now and what do you think about your new program? :)

My sciatic nerve issues are completely gone today out of the blue.

I heard that pain from pinched nerves will go away very very quickly once the source of the issue is addressed. So maybe any swelling or disc issues in my back were resolved or had moved in a way that is no longer pinching the nerve. I won't be too optimistic unless the symptoms are gone for at least a week or two.
I am so happy to hear that! Hopefully it also stays away!

It can actually go away really fast, if you haven't managed to get inflammed and jammed muscles around the pinched nerve that would make it impossible for it to actually go to the right place. Just take it easy and see how it goes. But that is so awesome news! :D


First order from Athleat and I'm impressed. The breasts are massive; I have no idea what sort of freaky mutant chickens they're growing up there in Scotland, but I like them!
Damn! Impressive indeed. I need a place where I could order in bulk as well. Those look extremely good quality too! :p


some guy at he gym tried to peddle Herbalife to me in between my squat sets last night. I cut him off pretty quick, put my headphones on and went back to my sets.
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