Do it! Paint...Cooter as your first project haha.
Hahahahahahaha, this is actually so great idea I might need to do it at some point!
Cooter, any good reference photos so I could paint you like one of my French girls?
I've got big shoulders (although not Imm0rt4l big) so throw the blame on them!
Lol, oh I definitely will sweetie.
And I agree with you there, they are big and extremely good looking.
Have I mention how much I hate shoulder/tris day? Doing DB seated OHP with raises and all cable work for tris is excruciatingly dull! Blah... Getting old sucks!
Nonsense. You are not even old yet. This month I have admittedly been feeling older than I am due to overly busy schedules. Today when I went to gym I still managed to have solid 7,5 hours sleep before it and boy it made a difference! I managed to do full repetitions with new higher weights with so many things.
I hate having weak traps, they've grown a lot since last year but they're still small by proportion. Someone called me out on it today and it made me feel pretty shitty.
I've pretty much done everything to facilitate trap growth, heavy DLs, shrugs, upright rows, face pulls, heavy, light.
I'm convinced I just don't have the genetics for it. All my trap size goes to my quads.
Kitty, with all honesty when I look at your photos I haven't never thought that anything would look small or out of proportion. He/she must have been just in a bad mood and needing to throw it on someone. Forget it, you look gorgeous!
Sorry the yoga didn't work out for you. I think you have to go to a beginner class. Some of the movements are really difficult if you don't know what you are doing and the instructor sucks. I hope you find a better class!
Masters degree, ooh. Congrats! That will be really exciting! Then hopefully you will have a Real Person Job with good hours. Awesome.
I have set a physio appointment for October 2. It should only be one session, and then I will have exercises to help me fix my ankles. That's the hope anyway. I am going to start my workouts again tomorrow. Middle of the week makes it kind of weird but better late than never. I am going to try that program that Cooper recommended, You Are Your Own Gym. We'll see how that goes.
Hahaha, cutie, if master's degree would be that exciting I would have got it like 4-5 years ago. Thanks anyways, I think I should be more excited about it than I am.

But yeah, now I just need to get it done before end of July or I will need to do some extra work and I rather skip them.
What comes to that case yoga, I went to a class that was supposed to be designed for people who haven't never done yoga before and who are out of shape. I have actually done asthanga yoga before (did one class of it even if I didn't enjoy it since I was in so bad shape) and I am not particularly out of shape anymore, but I can't just do the movements because of my back and the instructor was just absolutely awful and most of the time didn't even try to come out anything that I could have done instead. I am anyways going to go to another yoga session that should include slow phased hatha yoga with different instructor.
Hopefully the physio visit will help you to make you feel better. How have your work outs been now and what do you think about your new program?
My sciatic nerve issues are completely gone today out of the blue.
I heard that pain from pinched nerves will go away very very quickly once the source of the issue is addressed. So maybe any swelling or disc issues in my back were resolved or had moved in a way that is no longer pinching the nerve. I won't be too optimistic unless the symptoms are gone for at least a week or two.
I am so happy to hear that! Hopefully it also stays away!
It can actually go away really fast, if you haven't managed to get inflammed and jammed muscles around the pinched nerve that would make it impossible for it to actually go to the right place. Just take it easy and see how it goes. But that is so awesome news!
First order from Athleat and I'm impressed. The breasts are massive; I have no idea what sort of freaky mutant chickens they're growing up there in Scotland, but I like them!
Damn! Impressive indeed. I need a place where I could order in bulk as well. Those look extremely good quality too!