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Football Thread 2014/15 |OT3| Got to be a top 5 worst thread title we've ever had.

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Marketing strategy? :lol

No pressure, James.

Hamez will be fine, he's the poster boy of Colombia and a huge upcoming talent. Di Maria didn't sell shirts apparently.

He'll sell plenty for us including this season's for me! I'll wait with the away shirt in case King Arturo arrives.


Yeah, you know Maryland chicken? You my friend have tasted the foods of gods! I have loads of shops like that near me including a Maryland so they all have to compete for the best price.

Yeah I'm in Leicester too. I go to the Maryland opposite McDonald's in town when I want to feel terrible about myself ;)



Yeah baby
All things considered this has been a superb transfer window. We've brought in so many good players.

Can't wait to see Moreno tonight.
If you can maintain top 4 this season and do well in the CL then Liverpool will be in a great position to go and get some world class players in next summer.

Very strong foundation so long as 5/6 of this summers signings turn out to be good buys, which I think they will.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Sky keep trumping Everton and Wellbeck, they keep saying a loan is more likely than a permanent move.
My mates girlfriend got some chicken from Maryland last year and there was a silverfish in the box. Never been there again after I saw that.
Why is it an "obsession"? The manager picked a formation that he thinks will work, he's trying it. It's not worked yet. 2 games. Hardly an obsession.

I'd rather play some kind of variation of 433 - but so would Van Gaal. He's picked it for a reason. If we persist with it for 10 games and it's not paying off then you can say it's an obsession. People need to be patient.

Ok Viva, I will listen to you

Only because you are a fellow desi

I won't complain about 352 for at least next 8 games :) (unless we sign 2 new CBs and CMs)
Good man! How's it all going? Do you look like Shaun T yet?

3 weeks under the sun in Brazil and I'll tan sufficiently!

It's going okay. Into week 4. The two video a days are hurting a bit. I've started to notice some difference this week. I don't really eat particularly well though, my diet isn't balanced enough. I'm moving back to London next weekend though so will look to spend more time focusing on preparing good meals then.


Simon ‏@PhantomGoal
On Balotelli's work rate: At the WC, Balotelli covered 8.9km per 90 mins. Compared to Ronaldo (9.4km), Sanchez (9.2km) and Suarez (9.1km).

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Sky poll, will Mario Balotelli be a better signing than Di Maria

Cat wait for those results.



3 weeks under the sun in Brazil and I'll tan sufficiently!

It's going okay. Into week 4. The two video a days are hurting a bit. I've started to notice some difference this week. I don't really eat particularly well though, my diet isn't balanced enough. I'm moving back to London next weekend though so will look to spend more time focusing on preparing good meals then.

Just focus on setting macros and sticking to them. You'll see results quickly.

If you need a hand just send me a PM. I've just set up a food plan for my friend and he's nailing it.
TikiTaka only works when you are quick to recover the ball in the oposition's half; the problem with Spain, Bayern and Barcelona is that they stopped doing that. So when someone like ronaldo , Park, Bale, etc got the ball they always outnumbered the defense through speed. The key is to recover and press as soon as you loose the ball, if you dont then the only people between the other team and the goal is your anchor man, and one or two CBS with the wings cleared.
Look at Atletico, they know how to counter this, the first 10-20 minutes of the supercopa lst friday was a very agressive Atletico team pressing and attacking with 2 forwards, but the key was recovery; they got the ball as soon as they lost it and kept at it.
If you are banking on posession as your tool, you must recover quick, Barcelona stopped doing it, Spain stopped doing it, Bayern never did it.
that or instead of converting you 4-3-3 to a 2-3-2-3 in attack, use a 3-4-1-2 instead with the wing covered and plenty of cover for your defensive mid.

awesome, I heard it on the radio it was almost done. Nuno better deliver or he is gonna get the boot.

Agreed. The most effective strategy in football is to press. There's nothing more indicative of how a match will go than the rate at which one side is pressing another. It's terrifying seeing your team being snapped at their heels
I'm suprised how poor United have become when handling young players. The likes of Zaha, Powell, the Keane brothers, have all been neglected. Compare that to Liverpool and the way Henderson and Stirling have come on. It's a stark contrast.

You're ignoring a lot of Liverpool young players like Llori, Alberto, Coates, etc... that aren't exactly thriving. Henderson is already 24, almost the same age as Cleverley. Cleverley has played a lot of matches and isn't doing any better. What more do you want United to do? Henderson developed, Cleverley didn't. How have United handled Cleverley wrong?

As for your Sterling example, I can easily point to Januzaj who is getting a lot of matches.

Powell is an attacking midfielder. United already have plenty of those. Where can he exactly play? Fergie was planning on using him as a central midfielder, but when he was out on loan last season was used as a #9 and #10 at Wigan. He still to this day has not played in central midfield (bar a few matches). You expect United to just play him there in the PL? He will probably go on loan again.

Zaha has too many flaws in his game. Yes he impressed at Championship level, but even then he had flaws in his game. His touch is inconsistent. His dribbling is inconsistent. There are times when he can go past players for fun, and there are times the ball gets stuck under his feet. His passing isn't impressive. His shooting technique isn't impressive. He does a lot of unnecessary tricks that get him no where. The guy has fast feet, is fast, and is strong. He's not that talented when you look at everything.

I wouldn't really care about those particular stats: the entire team played badly, we had a hard time to give Balo something nice while he was in the box (he stopped trying after a while to be honest). If he has a team that plays nicely and creates a few more chances per games things will be different, he'll score a lot more.


Man. I graduated 4 weeks ago. Worked almost 4 weeks at a company I know very well. But it's just something temporary.

From next week on real life starts :/

I need to look for jobs and report myself for unemployment because of insurance. so strange.

too much real life at once.
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