Its going to be hilarious/horrendous when Van Persie scores an 88thy minute pelanty against us.
Di Marie will score. Welbz will grab one too. Cazorla will sky 15 chances.
We'll win.
Its going to be hilarious/horrendous when Van Persie scores an 88thy minute pelanty against us.
Di Marie will score. Welbz will grab one too. Cazorla will sky 15 chances.
Only films I will see in the cinema between now and the end of the year will be The Drop and maybe The Hobbit. Hunger Games and JLaw can do 1, bredren.
We'll win.
Only films I will see in the cinema between now and the end of the year will be The Drop and maybe The Hobbit. Hunger Games and JLaw can do 1, bredren.
pls stop
Suen all over the PL OP. looooool
11th place T_T
justiceforchedRory Smith ‏@RorySmithTimes 18m18 minutes ago
Know of at least one Championship club approached by Ched Evans's people, and would assume there are more. They gave them a very clear no.
pls stop
Would it cheer you up to hear that I've had a rather shitty week?
Dave Whelan: "I have loads of Chinese friends and I would never ever insult the the Chinese."
why would it make me happy for you to be unhappy
I want everyone to be happy
I'm about 90% finished with my bachelor thesis
I'm buzzing
Don't mean to rub it in, my last 5 weeks have been fucking dreadful, it all comes good eventually
(Sturridge is injured again)
...seeing daniel in those (Subway) adverts made me very uneasy. Is it possible a Manc plant managed to sabotage his food, poisoning dan, which is why his injuries are so frequent? Stranger things have happened
Poor Hitch.
Nice.You must know this too!
Solid band. Met them all except the singer just when they were getting big, they had this Q&A session at roskilde festival but only around 10 people showed up, so it ended up as more of a casual conversation. Their performances these days can be questionable at times, if one of the guitarists looks like he doesn't know where he is at the show, he probably doesn't, so fucking far out lol. But the shows are usually good fun anyway, seen them way too many times as they just seem to show up at any festival or concert I go to.
Also it's hard to not like a band trying to bring the mullet back.
They were really good. A lot better than I expected, cos I heard (maybe from you) that they can be a bit dodgy at times. No mullets though.
Their latest hit is very good, but I'm not sure I get the artistic statement behind their video.
It does!
Is your thesis about the effects of yellow fever on germans with greek ancestry?
What now?
The Moyes stat
The Moyes stat
That's a game you'll tell your grandkids about.
Pretty good interview with Wenger talking about life, love and happiness.
it's weird to see an interview where wenger actually sounds like he knows what he's talking about.
uh huh
he's so effortlessly confident. where's the confused old man under a blanket in a rain staring anxiously with the composure of an alzheimer's patient as balls repeatedly sail into szczesny's net?
Maybe he just hates the team, lol
Wenger says he received an offer from Bayern Munich in his last season at Monaco.
Says he had many offers to manage national teams but said no because he likes working every day. Says there are only two interesting things in international football. Euros and WC.
Hixx and Quiche are now close to quitting, Hixx especially as no Halo 4 playlists are coming in.
Very cool Wenger interview, the man deserves respect.