Jesus, the people I play football with piss me off sometimes. I book it by card pretty much every time we play (can't pay by cash) and there's always 2 or 3 of them who act like its a surprise when I ask for their share of the money, and don't have it with them. Then I have to chase them up for it the next time we play, when other people haven't got the money so it becomes a fucking mess of people owing me different amounts for different weeks where they haven't paid.
And you can tell that they're thinking 'its only £4' but when 2 or 3 of them do it every week, it soon adds up.
Then on the odd occasion I ask for someone else to book it so I can just play, pay my share and not piss about with a moneybox full of £1 coins from being the one to do it every week, I get radio silence.
We've all got jobs, we all have £40 in the bank on any given Friday