Since I'm kicking it with you guys at the moment, tell me, who is your personal favorite football player of all time?
Mine is Clarence Seedorf.
Valentino Mazzola
Since I'm kicking it with you guys at the moment, tell me, who is your personal favorite football player of all time?
Mine is Clarence Seedorf.
Since I'm kicking it with you guys at the moment, tell me, who is your personal favorite soccer player of all time?
Mine is Clarence Seedorf.
I'm learning stuff watching Khan Academy YouTube videos.
Feels good man. Much more fun than playing video games
Since I'm kicking it with you guys at the moment, tell me, who is your personal favorite soccer player of all time?
Mine is Clarence Seedorf.
Since I'm kicking it with you guys at the moment, tell me, who is your personal favorite soccer player of all time?
Mine is Clarence Seedorf.
Gerrard for me also. Never seen a more complete midfielder in my life and it speaks volumes that the likes of De Rossi and Marchisio have Gerrard as their idols.
Since I'm kicking it with you guys at the moment, tell me, who is your personal favorite soccer player of all time?
Mine is Clarence Seedorf.
In terms of more famous names. How can anyone watch Zidane and feel anything but awe?
Toss up between Fat Ronaldo, Zidane and Del Piero.
You dont rate Marchisio?
The only juve player that I can't hate.Favourite? Probably Tony Daley. It was because of him I really got into following the game. The man just lit up the park when he was on form, which he was for a couple of seasons.
In terms of more famous names. How can anyone watch Zidane and feel anything but awe?
You dont rate Marchisio?
The players from juve I rate are Pirlo, Vidal, and Buffoon. Everyone else can be easily replaced with better players.
The players from juve I rate are Pirlo, Vidal, and Buffoon. Everyone else can be easily replaced with better players.
Pretty sure Zidane rated Gerrard as the worlds best once he had retired.
Wouldnt surprise me. gerrard was/is a great player.
What in god's name
It's not really about being replaced by better players but more that a very good player who plays for the best team in Italy has an Englishman as his idol.
Gerrard was special as any player can ever be. I doubt there will be a player like him again.
Since I'm kicking it with you guys at the moment, tell me, who is your personal favorite soccer player of all time?
Mine is Clarence Seedorf.
I was about to disagree and say that was hyperbolic
Since I'm kicking it with you guys at the moment, tell me, who is your personal favorite soccer player of all time?
Mine is Clarence Seedorf.
Best striker ever
Jack Wilshere is on the path. Even spoke of his admiration for Gerrard.Gerrard was special as any player can ever be. I doubt there will be a player like him again.
Should have stuck with ur first answer.
Since I'm kicking it with you guys at the moment, tell me, who is your personal favorite soccer player of all time?
Mine is Clarence Seedorf.
That goal he scored against us in the CL is still my biggest wtf moment since watching football. Magnificent player.
How the hell do you like psg?
I loved Valderrama but there were too many instances where I was like 'shoot the fucking ball' malparido
I've always liked them. I still love my TORO!!!
Ronaldinho in 2005. Fuck Iniesta - That goal was a punch in the stomach.