Theres a massive game today.
Massive game, massive club. We're talking about Newcastle, right?
Theres a massive game today.
i love both of hem, but i fucking love i love you, man.
I Love You Man is good yeah, chemistry between Rudd and Segel is dynamite. Sarah Marshall is unremarkable outside of the Dracula musical at the end. Fuck Russell Brand, fuck Kristen Bell's evil character, fuck another film not letting me see Mila Kunis in the nuddy.
I watched I Love You, Man for the first time a few days ago, was hilarious. Rudd and Segel are such likeable people. And Rashida Jones - HNNNGHHH
I've never liked Ferrell or Carell too much, they usually just annoy me and the few times I have liked a movie they were in it has been despite of them and not because of them.
Like two unpiloted jumbo jets filled with icecream crashing into each other.
It's ridiculously promising. City lose and they might start to get hauled down to 3rd, lol.
And Mancini will say that's unfair too. "THE GAP MAKES NO SENSE"
I really like some of his films - Superbad and 21 Jump Street are some of the best comedies in recent memory - but he's such an abrasive prick in them.
Massive game, massive club. We're talking about Newcastle, right?
Dat feel!
Also; another fine Rudd movie is Role Models, loved that one. And for the whole bunch of these actors, Knocked Up! Including Chang.
Oh yes! You should watch Parks & Rec. if you don't already.
i couldn't really get into 21 jump street, but that wasn't due to hill to be honest. tatum can't act for shit and even though there was plenty of stuff to laugh, it mostly felt awkward to me.
Yeah I really like Role Models, again purely because of Rudd really. The bit he says about underground sex trafficking at the campsite makes me laugh so hard :lol
Rashida is such a non-entity of a character in Parks & Rec, but I love her anyway. Plus she brought us Andy. Which in turn brought us Bert Macklin, FBI.
Jim Proudfoot ‏@JimProudfoot
Feyenoord PSV coming up live on @ESPNUK Feyenoord unbeaten at home in the league since Nov 11 - PSV hoping to stay 3+ points clear
Oh fuck, I'm going to miss the second half of City - Chelsea.
Oh fuck, I'm going to miss the second half of City - Chelsea.
What's up with the PSV hate? I love you guys!
Confuziz is the cause of Wilburs ire.What's up with the PSV hate? I love you guys!
If Ubisoft are going to release an Ass Creed game this year could they any least make sure you they know what they're doing with their setting. Colonial America was a good idea on paper but it meant that there was no scope for free running and very little on the way of interesting city design.And for the love of God, sort out the tree jumping too.
Basically fine tune the engine and pick a better historical era.
What's up with the PSV hate? I love you guys!
It wil be game over by 35 minutes.
It's rumoured that the new Ass Creed game will be focused around port towns and naval warfare. I wouldn't be against that so long as they made the towns interesting.1666 or 1888 London. Easy.
Unorganised city structure, dozens of churches, famous buildings, atmospheric eras, historical moments to bring into the storyline.
It's rumoured that the new Ass Creed game will be focused around port towns and naval warfare. I wouldn't be against that so long as they made the towns interesting.
psv buy all of their players whereas most of feyenoord's players are from the academy.
martins indi*---mathijsen---de vrij*----janmaat*
* are all from the academy.
Torres will have scored a hat trick in the first half anyway. You won't miss anything but a calamitous own goal by Scott Sinclair. If he plays.
Wooden said:No fucking shit, Benitez will probably have some hilarious line up, he already started making excuses last week.
My hype is barely controllable.
Kuba out for today's match, oh fuck, we're so going to lose lol
Possible attacking formations today:
Wait, no, still looks good![]()
For Whedon's remake rite
Theres a massive game today.
Götze up front? Sweet. Who you playing?
I'd love for them to bring in the Dutch golden age. Amsterdam at it's finest hour as business capital of the world. Canals, beautiful buildings and a massive port.
Theres a massive game today.
Front tooth just came out.
Same one that got knocked out years back.
Feels bad. Looks hilarious.
Kuba out for today's match, oh fuck, we're so going to lose lol
Possible attacking formations today:
Wait, no, still looks good![]()
Front tooth just came out.
Same one that got knocked out years back.
Feels bad. Looks hilarious.
I want Swansea to win today
Hmmz, I want Bittencourt or Leitner in the starting XI.
Arango is injured so thatgoodgreat for us.