For 1080p PC players: Get Better FPS + 21:9 ultra wide by making it not 1080p

thats not 1080p thats like 800p!!!
Can't tell the difference in clarity when you play most games. It looks great. If someone is a resolution snob, this is obviously not for them and will probably have a high end monitor GPU combo anyways.
OP: "Throw away 1/4 of the pixels on your display. If you don't like it, it's because you're a 'resolution snob'!"

And OP, 810p most certainly does NOT look great.


That's ridiculous to waste screen real estate like that.

It's akin to playing retro games on a 65" TV at the original resolution (eg. 320x240 when the TV resolution is 4K, taking up 1/12th of the screen).
Wouldn't be too bad on a large screen, as it does give a wider viee for competitive games.
Thanks for this. You stated it better than I could have. I'm just trying to help the community and give options and how to do it...


Wish I could have posted it further up. The edginess these days is too dang sharp. I just wish people could work on being a little friendlier instead of edgier and create a better atmosphere for all Gaffers to commune together in.


I can't wait to turn everything in to a cinematic experience on par with The Order 1886.

That said, I guess it's something if you don't like the fisheye of a cranked up FOV.
OP: "Throw away 1/4 of the pixels on your display. If you don't like it, it's because you're a 'resolution snob'!"

And OP, 810p most certainly does NOT look great.

ugh WHAT? come on...I didn't mean it like that...

sheesh. I try to do something nice for this community and most of you just get angry.



21:9 is the superior ratio, 16:9 it's the 30fps of aspect ratios.
It's a matter of preference not superiority in gaming.

If it were, 21:9 would lose though. There's a lot of content that doesn't support it and any 4:3 shows and older games are a joke on one.

I'd rather put up with small bars on some content than big bars on lots of content (most games and videos are 16:9 these days.)


Honestly I am not sure why some of you are going on at the OP like this. This is actually a good solution in that it provides native pixel density while providing 21:9 ratio at a reasonable cost on a 16:9 screen. Yes you will have less being displayed on screen BUT the game will be displaying more information than it would if it was using the entire screen.

Imagine if you have a 28 inch 16:9 monitor and you do this on it, the kind of image you are getting would be similar to what you'd get on a smaller 21:9 monitor like 24-26 inch or something. When you say "OP just get a 21:9 mo monitor", you are implying that if the OP bought a 24 inch 21:9 monitor that displays an image the same size as the one OP is getting right now you'd be ok with !

Yes the 21:9 monitor will have a higher native resolution but OP doesn't want a higher native resolution (GPU limitation), this is a solution for people who want to game at 21:9 on a 16:9 monitor while having the native pixel density exactly equivalent to 1080P.

This topic is offensive. Black bars in games (not movies) is atrocious. Characters and HUD elements already take up too much space as it is nowadays, I'm not making it smaller.

Except they take less space with this because you have a wider FoV and more is being shown.
Just look at the very pictures OP posted
The "best" ratio is the ratio the work was created in. It's not really any more complicated than that. Movies, games, whatever: the shape of the image as it was created and intended to be seen in is the best ratio.

It's not like there's a specific rectangle shape that is better than all other rectangle shapes. It's just a frame. The important part is what's inside it.

That said: this tweak is interesting, and provided you're not a stickler, it does look like this provides an advantage in giving you more to see while playing. It's just a matter of whether you're cool with trading the intended image for that extra.


@OP ignore the naysayers, I don't think they quite understand what you are proposing here.

Anyways I just tried this with Mass Effect Andromeda, it looks great in 21:9...except some parts of some conversations (I'm not even talking about directed "cutscenes", just usual conversations that you have with people) would be in 16:9...and then they'd switch to 21:9 when the angle switches, then back to's weird.


@OP ignore the naysayers, I don't think they quite understand what you are proposing here.

I worked at a Blockbuster back when DVD was gaining traction. I can't tell you how often I had people come in complaining about black bars on their tv. "I didn't buy a big screen tv to only see half of it" was a common complaint. I tried to explain film aspect ratios to customers at first, but eventually it got tiresome. It can understandably be a difficult concept to understand.

I'm not saying this is the exact same scenario here, but I imagine there are some people in this thread who simply do not understand what the OP is proposing, and cannot imagine why it could be beneficial.


It's not a great idea but I have dabbled in it a bit before.

I remember playing quite a lot of The Witcher 3 like this with all the HUD off. If your monitor has either a thin bezel or just plain black, in a dark room, it's actually alright.

I've not actually noticed much of a boost in framerate by using that resolution though. It's not a big enough drop. I've only used it in a couple games though.

I've probably still got my Witcher screenshots somewhere.

I worked at a Blockbuster back when DVD was gaining traction. I can't tell you how often I had people come in complaining about black bars on their tv. "I didn't buy a big screen tv to only see half of it" was a common complaint. I tried to explain film aspect ratios to customers at first, but eventually it got tiresome. It can understandably be a difficult concept to understand.

I'm not saying this is the exact same scenario here, but I imagine there are some people in this thread who simply do not understand what the OP is proposing, and cannot imagine why it could be beneficial.

Yeah, when people hear black bars they automatically think you're cutting the top and bottom off not actually adjusting the image to still show everything, just add width.
No, everyone gets it. It's just a terrible idea.

100% of my screen real estate is getting used if I can help it. Anything else is garbage.

Do you enter threads about games you don't like and just say "terrible game cuz I don't like it"?

This is for people who want the option. How is my OP forcing your hand or even trying to convince you that you should abandon the resolution that you want? I'm not, this is a demonstration and tutorial for those interested.

If you think it's so stupid, please keep it to yourself.

Yeah, when people hear black bars they automatically think you're cutting the top and bottom off not actually adjusting the image to still show everything, just add width.

Yeah, I clearly said that it keeps the same vertical information, but just more to the side. People don't even have the courtesy to read threads. You can even tell by the many screenshots I made and provided. I'm upset lol


Out of curiosity I tried this with Dota 2.

First image is 2560x1440

Second Image is 2560x1097


I doubt I'd play anything like this but I think it's a pretty neat option.
Just looking at screenshots with blackbars added is infuriating me. Sorry Op, I disagree, just makes everything look claustraphobic. No i don't care that movies do that, I watch like 1 movie every 7 months if not rarer >_>

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
OP: "Throw away 1/4 of the pixels on your display. If you don't like it, it's because you're a 'resolution snob'!"

And OP, 810p most certainly does NOT look great.
The solution he proposes doesn't upscale the image, so it would look clean. I think it's a good option for people who want better framerate while keeping clear image, at the expense of using smaller screen estate.


Or you could get a real monitor that is 16 x 10 and play in the superior desktop resolution of 1920 x 1200.
I'm not kidding, 16x10 is amazing it is so sad the ratio is basically dead.


I sometimes do this kind of thing when the FOV is too small and there's no way to change it. Most of the time it's been the opposite though, going to something like 4:3 for games that are vert- instead of hor+

Or you could get a real monitor that is 16 x 10 and play in the superior desktop resolution of 1920 x 1200.
I'm not kidding, 16x10 is amazing it is so sad the ratio is basically dead.
1920x1200 is fantastic for playing older games that didn't support widescreen, because you can cleanly do 1600x1200 which was a standard supported resolution. 4:3 on a 1920x1080 monitor would mean 1440x1080, which.. yeah, good luck with that.


OP: "Throw away 1/4 of the pixels on your display. If you don't like it, it's because you're a 'resolution snob'!"

And OP, 810p most certainly does NOT look great.

"Throwing away 1/4th of the pixels on your screen" is true but also a bit overly negative. With this you would retain the clarity of your native res and get increased framerates at the cost of pretty bad letterboxing. Definitely not for everyone but I can see its uses.

At 4k@40" this actually seems pretty useful and I might try it next time I need to drop a game from native. Screen real estate is already pretty nuts at this size and I can see this being preferable to a non native res in some situations.


Yeah, when people hear black bars they automatically think you're cutting the top and bottom off not actually adjusting the image to still show everything, just add width.

Exactly! That was very difficult to explain to the average movie renter. Even more difficult was explaining that the full frame DVDs for movies were actually cropping the picture.


Do you enter threads about games you don't like and just say "terrible game cuz I don't like it"?

This is for people who want the option. How is my OP forcing your hand or even trying to convince you that you should abandon the resolution that you want? I'm not, this is a demonstration and tutorial for those interested.

If you think it's so stupid, please keep it to yourself.

You framed this thread as something positive. I'm just looking out for those who might not know any better.

Most people know about this "fix." It's just a garbage solution so we don't use it.
Or you could get a real monitor that is 16 x 10 and play in the superior desktop resolution of 1920 x 1200.
I'm not kidding, 16x10 is amazing it is so sad the ratio is basically dead.

My old Apple 16x10 Cinema Display monitor died a few months ago and I had to go back to 16x9 finally

Took awhile to get used to again.


You framed this thread as something positive. I'm just looking out for those who might not know any better.

Most people know about this "fix." It's just a garbage solution so we don't use it.

Why did you put the word "fix" in quotes? OP didn't call it a fix. In fact, you're the first person to say fix in this thread. Edit: I think you meant to type "option"?
Possible on an AMD GPU? Would be curious to try BF1 with that aspect ratio.

Yeah I'm pretty sure you can, I just don't have AMD so I don't have access to the control panel.

Why did you put the word "fix" in quotes? OP didn't call it a fix. In fact, you're the first person to say fix in this thread. Edit: I think you meant to type "option"?

I've decided to add him to the ignore list. I never do that, but I'm gonna start cleaning up my GAF user experience from now on. I don't need this kind behavior in a community about our favorite hobby.
I remember doing something like this to get Skyrim to run at like 45 fps with OK settings on my 2011 Mac Mini.
I would do it today to help games keep up with my ridiculously unnecessary refresh rate, but I don't think my GPU is running out of bandwidth at 1080p at all.
Might do it if I ever game on my ultra cheap laptop, probably could run something at 684*293.
I have nothing against this idea, and depending on the game I could see it being really nice, but (and correct me if I'm wrong) I don't see how it really increases FPS at all. Even though you're lowering the resolution, you're rendering more of the environment with a wider field of view.
Huh, haven't thought about that. That's really neat. Better performance and a naturally higher FOV. Think I'm gonna try this. Thanks.


Does this trick do anything for a PC that has to run certain games in less than 1080p in window mode just to get 30 fps?


I have nothing against this idea, and depending on the game I could see it being really nice, but (and correct me if I'm wrong) I don't see how it really increases FPS at all. Even though you're lowering the resolution, you're rendering more of the environment with a wider field of view.

That's an interesting point. In certain situations, I imagine you might actually have a lower fps.
I have nothing against this idea, and depending on the game I could see it being really nice, but (and correct me if I'm wrong) I don't see how it really increases FPS at all. Even though you're lowering the resolution, you're rendering more of the environment with a wider field of view.

Actually, you are correct in the sense that it doesn't work for every game. Depends on the engine in question. For me, Dishonored 2 ran at about 10fps better and that is a terrible port.

Does this trick do anything for a PC that has to run certain games in less than 1080p in window mode just to get 30 fps?

It might, you just have to try. Once you have it set up in the control panel, the resolution will be there in games that allow you to change to arbritrary resolutions.

The only real issue with using any sort of custom resolution with nvidia cards is that it darkens the image as it somehow fucks up the brightness.
I used to do custom resolution for downsampling and it used to happen back in 2013 and it still happens even today.

This 21:9 thing would be pretty decent on big screens where you already have a lot of screen estate.

I haven't personally had any screen dimming or problem with brightness when doing this. You sure it's not just a monitor specific issue? I'm using an ASUS 144hz monitor. It's a TN panel. I'm not getting brightness variations.


The only real issue with using any sort of custom resolution with nvidia cards is that it darkens the image as it somehow fucks up the brightness.
I used to do custom resolution for downsampling and it used to happen back in 2013 and it still happens even today.

This 21:9 thing would be pretty decent on big screens where you already have a lot of screen estate.


I have nothing against this idea, and depending on the game I could see it being really nice, but (and correct me if I'm wrong) I don't see how it really increases FPS at all. Even though you're lowering the resolution, you're rendering more of the environment with a wider field of view.

It depends on the game, some games drop performance quite noticeably when FoV is increased due to the way they render case of those games you won't get any performance improvements at all. But equally there are lots of games where increasing FoV has minimal or marginal effect on performance, in those games doing this should improve performance by about 15-20% or so.


Yup...if anything it's just great to try and see if you like it. It gives me so much more info on the screen it's great.
A 21:9 monitor is on my wish list of things for me new computer next year but I may go with a VR headset instead. Not sure which way to go.
It depends on the game, some games drop performance quite noticeably when FoV is increased due to the way they render case of those games you won't get any performance improvements at all. But equally there are lots of games where increasing FoV has minimal or marginal effect on performance, in those games doing this should improve performance by about 15-20% or so.

Thanks, good to know.

A 21:9 monitor is on my wish list of things for me new computer next year but I may go with a VR headset instead. Not sure which way to go.

More than likely you'll spend more time looking at your monitor than having your VR headset on, so I'd go with the 21:9. I absolutely love mine.


The only real issue with using any sort of custom resolution with nvidia cards is that it darkens the image as it somehow fucks up the brightness.
I used to do custom resolution for downsampling and it used to happen back in 2013 and it still happens even today.

This issue is because using a custom res forces HDMI black level to full. I remember this being a problem with my last TV when I wanted to downsample because it only supported a limited range signal. Shouldn't be an issue on most monitors though and most TVs let you pick limited/full HDMI range or an auto setting that works.
ugh WHAT? come on...I didn't mean it like that...

sheesh. I try to do something nice for this community and most of you just get angry.

Sorry OP. To be fair, 21:9 IS superior to 16:9. I just don't think that you wanna force that on a 1080p 16:9 monitor. Get yourself one of those legit 1080p or 1440p ultrawides. They're dope af
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