Thing is, GAF is out for blood right now, total berserk mode. Even though OP pointed out that the subject of the thread is to be taken with a grain of salt, any thread related to BioWare will see dozens of brutal comments for no other reason than "this game I haven't played has some funny animations". Good reviews are ignored, as well as positive opinions, it's just... I don't know what's happening really. Not even counting the employee getting harassed because holy shit it shoud have made people regain their senses for a sec but no, let's double down.
You can find negative reviews for any company on glassdoor but this week the cool thing to do is hate on BioWare so let's take a review from mid-2016 and ignore all the positive ones to keep the hate train rolling.
I'm sure shitty stuff happens at BioWare like everywhere in the industry but the amount of shit getting thrown at the company as a whole, the employees and the game is just insane.
You're mistaking "hunting for blood" for understanding what went wrong with the production of Mass Effect Andromeda. We have clear signs and evidence of the troubled production that the game has been through with the subpar character creator, the atrocious facial animations, the departure of employees throughout the project, the lack of squad abilities, the many, many bugs, the weird marketing, the sudden announcement of a release date, the cancellation of Multiplayer beta, and so forth.
I don't know about hate train or anything, but this is more a conversation about what might have went wrong and not some kind of witch hunt or hate train or whatever you want to label it. By sticking our heads into the ground, we ignore what things went wrong that lead to the game and its developers suffering to such an extent that an unpolished and subpar game is released at the end.
Frankly, it's intellectually bankrupt to think this is just some "it's cool to hate on Bioware or something, when what people wants to do is understand what went wrong. This doesn't mean that the Glass Ceiling thing is correct or true, just that people are looking for answers after such a 5-year performance by multiple studios and hundreds of talented people.