Giallo Corsa
Elden Ring absolutely shits on Forspoken. It looks great despite its technical shortcomings. Forspoken looks awful.
Gaiff, I was only commenting regarding Elden ring friend

Also - and this might come as weird - everything looks better in screenshots/stills, in motion's a whole different thing, In my 140 hours playthrough, not once did I say "wow ! This sure looks brilliant" like I did when I first entered hemwick charnel lane in Bloodborne, or, having triggered the horse and cart cutscene that take you to Cainhurst castle, or, the ever decaying streets of Yarnam, or, the absolutely beautiful final encounter with Moon presence , or, the various decaying castles, dungeons and countryside in Sekiro.
Anyway, opinions and all lads, I'm gonna stop jacking this thread since it's not about FROM but Forspoken (which frankly, I don't give a ratt's arse about
