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Forza Horizon 2: Resolution (1080p), Framerate (30fps), Music, & More Detailed - IGNF

Did a PG employee show you something on a plane ride or what

well, I have the feeling he has some connection with PG



Really? Lol. So you're saying if they dropped resolution and reduced IQ/effects they still couldn't hit 60fps.

Besides I've never said shit about games being 792p.

If dropping resolution and reducing IQ/effects are just few things, then we could demand 120fps for every game no? Just run it at 480p and a PS1 engine?

For the guys claiming nobody is saying "being open world doesn't matter", here an example

If you demand 60fps for a racer, demand it. Open World vs. Closed Curcuit argument is a really dumb argument. Its basically the lambasting of 3rd person, cover-based shooters, then praising a 3rd person, cover-based shooter for allowing you to tunnel underground. Or, the constant railing that CoD recieves, then hyping something like Titanfall.

Its the same genre, same resolution, same fps. The open-world (doesn't the other racer also do dynamic weather, like fog?) crutch is flimsy at best. No other racer to my knowledge has gotten a pass for being 30fps but open world. I saw 'choppy gameplay' mentioned in one case of why 30fps for a racer is bad, that its a concession on gameplay.

If 30fps is choppy to you in a closed curcuit track, its going to be choppy in an open world setting. None of those cosmetics you listed would ever relieve that.

And I have no framerate preference except 'locked'.

^ and here is another

I barely see people demanding 60 fps on Horizon, TDU threads. And when it happens, people always use the open world argument. Same with Infamous, Sunset Overdrive, Watch Dogs, GTA, RDR, etc.

As I (and others people) already said here, the DriveClub guy opened the debate for 60 fps. Thats why more people demanded it on DC threads. Just funny how you guys keep ignoring this.
I don't think anyone would argue about wanting 30fps more so than if it were 60fps but we all know the reason is because they want to push the hardware. Forza Horizon was 30fps, that's not to excuse them from not trying for 60fps but the series never put that as their main focus before. The tracks in Forza Horison 2 is also more open than the first one and allows you to go off track which we all know is more demanding on the hardware. In the case of DriveClub they set out to reach *60fps and with all the delays they still couldn't manage to hit that mark. That's not to suggest the game will run poorly but they left us thinking the delays were also linked to getting that benchmark, which they weren't able to with the graphics and effects they wanted in place. Is DriveClub going to be as open as Forza Horison 2?

I don't think anyone would argue about wanting 30fps more so than if it were 60fps but we all know the reason is because they want to push the hardware. Forza Horizon was 30fps, that's not to excuse them from not trying for 60fps but the series never put that as their main focus before. The tracks in Forza Horison 2 is also more open than the first one and allows you to go off track which we all know is more demanding on the hardware. In the case of DriveClub they set out to reach *60fps and with all the delays they still couldn't manage to hit that mark. That's not to suggest the game will run poorly but they left us thinking the delays were also linked to getting that benchmark, which they weren't able to with the graphics and effects they wanted in place. Is DriveClub going to be as open as Forza Horison 2?

No, it is closed circuit. But unlike other closed circuit games the surrounding environments are dense, go on for miles and are of high quality so it is unrealistic to compare to say F5 or GT et al, and also unrealistic to compare to this. Also they delays were to work on the gameplay (read 'dynamic menu'), but they have utilised the time to improve fidelity and whatnot.

I think their 60 fps talk was just wishful thinking and lip service I don't think they set out from the off to make it 60 fps or bust. It was never really mentioned outside of that quote - and really what game wouldn't strive for 60 fps if they could.


Remember, this game isn't about realism first.

Personally I appreciate the brighter nighttime.

Pitch black nighttime is "unrealistic" anyway - see Alan Wake - perfect example of the feeling of being at night, but everything is still visible in some way. I liked the night time in FH1 as well.
I think my big issue with the fact that this game is 30fps is because if there was a PC release, I could easily play it at 1080/60 with no issues. But I'm forced to buy it on a weaker system and play an inferior version of what could have been had Microsoft cared about PC gamers. I'll probably still buy FH2 and like it because FH1 was incredible, arguably the best racing game of last gen - only Burnout Paradise and Dirt 2 would be in contention with it - but I really wish it was smooth as butter at 60fps.


If the music is that important why don't allow custom soundtracks?

If there's any way to listen to music in a car it's your own music.


I think my big issue with the fact that this game is 30fps is because if there was a PC release, I could easily play it at 1080/60 with no issues. But I'm forced to buy it on a weaker system and play an inferior version of what could have been had Microsoft cared about PC gamers. I'll probably still buy FH2 and like it because FH1 was incredible, arguably the best racing game of last gen - only Burnout Paradise and Dirt 2 would be in contention with it - but I really wish it was smooth as butter at 60fps.

So you played the best racing game of last gen (your words) on an even weaker hardware, also at 30fps - why does it bother you that much more now? Seems weird.


So you played the best racing game of last gen (your words) on an even weaker hardware, also at 30fps - why does it bother you that much more now? Seems weird.

'30fps' and 'good racing game' aren't generally considered mutually exclusive. Despite what a few people in this thread think.


If the music is that important why don't allow custom soundtracks?

If there's any way to listen to music in a car it's your own music.

There's always hope that MS will make Xbox Music able to work in the background and it will return to the way it worked on 360.
No, it is closed circuit. But unlike other closed circuit games the surrounding environments are dense, go on for miles and are of high quality so it is unrealistic to compare to say F5 or GT et al, and also unrealistic to compare to this. Also they delays were to work on the gameplay (read 'dynamic menu'), but they have utilised the time to improve fidelity and whatnot.

I think their 60 fps talk was just wishful thinking and lip service I don't think they set out from the off to make it 60 fps or bust. It was never really mentioned outside of that quote - and really what game wouldn't strive for 60 fps if they could.

They explained a lot of the delays were due to social features they wanted in there. Regardless of the real reasons for the delays they did mention they were striving for 60fps which is part of the reason why many still harp about it not reaching that goal. We can go on and on about what's better for open road games, closed circuit and so on but in Forza Horizon's defense the first game wasn't 60fps and they never mentioned about striving to reach that benchmark for #2. I think most people assumed it was going to be 30fps because of the past game and because it's not a closed track plus with all the other effects they put in there. The vistas on DriveClub in the background don't matter too much if they cannot be driven no matter how many miles it seems to go. Obviously Turn 10 has to manage resources for Forza (and every other developer) so that's why we haven't seen some things yet like night racing and so forth. When Gran Turismo hits the PS4 it's likely to raise the bar again as they will want 1080p and 60fps.


Yes! All I know is the original Forza Horizon look and played phenomenal, so if that was 30fps then DAMN. Can't wait.

Can't wait to hear the soundtrack.
They explained a lot of the delays were due to social features they wanted in there. Regardless of the real reasons for the delays they did mention they were striving for 60fps which is part of the reason why many still harp about it not reaching that goal. We can go on and on about what's better for open road games, closed circuit and so on but in Forza Horizon's defense the first game wasn't 60fps and they never mentioned about striving to reach that benchmark for #2. I think most people assumed it was going to be 30fps because of the past game and because it's not a closed track plus with all the other effects they put in there. The vistas on DriveClub in the background don't matter too much if they cannot be driven no matter how many miles it seems to go. Obviously Turn 10 has to manage resources for Forza (and every other developer) so that's why we haven't seen some things yet like night racing and so forth. When Gran Turismo hits the PS4 it's likely to raise the bar again as they will want 1080p and 60fps.
Are you talking about the original Horizon here? Because they've only just started talking about FH2 and they didn't announce Driveclub by going hey we're going to try and be 60 fps. That came later. They said it is 30 fps but will aim to go for 60.

Those comments only came after people started moaning about the frame rate in the demos at conferences and subsequent gameplay footage.

I think it is unfair to say the Driveclub was always wanting to be a 60 fps title based on a couple of quotes given in an interview just to keep the interviewer happy and not give a negative sounding answer. And I'll say again. What game wouldn't want to be 60 fps.

All games want to try aim for that magical mark. Except that game about 1886 things being in a logical sequence.


Junior Member
PG, I hope that the car vehicle audio issues have been addressed. FH1's cars were a little too soft compared to FM.
To the people who are whining about Driveclub receiving criticism for being 30fps. This is a thread about Forza Horizon 2. Please direct your bitterness towards the developer of Driveclub, who suggested 60fps was their goal. They are responsible for setting those expectations.

I think my big issue with the fact that this game is 30fps is because if there was a PC release, I could easily play it at 1080/60 with no issues. But I'm forced to buy it on a weaker system and play an inferior version of what could have been had Microsoft cared about PC gamers. I'll probably still buy FH2 and like it because FH1 was incredible, arguably the best racing game of last gen - only Burnout Paradise and Dirt 2 would be in contention with it - but I really wish it was smooth as butter at 60fps.

You could make this complaint in almost every exclusive game thread, but I wouldn't recommend that because it's against the rules here to beg for ports to other platforms.

The Flash

To the people who are whining about Driveclub receiving criticism for being 30fps. This is a thread about Forza Horizon 2. Please direct your bitterness towards the developer of Driveclub, who suggested 60fps was their goal. They are responsible for setting those expectations.



PG, I hope that the car vehicle audio issues have been addressed. FH1's cars were a little too soft compared to FM.

Maybe they didn't have enough CPU power left for audio processing, who knows. But Xbone has a glorious dedicated audio chip, I think?
I think my big issue with the fact that this game is 30fps is because if there was a PC release, I could easily play it at 1080/60 with no issues. But I'm forced to buy it on a weaker system and play an inferior version of what could have been had Microsoft cared about PC gamers. I'll probably still buy FH2 and like it because FH1 was incredible, arguably the best racing game of last gen - only Burnout Paradise and Dirt 2 would be in contention with it - but I really wish it was smooth as butter at 60fps.

A lot of the exclusive games happen because of the financial backing from the console manufacture; without this backing they probably would never have been made. Whining on about them being inferior really is useless, what PC gains in hardware advantage it loses with no hardware manufacture wanting to back making exclusive games. Until the day IBM, HP or Dell start financing making games exclusive for their own PC's, there really isn't a point for port begging. Not that it would make a difference, when most "hardcore" gaming pc's are custom with parts from various manufactures. At the end of the day a fun game is fun game, regardless of not running 4k and 120fps.
Are you talking about the original Horizon here? Because they've only just started talking about FH2 and they didn't announce Driveclub by going hey we're going to try and be 60 fps. That came later. They said it is 30 fps but will aim to go for 60.

Those comments only came after people started moaning about the frame rate in the demos at conferences and subsequent gameplay footage.

I think it is unfair to say the Driveclub was always wanting to be a 60 fps title based on a couple of quotes given in an interview just to keep the interviewer happy and not give a negative sounding answer. And I'll say again. What game wouldn't want to be 60 fps.

All games want to try aim for that magical mark. Except that game about 1886 things being in a logical sequence.

There is really nothing more to add, I explained the reasons why some are still going on about DriveClub not hitting their own benchmark of 60fps and the delays did not help their case. The game looks excellent visually though. I also don't agree with the makers of 1886 and their bullshit pr and should just come out and say they want the prettiest graphics which is why they chose 30fps and leave it at that. No need to carry on since this is about Forza Horizon 2. Having a rock solid 30fps and not dropping is a plus but I'd still prefer 60 but we can't have everything, at least when it comes to console gaming.
There is really nothing more to add, I explained the reasons why some are still going on about DriveClub not hitting their own benchmark of 60fps and the delays did not help their case. The game looks excellent visually though. I also don't agree with the makers of 1886 and their bullshit pr and should just come out and say they want the prettiest graphics which is why they chose 30fps and leave it at that. No need to carry on since this is about Forza Horizon 2. Having a rock solid 30fps and not dropping is a plus but I'd still prefer 60 but we can't have everything, at least when it comes to console gaming.
Which was the point made lol. It was more about answering the questions you raised than fps. I'm in the don't care make it look good and play good camp which is what FH1 did and DC looks to have matched.


As an older gamer (36) who has been around for almost all console generations, it always blows my mind how we get a new generation and so many people think most games are going to be 60fps.
It never happens because as the machines get more powerful, the graphics get better canceling out that power to an extent. I mean yeah sure if we were still getting 360/ps3 level graphics, textures, poly counts, etc on these machines then sure we should expect 60fps but we are not.

Plus a lot of console developers for whatever reason prefer pushing better graphics at 30fps over cut down graphics at 60fps. Its the way its always been and the way it always will be, well unless Sony and Microsoft demand 60fps with future consoles and its doubtful that will happen.

If 30fps bother some of you so much (and its not just lame fanboy wars shit) then the only thing you can really do is get a good PC and then you can have your 60fps,120fps, 87xAA and all that jazz.
As an older gamer (36) who has been around for almost all console generations, it always blows my mind how we get a new generation and so many people think most games are going to be 60fps.
It never happens because as the machines get more powerful, the graphics get better canceling out that power to an extent. I mean yeah sure if we were still getting 360/ps3 level graphics, textures, poly counts, etc on these machines then sure we should expect 60fps but we are not.

Plus a lot of console developers for whatever reason prefer pushing better graphics at 30fps over cut down graphics at 60fps. Its the way its always been and the way it always will be, well unless Sony and Microsoft demand 60fps with future consoles and its doubtful that will happen.

If 30fps bother some of you so much (and its not just lame fanboy wars shit) then the only thing you can really do is get a good PC and then you can have your 60fps,120fps, 87xAA and all that jazz.

In a perfect world all games would be coming to the PC but that's not going to happen. Marketing and money are very much pushing console gaming over the PC still. Gamers will play games at 30fps and even less, that's because it might be the only option to them and many don't care all that much unless they were given a choice side by side. Even then they know many would still prefer better graphics and effects over high frame rates if they had to choose. Plus very few console games offer the choice to tweak your game. What we are now seeing though because resolution and frame rates have become a hot item now on consoles is developers chiming in and telling us why their game isn't running at 60fps. That's where they get themselves in trouble because it all usually boils down to hardware limitations and choosing visuals over gameplay.


No, it is closed circuit. But unlike other closed circuit games the surrounding environments are dense, go on for miles and are of high quality so it is unrealistic to compare to say F5 or GT et al, and also unrealistic to compare to this. Also they delays were to work on the gameplay (read 'dynamic menu'), but they have utilised the time to improve fidelity and whatnot.

I think their 60 fps talk was just wishful thinking and lip service I don't think they set out from the off to make it 60 fps or bust. It was never really mentioned outside of that quote - and really what game wouldn't strive for 60 fps if they could.

in one interview, the DC guy says that the longest track takes over 5 minutes to race (point to point) in the fastest car, and that they could have made it longer but chose not to. So I wonder if they have some kind of streaming solution necessary for the longer tracks?
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