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Forza Horizon 2: Resolution (1080p), Framerate (30fps), Music, & More Detailed - IGNF


Man I just loved the feel of Forza 5, will skip out on this one. Not just because of frame rate, but because of my dislike of Horizon.


I agree with Playground Games that a lot of times, IQ (especially lighting, ray tracing) can make a lot more difference than just straight up resolution. Though ideally (of course!) you'd want both!


I also think it's easier to forgive slipping on resolution so long as the fps keeps up. Which is why I've had as much of an issue with Crytek on consoles as I have, since to them it seems both resolution AND fps are fair game so long as they can make their game look really really nice... and it sorta looks bad anyway because those aspects can't keep up.
I think people will still demand 60fps for closed circuit racing games, no?

Even more now, that the weaker hardware is providing an open world with dynamic lighting, weather, sim physics engine, traffic and seamless online mode with 12 players at 30 fps.

If you demand 60fps for a racer, demand it. Open World vs. Closed Curcuit argument is a really dumb argument. Its basically the lambasting of 3rd person, cover-based shooters, then praising a 3rd person, cover-based shooter for allowing you to tunnel underground. Or, the constant railing that CoD recieves, then hyping something like Titanfall.

Its the same genre, same resolution, same fps. The open-world (doesn't the other racer also do dynamic weather, like fog?) crutch is flimsy at best. No other racer to my knowledge has gotten a pass for being 30fps but open world. I saw 'choppy gameplay' mentioned in one case of why 30fps for a racer is bad, that its a concession on gameplay.

If 30fps is choppy to you in a closed curcuit track, its going to be choppy in an open world setting. None of those cosmetics you listed would ever relieve that.

And I have no framerate preference except 'locked'.


If you demand 60fps for a racer, demand it. Open World vs. Closed Curcuit argument is a really dumb argument. Its basically the lambasting of 3rd person, cover-based shooters, then praising a 3rd person, cover-based shooter for allowing you to tunnel underground. Or, the constant railing that CoD recieves, then hyping something like Titanfall.

Open World = More to Render.

Its the same genre, same resolution, same fps. The open-world (doesn't the other racer also do dynamic weather, like fog?) crutch is flimsy at best. No other racer to my knowledge has gotten a pass for being 30fps but open world. I saw 'choppy gameplay' mentioned in one case of why 30fps for a racer is bad, that its a concession on gameplay.

Forza Horizon 2 has dynamic weather(rain not just fog), day/night cycle, dynamic lighting with real lighting physics for every source light and is open world.

Forza Horizon got a pass because it's a locked 30 fps and is smooth as butter.

If 30fps is choppy to you in a closed curcuit track, its going to be choppy in an open world setting. None of those cosmetics you listed would ever relieve that.

And I have no framerate preference except 'locked'.

It's not about the setting it's about what has to be rendered within reason.


@galactic barret

for your information, not all 30fps games are equal. (not all 60fps games are equal too!)

for example, horizon 1 had all but the screen (physics, input) getting refreshed at 360hz, even though the screen was only updating at (a perfect) 30hz.
(just like forza motorsport 1 was back on the original, fat xbox: 30Hz screen, fucktonHz physics & control)

still, there is a big gap -for someone that cares- between lets say forza 4 and horizon 1. (especially in very high speeds -which lets face it, is the end game of all racing games)
there was also a big(ger) gap between forza horizon and every other 30hz racer.

do you understand?

what these guys basically do, is open up the perfectly tuned 1080/60 forza 5 engine, doubling up the time they have to create each frame, and with this extra time they spruce it up.

now, if you find what you will see on top of forza 5, not worthy of the halfing of the framerate, good news is you dont have to wait at all, as the game that is best for you is already out and its called forza motorsport 5 (mattric applause) ;)
you would be just like me: forza 5 still king, but horizon 2 most probably be a far better solution to get my nfs/test drive/colin mcrae/pgr kick that anything else. with forza drivability, physics and liveries and tuning. plus the new features.


I'm definitely noticing somewhat of a difference in response to the 30fps here from certain people. Sure if I dug through some of it, I'd find more. Overall though this thread seems to be considerably more tame regarding the frame rate aspect than some others in recent weeks. Not really sure why that is.




I think people are so relieved its 1080p that they'll forgive almost anything.

I think also the reality of Xbox 1 being less powerful means the 60fps hyperbole and bile seems mostly directed at PS4, as though it has less excuses not to be 60fps.


I think people are so relieved its 1080p that they'll forgive almost anything.

I think also the reality of Xbox 1 being less powerful means the 60fps hyperbole and bile seems mostly directed at PS4, as though it has less excuses not to be 60fps.
Plus precedent and all that.

By the way on a lark I decided to see what Digital Foundry had to say about Forza Horizon, and almost immediately they discuss the challenges of developing an open world racer.
I think a lot of people are forgetting that H2 is not just your typical, race everywhere there is road, open world racer. If PG and the pics are to believed, H2 is open world and open boarders and with destructible environment and with seamless on/offline integration as well as the rest that has been mentioned frequently.

That sounds pretty impressive to me and come Friday we will see if it is also. I have tons of faith in Playground though after immensely enjoying H1.

I think people are so relieved its 1080p that they'll forgive almost anything.

I think also the reality of Xbox 1 being less powerful means the 60fps hyperbole and bile seems mostly directed at PS4, as though it has less excuses not to be 60fps.

Also this. ^


Junior Member
Prioritizing looks over gameplay. Am I doing it rite? Atleast that is what I was told in the DC thread when it was revealed to be 30fps.

I think people are so relieved its 1080p that they'll forgive almost anything.

I think also the reality of Xbox 1 being less powerful means the 60fps hyperbole and bile seems mostly directed at PS4, as though it has less excuses not to be 60fps.

Most likely.


If you demand 60fps for a racer, demand it. Open World vs. Closed Curcuit argument is a really dumb argument. Its basically the lambasting of 3rd person, cover-based shooters, then praising a 3rd person, cover-based shooter for allowing you to tunnel underground. Or, the constant railing that CoD recieves, then hyping something like Titanfall.

Its the same genre, same resolution, same fps. The open-world (doesn't the other racer also do dynamic weather, like fog?) crutch is flimsy at best. No other racer to my knowledge has gotten a pass for being 30fps but open world. I saw 'choppy gameplay' mentioned in one case of why 30fps for a racer is bad, that its a concession on gameplay.

If 30fps is choppy to you in a closed curcuit track, its going to be choppy in an open world setting. None of those cosmetics you listed would ever relieve that.

And I have no framerate preference except 'locked'.
While I'm a '60fps for everything' advocate, there is a difference between a closed-circuit racer and an open world racer like this when it comes to framerate necessity.

Well, its more the difference between 'racing sims' and open world racers, I guess. The majority of closed circuit racers are 30fps, after all. But in racing sims, precision is everything. And this is where a higher framerate definitely helps. Its less about it looking choppy and more about how immediate and direct your inputs feel. If you're not into racing sims, it may be hard to express just how important tiny little inputs can be, but rest assured, most racers that aren't sims don't need half the level of precision to be able to drive well in due to being far more forgiving.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I think a lot of people are forgetting that H2 is not just your typical, race everywhere there is road, open world racer. If PG and the pics are to believed, H2 is open world and open boarders and with destructible environment and with seamless on/offline integration as well as the rest that has been mentioned frequently.

That sounds pretty impressive to me and come Friday we will see if it is also. I have tons of faith in Playground though after immensely enjoying H1.

Also this. ^

No, it is not also that, in addition to the backhandedness of saying what was said. We aren't happy to just accept shit on a stick just because its 1080p. That's immaterial to most of us anyways. For a 30fps racer, FH1 bridges the gap between the response time of a 60fps game and your average 30fps racer very well. Really, it is virtually superlative with what they did with controls. That's why most of us aren't or shouldn't be complaining about this, if you played the first one. Play any 30fps racer after playing FH1 and there will be some slight feeling of playing and driving in mud. It irked me so much with some of my other games that I recently bought Flatout 2 and Ultimate Carnage on Steam, even though I have it on 360, because of the sluggishness after playing FH1 and Bugbear makes excellent racing games so now I can play it in 60fps.On the Vita, Wipeout 2048 does a serviceable job of masking the fact that it is 30fps on the PSVita by having good response time, but it is not like what FH1 does, none of my 30fps racers do.


Less than 24 hours until we get the first footage.


I am not getting my hopes up to see something meaningful.
Best case scenario - direct gameplay snippet.
Worst case scenario - non-presentative camera angle snippet.

So I am looking forward to monday really.


I am not getting my hopes up to see something meaningful.
Best case scenario - direct gameplay snippet.
Worst case scenario - non-presentative camera angle snippet.

So I am looking forward to monday really.

I agree with your worst case scenario.

But I also say that we probably see the real gameplay on Monday :)

The game should be out in 3-4 months. It would be strange not to show gameplay as this must already stand.
If the XB1 was more powerful this would still be a 30fps game. They'd use the extra power to make it even prettier.

This game could be 60fps but the devs chose to allocate resources elsewhere. And I bet if you doubled their resources, the split between beauty and number of frames would remain the same.

The PS1 could do 60fps in Gran Turismo (I'm sure many of you older members like me have played those 60fps demo tracks unlocked in the game) but Polyphony chose more trackside detail over frame rate in the main part of the game.

Yes there are games that fall short of targets. There's nothing worse - a supposedly 60fps game that drops frames, stutters and tears. But that really isn't the same as a developer choosing to allocate resources into IQ and locking at a smooth lower frame rate. Nor is resolution directly related to frame rate in this case - it's not 1080p30 or 720p60. Those resources aren't going on just the number of pixels - they are going on art. But as ever the entire concept of art takes a backseat to sniping over numbers that are now the fuel of forum wars. (I'm not advocating the "cinematic gaming" camp here by the way, that is based on a misunderstand of how film works).

Some of you are using 30fps in this game to beat the XB1 over the head regarding its silicon - ironic given it seems likely Evo has made the same decision regarding Driveclub. It really wouldn't matter how powerful the XB1 was, I bet the same choice would be made. I read comments like "I'm out" just because this undoubtedly smooth game will be 30fps. I think those that say such things are either liars (who will buy the game anyway) and like to act like bigshots on videogames forums (ahahaha) or I feel sad for them because they will miss out on a game they would likely really enjoy. It's a shame gaming makes so many of you angry and sad.

But if the nonsense spoken by some on this forum about Forza Motorsport 5 is any guide, there are plenty here who like to swing their dicks around about games they are never likely to play, have never played and in reality were never going to be interested in playing. Racing games have become the new forum battlefield - and it makes me sad, partly because of all the shouting by people who don't even play these games and give devs a false impression of what the players might want, and because I love the idea of being able to discuss games I'm interested in with people who are excited about playing them. I wonder if that is even possible online anymore.


If the XB1 was more powerful this would still be a 30fps game. They'd use the extra power to make it even prettier.
Worth remembering too that Forza Horizon was designed around making sure it was 30 fps even in a worst case scenario. In order to get 60fps Forza Horizon 2 we'd probably need the XB1 to be magnitudes more powerful than it is without the option of 4k, in which case it reaches a point where you're kind of a dumbass if you're still striving to squeeze as much as you can into 30fps rather than 60. Alternatively, we'd have to still be at 480p max, but if we were in that scenario we'd probably regularly see 60fps games with solid 30fps at a minimum. Though I probably shouldn't underestimate what they'd attempt even with a resolution that low all the time.


it's just sad because the powerful ps4 couldn't pull it off with driveclub.

This stuff is polluting the forum and needs to stop.

Now there's no such thing as "console x couldn't pull 60fps" especially when talking exclusive games.
Now, back in the psone days there was very little you could do with the amount of stuff you were allowed to have onscreen at 60fps, that was a limitation you couldn't overcome. without limiting gameplay itself.
This is not the case now, though.

Games don't have a minimum amount of geometry, textures, shaders etc they NEED to render.
Developers SET their target, no one else, so if an exclusive game is 30fps, that's because devs chose to do something extra pretty with the GPU, not because the console couldn't, and that's all, really.

There's no ceiling you can hit when going "prettier", this will be the case for many decades. Until then, 30fps are always going to be an option.

It's like experience points in an RPG, you can spend them towards visuals, resolution and framerate, but you don't have unlimited points to max out all 3, and you won't have for many decades.


1080p + stable 30fps like Horizon + fully open world + weather + dynamic lighting? Oohh yes please.

Need to keep my hype in check for tomorrow, have a feeling that it would be nothing more than a few screen flashes saving the big footage for an E3 "Games on Xbox" trailer.
i only played 5hrs 39 min. lets go. you gonna back out in front of gaf?

even hoodoogoon would take up my offer.
I demand a stream of the race.
I am not getting my hopes up to see something meaningful.
Best case scenario - direct gameplay snippet.
Worst case scenario - non-presentative camera angle snippet.

So I am looking forward to monday really.

20 seconds, with 10 seconds being hype text with a black backround.

IGN, bruh. IGN.

Man, y'all are bringing me down something fierce.

You have to have faith. IGN may just deliver...


This stuff is polluting the forum and needs to stop.

Now there's no such thing as "console x couldn't pull 60fps" especially when talking exclusive games.
Now, back in the psone days there was very little you could do with the amount of stuff you were allowed to have onscreen at 60fps, that was a limitation you couldn't overcome. without limiting gameplay itself.
This is not the case now, though.

Games don't have a minimum amount of geometry, textures, shaders etc they NEED to render.
Developers SET their target, no one else, so if an exclusive game is 30fps, that's because devs chose to do something extra pretty with the GPU, not because the console couldn't, and that's all, really.

There's no ceiling you can hit when going "prettier", this will be the case for many decades. Until then, 30fps are always going to be an option.

It's like experience points in an RPG, you can spend them towards visuals, resolution and framerate, but you don't have unlimited points to max out all 3, and you won't have for many decades.

im really getting disgusted by ppl who act like consoles are some sorta of "silicon graphics monsters" for ThreeHundredNinetyNine dollars.. i really dont know if is more embarassing or sad that they dont know what they are really buying with their money

the only thing that we are buying is TIME that dev pass to optimize their games for this hw....


i only played 5hrs 39 min... and then went back to building upon my 15000hrs in rFactor

it's a trap!

Grimløck;114826426 said:
I agree. Idiots were shitting up DC threads with that nonsense.

Not liking 30fps for a racer is a valid preference, and I don't have any problem with people like pixlexic or Thrakier stating so either here or in the DC thread. Wanting to see more complaints simply because separate people made those complaints in a separate thread, for a separate game on a separate console is sad as hell though.


It's like experience points in an RPG, you can spend them towards visuals, resolution and framerate, but you don't have unlimited points to max out all 3, and you won't have for many decades.

I like this analogy. I guess 60fps is putting your points into DEX, and 30fps is putting them into Charisma?


I didn't have the slightest interest in an Xbox One until now. The magic combination of words 'Project Gotham Racing' have been mentioned more than once which means FH2 may just be a system seller to me.

Look forward to reading more and viewing some footage soon.
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