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Forza Horizon 2: Resolution (1080p), Framerate (30fps), Music, & More Detailed - IGNF


I'm thinking of pulling the trigger this year. But I'm supposed to be buying a new car and paying for two holidays, so I doubt the wife will be too pleased if I do lol.

you have a splendid chance of buying not only two -but three great holidays, with the added price of only 399 ;)
I say get asap to catch up on f5, otherwise you'll be dead meat on horizon2 ;ppP
I said it because it is a matter of fact. I can already see some championing this open world point for example, to excuse a frame rate which not long before they claimed was unacceptable or the like for racers, and now I can see people championing it for tech speak, without much compression beyond using it as a tick box feature.

On a side note, I'd be very surprised if FH2 looks as good as DriveClub. Already in the screenshots I can see a difference in lighting quality and in other things like tree and foliage geometry for example. I have no doubt FH2 is going to look bonkers good, but whilst it likely uses a highly adapted version of the F5 engine, you can still see some of the similarities, especially for example, in the Mitsubishi Evolution shot. I've no doubt some will think it looks better though, just as some jumped to the conclusion Quantum Break looks better than anything they've seen before based on that little footage, even though to me Ryse still currently looks markedly better. But opinions and all that.

Nib, I'd bet that you've defended Infamous SS' 30fps by arguing that it's open world.
Why are you being so defensive about this game's choice of 30fps for the same reason?

And why are you already arguing graphical differences between DC and FH2? Chill man, there will be enough of that tomorrow.
Of course they matter. Background vistas with full geometry, lighting, foliage, tree's, shadowing etc are still extremely taxing, which is why we've rarely seen vistas or backgrounds as dense in racing games, and certainly no other racing game as outright realistic looking with such environments, not even close. There will still also be certain vistas etc that you actually drive to, so there's that to consider too.
Not as much, because if it's background only it's rendered at much lower quality (polys, textures shaders, physics etc) than it would up close.

Some people are under this false impression that being open world automatically makes your game more computationally taxing or technically impressive than a linear or non open world game. It doesn't.
Apparently unless the goal is to diminish Ryse visuals, or whatever the next super pretty linear game comes out.

On a serious note, being open world is undeniably more taxing on one very precious resource: Loading assets. Not knowing in advance where the player might goes drastically limits what you can pre-load regarding geometry data, or textures, or shader, or animation, or even physics.

There are countless other factors that need to be considered such as quality of lighting, shadows, complexity of geometry, density of environments, shaders, textures, reflections, physics, volumetrics, post processing, effects, particles and so on and so on.
It's why games like Halo 4 or Last of Us, despite being largely linear, are both still more technically impressive and likely more computationally optimised and still demanding than say Sleeping Dog's or Assassin's Creed 3/BF.
Funny you say that because a game like Ass Creed have more dynamic lighting than both Halo 4 and the uncharted series, and less pre baked stuff.

Actually being so close regarding visuals, despite being much open, and with much more AI on screen at once I would argue games like AC, Red Dead are much more taxing (at least on the resources that are more limited) than the linear spectacle of Gears or uncharted.
What made Forza 5 a shit show?

I hated the nickel and diming for cars, the progression was very poor and much worse than F4, the load times were awful, the fact you couldn't quit out of a race mid-grand prix, the crowd - oh god, the crowd. I pretty much disliked everything in the game except the actual driving, that was still incredible. It just felt like a huge step back from Forza 4 which I imagine is just because they had to have it out for launch, so I hope Forza 6 can fix the problems I had with this one.


Nib, I'd bet that you've defended Infamous SS' 30fps by arguing that it's open world.
Why are you being so defensive about this game's choice of 30fps for the same reason?

And why are you already arguing graphical differences between DC and FH2? Chill man, there will be enough of that tomorrow.

Why bother? He's obviously heavily biased.


so, turn10 - playground games, community managers and devs, and testers etc,
I have a question!

-Night time: Do I get to switch the lights to off?

if I want to go stealthy and bump saladine1's ass while he thinks he is going fast, can i do it?
or my car has lights on always@night?
so, turn10 - playground games, community managers and devs, and testers etc,
I have a question!

-Night time: Do I get to switch the lights to off?

if I want to go stealthy and bump saladine1's ass while he thinks he is going fast, can i do it?
or my car has lights on always@night?

Yeah I want some of that.


Funny you say that because a game like Ass Creed have more dynamic lighting than both Halo 4 and the uncharted series, and less pre baked stuff.

Actually being so close regarding visuals, despite being much open, and with much more AI on screen at once I would argue games like AC, Red Dead are much more taxing (at least on the resources that are more limited) than the linear spectacle of Gears or uncharted.

Are you sure about that? I don't think that is the case to be fair. Whilst AC for example may have day to night transitions, the actual quality of it's lighting seems to be far away from the other games. It also has less light sources, less dynamic lighting and shadowing on some of those light sources (muzzle flare, torch lights, surrounding lights etc). In-fact, I noticed the same issue with Black Flags on the PS4. Lots of individual lighting elements just look ropey, e.g. flame torches and the lighting they emit, the lighting and shadows from lightning etc.


Why bother? He's obviously heavily biased.

The fanboy shite on this forum is the reason why i wish we had X1, PS4, WiiU sub-forums. Keep the main forum like it is but also add sub forums where fans of those machines can talk freely between each other and ANY kind of drive by trolling, stealth trolling, fanboy shit = instant ban, or even perma-ban.
Imo it would make this forum a lot better.
I said it because it is a matter of fact.

Actually (and factually), open world racers are more demanding, especially those that let you drive practically anywhere. The most obvious reason is asset streaming. In an open world game the engine needs to be able to quickly start loading high quality assets from anywhere in the surrounding area, whereas with closed tracks you basically only need to be able to load assets from two directions - front and back. That also means that hand tuning asset placement to optimize loading is made hard, if not impossible. Furthermore, artists can have a better idea of whether the scene will ever go over the allocated budget, and they can even spend more time detailing and optimizing objects at or close to the track (far away objects can always be of lower quality because you'll never get to see them upclose). They can't really do that in an open world where more things need to have high LOD versions.

Then there's the question of AI and even pathfinding in games where you can drive practically anywhere, and possibly some other things as well. It's very plain to see that those two types of games are not equal in many ways.


Actually (and factually), open world racers are more demanding, especially those that let you drive practically anywhere. The most obvious reason is asset streaming. In an open world game the engine needs to be able to quickly start loading high quality assets from anywhere in the surrounding area, whereas with closed tracks you basically only need to be able to load assets from two directions - front and back. That also means that hand tuning asset placement to optimize loading is made hard, if not impossible. Furthermore, artists can have a better idea of whether the scene will ever go over the allocated budget, and they can even spend more time detailing and optimizing objects at or close to the track (far away objects can always be of lower quality because you'll never get to see them upclose). They can't really do that in an open world where more things need to have high LOD versions.

Then there's the question of AI and even pathfinding in games where you can drive practically anywhere, and possibly some other things as well. It's very plain to see that those two types of games are not equal in many ways.

You completely and totally missed the point of my post, which is that there are countless other factors that go in to determining the technical and graphical merit of a game besides it simply being open world or not. But since this conversation is ruffling feathers and making certain people get defensive, I think we should just drop it for a separate tech discussion thread.


oh boy, we are not really gonna discuss IF open world is more demanding than closed loop, are we>?

f#$%^&*'IGN! press dem buttons :D


The fanboy shite on this forum is the reason why i wish we had X1, PS4, WiiU sub-forums. Keep the main forum like it is but also add sub forums where fans of those machines can talk freely between each other and ANY kind of drive by trolling, stealth trolling, fanboy shit = instant ban, or even perma-ban.
Imo it would make this forum a lot better.

That would be so good.

Why hasn't this been done?
The fanboy shite on this forum is the reason why i wish we had X1, PS4, WiiU sub-forums. Keep the main forum like it is but also add sub forums where fans of those machines can talk freely between each other and ANY kind of drive by trolling, stealth trolling, fanboy shit = instant ban, or even perma-ban.
Imo it would make this forum a lot better.

But then the forum would just be tumbleweeds!


But then the forum would just be tumbleweeds!

No because you would post in both wouldn't you, plus the new stuff would start in the main forum and then we could open new threads for the news in the sub forums where people could freely talk without having to read through page after page of drive by trolling, 6 month old meme's and stealth shit.


I hated the nickel and diming for cars, the progression was very poor and much worse than F4, the load times were awful, the fact you couldn't quit out of a race mid-grand prix, the crowd - oh god, the crowd. I pretty much disliked everything in the game except the actual driving, that was still incredible. It just felt like a huge step back from Forza 4 which I imagine is just because they had to have it out for launch, so I hope Forza 6 can fix the problems I had with this one.

so you hated the game progression? how far in the game are you? what level?


No because you would post in both wouldn't you, plus the new stuff would start in the main forum and then we could open new threads for the news in the sub forums where people could freely talk without having to read through page after page of drive by trolling, 6 month old meme's and stealth shit.

Sites like IGN use that setup and it doesn't stop trolls like him. Ignore buttons stop trolls. All separating forums out like that does is fracture the member base and create obvious divisions. If you think it's territorial now without any borders, imagine what it would be like with borders.


Since nib isnt above post history shaming..

Some people are under this false impression that being open world automatically makes your game more computationally taxing or technically impressive than a linear or non open world game. It doesn't.

Huh, yeah I guess people do think that.

InFamous SS has dynamic lighting too, and shadows, and night/day transitions, as well as better textures, overall lighting, a cleaner image (better IQ), subsurface scattering on skin, open world with more going on screen and so forth. Being CryEngine doesn't mean much, it's the implementation of it that matters. I think people give Crytek far too much credit to be honest.

Certainly one of the best looking sure. Fact it looks as good as it does for an open world game is what's crazier. I mean, it out graphically performs most of the linear next gen titles out there. With dynamic lighting and shadowing to boot. I won't reserve final judgement yet, but it's definitely up there.

Looks incredible. Seriously. Was not expecting an open world game with these visuals at launch.


No because you would post in both wouldn't you, plus the new stuff would start in the main forum and then we could open new threads for the news in the sub forums where people could freely talk without having to read through page after page of drive by trolling, 6 month old meme's and stealth shit.

It wouldn't work as well as you envision unless you create an echo chamber like /r/xboxone.

Since nib isnt above post history shaming..

Huh, yeah I guess people do think that.

I'm shocked.


1.) Quit dragging in quotes from other threads to show how unfair the universe is. Because I will ban you for it.

2.) If a game is 30fps, please shut up about how much you wish it were 60fps, because it's not. It is what it is, and no one wants to hear you whine about it. If it's not good enough for you, don't buy it. If you want to attract the attention of the developers, go send them an email.

Finally, quit turning threads into comparisons about similar projects on another console. This happens all the time, and it's super-irritating for everyone involved. It always leads to a derail, and it always shits up the thread. In the coming week, we will be paying close attention to this, and sending people on their merry way if they can't abide.
Why would anyone want to play a racer at 1080p 30fps when Forza 5 is 60fps?

I swear...

Horizon is more towards racers like PGR and GRID then simulators like GT and PC racing sims, while the base engine is shared the gameplay is quite different, Horizon 1 also had real time day-night cycle shifts with many dynamic lights going on over what forza motorsport does, among other things which take up resources like a much cleaner image quality and open world environment streaming.

Those things don't come for free with cpu and gpu use.


Why would anyone want to play a racer at 1080p 30fps when Forza 5 is 60fps?

I swear...

Although they share the name Forza, they're quite different in intent and tone. I personally don't like sims, so Forza 5 was never an option. Horizon is far more arcadey and also open-world, which is exactly what I want from a racer.


Thank god. Now this thread can actually return to discussion about FH2.

I think the overall design is much better in Horizon than Forza not sure if it was just me but the character models looked better as well. The game just feels more full of life imo.

I hope they can retain that for the sequel.


Thank god. Now this thread can actually return to discussion about FH2.

I think the overall design is much better in Horizon than Forza not sure if it was just me but the character models looked better as well. The game just feels more full of life imo.

I hope they can retain that for the sequel.
Yeah definitely. I'm so pumped for this game. I already have a few fps playing friends on the boat. I hope there is a gaf community. Usually I just play alone, but I think it would be better to play with some cool people who might actually talk online lol


1.) Quit dragging in quotes from other threads to show how unfair the universe is. Because I will ban you for it.

2.) If a game is 30fps, please shut up about how much you wish it were 60fps, because it's not. It is what it is, and no one wants to hear you whine about it. If it's not good enough for you, don't buy it. If you want to attract the attention of the developers, go send them an email.

Finally, quit turning threads into comparisons about similar projects on another console. This happens all the time, and it's super-irritating for everyone involved. It always leads to a derail, and it always shits up the thread. In the coming week, we will be paying close attention to this, and sending people on their merry way if they can't abide.
Thank you.


Thank god. Now this thread can actually return to discussion about FH2.

I think the overall design is much better in Horizon than Forza not sure if it was just me but the character models looked better as well. The game just feels more full of life imo.

I hope they can retain that for the sequel.

I did not like the main character, would prefer to either have no main character at all, or customizable (TDU2). Also some faces looked wayy to uncanny *shudders*.
I hope that tuning is approached better, I used it for the first few days in Horizon playing on hard but then just stopped and used every car as stock, the fact that you had to drive all the way to the garage to tweak one thing then return to the race track was slow, plus the tuning was rather simplified to the point where you could not really make a custom setup to show off to your friends.

I'd like to see races which require set tune setups or ricer events where you need to have a phat wing to enter :p


Junior Member
Of course they matter. Background vistas with full geometry, lighting, foliage, tree's, shadowing etc are still extremely taxing, which is why we've rarely seen vistas or backgrounds as dense in racing games, and certainly no other racing game as outright realistic looking with such environments, not even close. There will still also be certain vistas etc that you actually drive to, so there's that to consider too.

Some people are under this false impression that being open world automatically makes your game more computationally taxing or technically impressive than a linear or non open world game. It doesn't. There are countless other factors that need to be considered such as quality of lighting, shadows, complexity of geometry, density of environments, shaders, textures, reflections, physics, volumetrics, post processing, effects, particles and so on and so on. It's why games like Halo 4 or Last of Us, despite being largely linear, are both still more technically impressive and likely more computationally optimised and still demanding than say Sleeping Dog's or Assassin's Creed 3/BF.

I don't remember reading that you could actually drive off of the course in DC, is that actually the case?


Forza Motorkart where you get to drive a cute Warthog kart or ride turbo powered Pinatas please.

warthogs, ghosts, mongeese, Mammoth/Elephant etc. Halo's get a whole suite of vehicles for it. :D

Btw, I think it'd be great to have the warthog for FH2 considering the off-road.


Eugh better not be fucking bikes, a story based Motorsport game though, yes.

Well its 'Motorsport', it doesn't just mean cars. I think we will get a bike spinof at some point among other spin offs. I wouldn't be suprised if we got a super boat spin off as well -


Kind of like a serious Hydro Thunder!.
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