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Forza Horizon 2: Resolution (1080p), Framerate (30fps), Music, & More Detailed - IGNF


On a side note, if anyone lambasted DriveClub for going a locked 30fps, but is excusing Forza Horzon 2 on the basis of it being open world, I'm sorry, but what difference does being open world make to the actual gameplay smoothness when discussing the frame rate and response times? It doesn't. You're letting it off on some tertiary nonsensical semantics. Either a racing game is smooth and playable at 30fps or it isn't.
There's unplayable, then there's vastly preferable, and being open world would be a GAMEPLAY reason to fail to hit 60 fps which is generally a lot more solid than discreet tracks with nothing else in the world to worry about.

Still, I'm not sure that excuse actually works too well for racers. Burnout Paradise was earlier on in the generation and hit 60 fps, and a lot of the reason other open world games don't do 60 is that they're way busier and offer more to do than just driving around (well, you can tune cars and stuff, but if it's menu based stuff it's irrelevant to fps for gameplay on even vaguely modern hardware.)

Anyways my feeling for the two is similar: kind of disappointed (less so for Forza Horizon purely due to precedent) and hope that graphical trade off really impresses. It'd probably barely register had we at least been late in the generation, I don't like how frequently 60 fps seems to given up on right at the offset when you can still most easily impress at that.


Are you asking that? really? LOL.

On a side note... Is really needed that "DC vs FH2" fight?

"Oh, users are complaining about a game in my console, but usrers are not complaining the same in another console games... my game need some help!"

Why are you surprised? It's a perfectly valid question.

Like I said, 30fps is either acceptable and playable for a racer or it isn't. Even if you have a 60fps preference, you'd still need to find 30fps acceptable and playable to consider it. Everything else is semantics. Fact of the matter is, being open world, having weather, hell even if it let you drive off in to space and around the moon, doesn't make an iota of difference to actual GAMEPLAY smoothness with respect to the response/frame rate debate.

They could have very easily just dropped the graphics down several pegs to get it running at 1080p/60fps. That's the reality of the situation.


Why are you surprised? It's a perfectly valid question.

Like I said, 30fps is either acceptable and playable for a racer or it isn't. Even if you have a 60fps preference, you'd still need to find 30fps acceptable and playable to consider it. Everything else is semantics. Fact of the matter is, being open world, having weather, hell even if it let you drive off in to space and around the moon, doesn't make an iota of difference to actual GAMEPLAY smoothness with respect to the response/frame rate debate.

They could have very easily just dropped the graphics down several pegs to get it running at 1080p/60fps. That's the reality of the situation.

Have you played the first Forza Horizon? It played smoothed and I honestly wouldn't have known that it was 30 FPS if it wasn't for the info that came out before the game released. The game played perfectly fine IMO.


Why are you surprised? It's a perfectly valid question.

Like I said, 30fps is either acceptable and playable for a racer or it isn't. Even if you have a 60fps preference, you'd still need to find 30fps acceptable and playable to consider it. Everything else is semantics. Fact of the matter is, being open world, having weather, hell even if it let you drive off in to space and around the moon, doesn't make an iota of difference to actual GAMEPLAY smoothness with respect to the response/frame rate debate.

They could have very easily just dropped the graphics down several pegs to get it running at 1080p/60fps. That's the reality of the situation.

I don't think it had anything to do with it being smooth, but the fact the PS4 has superior tech yet was only doing 30FPS.

30 FPS done correctly is fine for me, Horizon 1 didn't feel like 30 FPS & I think that was how they done the motion blur & the controls. (The game was responsive as hell)


Have you played the first Forza Horizon? It played smoothed and I honestly wouldn't have known that it was 30 FPS if it wasn't for the info that came out before the game released. The game played perfectly fine IMO.

Oh no you misunderstand me, I much prefer the fact that they're targeting a locked 30fps. That's my preference for this kind of racer given the extra graphical clout they can push out now. I'm also glad they went 1080p too. I want 1:1 pixel mapped goodness on my Kuro and VT65 :)

I don't think it had anything to do with it being smooth, but the fact the PS4 has superior tech yet was only doing 30FPS.

30 FPS done correctly is fine for me, Horizon 1 didn't feel like 30 FPS & I think that was how they done the motion blur & the controls. (The game was responsive as hell)

Right, but you have to look at the game and consider whether it's current graphics and visuals justify the 30fps, and imo they absolutely do. The graphics are insanely good, and the lighting, scope and density of the environments thus far are second to none. That's basically what going 30fps over 60fps is all about. Better graphics, more ambitious game worlds, larger tracks, more draw distance, better effects and so on and so on.
Why are you surprised? It's a perfectly valid question.

Like I said, 30fps is either acceptable and playable for a racer or it isn't. Everything else is semantics. Fact of the matter is, being open world, having weather, hell even if it let you drive off in to space and around the moon, doesn't make an iota of difference to actual GAMEPLAY smoothness with respect to the response/frame rate debate.

They could have very easily just dropped the graphics down several pegs to get it running at 1080p/60fps. That's the reality of the situation.

Think what you want to think, being open world AND using a real time lighting AND weather, make a lot of difference than, for example, Forza Motorsport 5.

The first FH is really smooth, you can play the demo if you want.


Think what you want to think, being open world AND using a real time lighting AND weather, make a lot of difference than, for example, Forza Motorsport 5.

Of course it does. Only a fool would think otherwise. But the reality of the situation is, if you find 30fps unacceptable, disappointing or unplayable for one game, it should be the same for the other, irrespective of these semantics. Being open world is obviously more resource demanding, but if 60fps was really that important, and a design priority, they could have just cut the graphics back and met the 60fps target. I'm glad they didn't mind, but I do find this open world justification by a small few, somewhat hypocritical and amusing.


Think what you want to think, being open world AND using a real time lighting AND weather, make a lot of difference than, for example, Forza Motorsport 5.

The first FH is really smooth, you can play the demo if you want.

You seem to be arguing against a point he isn't making.


hell even if it let you drive off in to space and around the moon
This would be the most surreal way to try to one up Gran Turismo.
Have you played the first Forza Horizon? It played smoothed and I honestly wouldn't have known that it was 30 FPS if it wasn't for the info that came out before the game released. The game played perfectly fine IMO.

30 FPS done correctly is fine for me, Horizon 1 didn't feel like 30 FPS & I think that was how they done the motion blur & the controls. (The game was responsive as hell)
Man, I noticed right off the bat and went "what the hell?" I still played and enjoyed it, and i think Grid 2 actually annoyed me more being 30 fps when I tried it, but it is kind of disappointing how 60 fps doesn't seem to be as common in modern racers as I'd have wanted/hoped. Everything's case by case and there's always exceptions, but it really feels like one of the genres that'd benefit more.

EDIT: Actually, RIvals was probably most annoying there, Forza Horizon was a mild disappointment but the game played pretty well anyway, Grid 2 was at least a late gen racer... NFS Rivals hardcoded itself to be 30 fps for some dumbfuck reason and probably could've been 60 on PS4/XB1 even with the open world angle. It sure as hell didn't look like Driveclub and not significantly better than Forza Horizon 1, and what grounds it makes over that is very likely all in the resolution.
Of course it does. Only a fool would think otherwise. But the reality of the situation is, if you find 30fps unacceptable, disappointing or unplayable for one game, it should be the same for the other, irrespective of these semantics. Being open world is obviously more resource demanding, but if 60fps was really that important, and a design priority, they could have just cut the graphics back and met the 60fps target. I'm glad they didn't mind, but I do find this open world justification by a small few, somewhat hypocritical and amusing.

But for me, 30fps is an acceptable framerate, my favorite racing games are 30fps (Project Gotham Racing 2,3,4 and Forza Horizon).

I think you are angry because some trolls complained about 30fps on Drive Club, but trolls are trolls.


Well, at least they're not trying to sell us on 'filmic' fighting games running at 30 FPS. Yet.

Hopefully more devs will follow in the footsteps of FFXIV and offer a 'performance' mode so that people can choose to prioritize IQ/framerate in whatever order they desire.


But for me, 30fps is an acceptable framerate, my favorite racing games are 30fps (Project Gotham Racing 2,3,4 and Forza Horizon).

I think you are angry because some trolls complained about 30fps on Drive Club, but trolls are trolls.

Then my post isn't directed at you so don't worry about it.


aka andydumi
My Lord... Reading the first page was enough for me to skip to the last. Such idiotic posts...

I'm excited to play my first Horizon game. For people that have played the first iteration, is it like Burnout Paradise? Or totally different?

A bit like Burnout, a bit like Test Drive, and a bit like Smuggler's Run, all in one big blender.

Are you asking that? really? LOL.

On a side note... Is really needed that "DC vs FH2" fight?

"Oh, users are complaining about a game in my console, but usrers are not complaining the same in another console games... my game need some help!"

There probably should and will be one of those threads. And thread crapping will come to light from poster's histories if they indeed did what you describe.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
1080P but no AA.

Kidding but boo, IGN didn' ask if they are using the same AA solution as FH.

i'm sure i'm alone, but i might prefer that.

as clean an IQ as FH1 had, i MUCH preferred the aliased and sharp look of FM4 to the smeared vaseline look of FH.


They could have very easily just dropped the graphics down several pegs to get it running at 1080p/60fps. That's the reality of the situation.
So you can bitch in every thread about "pre-baked" lighting and draw red circles over screenshots right?


Well, at least they're not trying to sell us on 'filmic' fighting games running at 30 FPS. Yet.

Hopefully more devs will follow in the footsteps of FFXIV and offer a 'performance' mode so that people can choose to prioritize IQ/framerate in whatever order they desire.
I think after The Run's reception no one wants a filmic racer in every regard. Though I suspect EA may try again because they still threw some crap into Rivals and seem like the kind of company that'd continue to be boneheaded in this way, even getting a NFS branded movie.

And FFXIV's an example of why resolution can be nigh-irrelevant for FPS in some cases. I don't think I noticed ANY improvement trying to run at 720p, it seems more useful for remote play and legibility there.


Fuck man, this shit sounds so rad. GAHHH why are your games so awesome this year Microsoft, Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2 are already two of my most anticipated games period!


Buy an Xbone. You know you want to.

I am going to! Just not this year, which makes this all so much more painful. They are gut punching the shit out of my weaknesses with their lineup so far. And Halo 2 Anniversary? Oh dear christ I'm fucked.

And shit, 2015 ain't looking too shabby either. I'm going to have so many games to play when I get my Xbox One, my god.

The Flash

I am going to! Just not this year, which makes this all so much more painful. They are gut punching the shit out of my weaknesses with their lineup so far. And Halo 2 Anniversary? Oh dear christ I'm fucked.

And shit, 2015 ain't looking too shabby either. I'm going to have so many games to play when I get my Xbox One, my god.

Well we'll be here for you when you finally get one :)


I am going to! Just not this year, which makes this all so much more painful. They are gut punching the shit out of my weaknesses with their lineup so far. And Halo 2 Anniversary? Oh dear christ I'm fucked.

And shit, 2015 ain't looking too shabby either. I'm going to have so many games to play when I get my Xbox One, my god.

2015 will have Quantum Break, Halo 5, and more than likely Forza Motorsport 6. Plus other games too (obviously).

2014 or 2015 would be a good time to get one if you are interested in those games/series. Wouldn't make much difference.


I am going to! Just not this year, which makes this all so much more painful. They are gut punching the shit out of my weaknesses with their lineup so far. And Halo 2 Anniversary? Oh dear christ I'm fucked.

And shit, 2015 ain't looking too shabby either. I'm going to have so many games to play when I get my Xbox One, my god.

E3's gunna crack you. I can see it now... ;)


2015 will have Quantum Break, Halo 5, and more than likely Forza Motorsport 6. Plus other games too (obviously).

2014 or 2015 would be a good time to get one if you are interested in those games/series. Wouldn't make much difference.

There's so much more than that, though. The indie front should start to be finally staring to fire on all cylinders too for Xbox One. Below is coming out too, right, before the end of 2014 or is that 2015?

Well we'll be here for you when you finally get one :)

Well maybe there will be a Black Friday deal with an Xbox One @ $399.99 with a game or two I want, I'd bite then. I'd probably bite then.

Why did you have to make this so hard! Could have had the traditional shit first year Microsoft! Sony is doing just fine being shitty at their first party this year like NORMAL console companies!
Fuck man, this shit sounds so rad. GAHHH why are your games so awesome this year Microsoft, Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2 are already two of my most anticipated games period!

Don't forget Halo 2 Anniversary with (hopefully) 1:1 OG Halo 2 multiplayer.


I am going to! Just not this year, which makes this all so much more painful. They are gut punching the shit out of my weaknesses with their lineup so far. And Halo 2 Anniversary? Oh dear christ I'm fucked.

And shit, 2015 ain't looking too shabby either. I'm going to have so many games to play when I get my Xbox One, my god.

You know you already have one. ;)

The Flash

Why did you have to make this so hard! Could have had the traditional shit first year Microsoft! Sony is doing just fine being shitty at their first party this year like NORMAL console companies!

Why did you have to make this so hard! Could have had the traditional shit first year Microsoft! Sony is doing just fine being shitty at their first party this year like NORMAL console companies!

Sony is doing fine, I want a PS4 (but I can't).


It makes me smile a bit seeing a certain section complain about Drive Club being trolled over its 30fps when its been 'open season' on any X1 or X1 related thread on this forum for a year now. The irony.

Don't get me wrong, i don't own any console yet and i have already decided to go with PS4 first (i always buy both main consoles) but most X1 threads on here are almost unreadable due to the excessive 'drive by trolling' and faux concern posts.


Just glad it will be hitting 1080p. The impact of 30 FPS can be mitigated by threading input, updating it faster and interpolating results as well as with motion blur.


If it's 1080p with as clean as IQ as FH1 I'm all good with it being 30fps. The locked 30fps didn't hamper my enjoyment of FH1 in the slightest.

This is sounding like the weird crossup of a PGR and Midnight Club. This is absolutely my most anticipated game right now.
I'm gonna buy a Bone just to troll myself. I can't wait to see my face!
When you do, be sure to break out a sharpie and forge the signatures of every Turn 10 employee you know the names of all over your semi-shiny new xbone. Then will your trolling be complete. ;p

I was always planning on picking one up for Horizon 2, but DriveClub's perpetual SoonGate drove me right over the edge.

And randomly - thank everything there is that Horizon 2 is set in Southern Europe rather than some swampy bayou or whatever that rumor was. That was the one bit that lowered my expectations. OK, and microtransactions too, but it looks like Turn 10 has tried to turn over a new leaf there with regards to Forza, so am now hopeful on that front.


Why are you surprised? It's a perfectly valid question.

Like I said, 30fps is either acceptable and playable for a racer or it isn't..

Only a sith deals in absolutes.

I agree, it isn't a clear cut issue. I loved Forza Horizon, and 30 FPS was good for the most part. However, as you got to the faster cars, control and handling started to fall apart. I think that is because at higher speeds, the 60 FPS display control feedback loop really starts to matter. Personally, I would have preferred 720p or 798p or whatever and 60FPS.
I hope this game is scheduled for release this year.

Missed out on Horizon but I loved PGR so this looks right up my street.

The Crew is going to be delayed it will not complete with this or Dc, they would be foolish to release it around the time of either of these games.
The discourse around resolution and framerate continues to make headlines as developers optimise their games as they see fit. Fulton and the team at Playground are firmly of the belief the next-generation is about light rather than resolution, but he did confirm Forza Horizon 2 on Xbox One would display at 1080p and, like the original Forza Horizon, a locked 30 frames-per-second.


You could have been a somebody Forza Horizon, you could have been a contender.

On the bright side, I can buy Forza Horizon 2 without buying a XboxOne & not miss out on a thing.


Someone should ask about the controller response time. Only Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit has a better response time on controllers than Forza Horizon for all 30fps games that they've ever measured.

are you sure about that?
if I remember correctly, horizon had the screen updated at 30hz, but the physics where updating at 360hz. and forza motorsport codebase of physics no less.
I dont think nfshp was of that caliber..



You could have been a somebody Forza Horizon, you could have been a contender.

On the bright side, I can buy Forza Horizon 2 without buying a XboxOne & not miss out on a thing.

You're gonna miss a lot. The Xbox One version is on the Forza 5 engine and the 360 version is on Forza Horizon's engine. I don't expect weather to make it to the 360 version since they couldn't get it in the original Horizon and the Xbox One version is entirely dynamically lit. Sure it's nice it's coming to the 360 and it'll be serviceable but the Xbox One version will be far and away the better version.
Can I just get my hiphop tracks please?

Don't get me wrong, I loved jamming to Bass and Horizon radio, but I need my bass bouncing jams as well. Just a lil trap music, just a lil.

I can buy Forza Horizon 2 without buying a XboxOne & not miss out on a thing.

Yea, except missing the studio who made Forza Horizon a hit in the first place.
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