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Forza Motorsport 3 - October 2009 release (ignore the OP at your peril)

nib95 said:
That's a horrible exaggeration, but I think that's the main difference between GT and Forza in regards to visuals. Forza has a slightly vibrant near art work like appeal about it. May be due to the high contrast of colours, especially in the track. And it may partly be due to the slightly more bold lighting or thick, toy varnish like lacquer of the paint on vehicles. It doesn't quite have the photo realism or accurate reflective paint quality of vehicles in GT, but I don't mind that. I prefer that they both have slightly different art directions.

GT's is more photo realistic and in places sterile. Forza's is more vibrant and bold.

I think the paint shaders look more realistic in Forza3 than the ones in GT5. The GT cars always end up looking like rubber/plastic to me.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
evolution said:
Damage modeling in games seems to be a double edge sword. Its great to have, but it also really shows there still a long way to go. Im not sure if the damage setting is set to simulation, but the rollovers are looking kinda silly in comparison to everyting else.

yeah, i was hoping for at least something like the CMR/dirt games, but instead it looks more of the same from f2.


bloodforge said:
I think the paint shaders look more realistic in Forza3 than the ones in GT5. The GT cars always end up looking like rubber/plastic to me.

I always found it the exact opposite. Forza cars always looked too cartoony. Now they look a lot better, really close to GT5P's presentation of the vehicles.


duk said:
He's just butthurt we got 2 FM games in less time of when his GT5 game only had a demo.

I'm fine with the bitter tearness, but the blatant trolling is just out of hand with this dude.


evolution said:
Damage modeling in games seems to be a double edge sword. Its great to have, but it also really shows there still a long way to go. Im not sure if the damage setting is set to simulation, but the rollovers are looking kinda silly in comparison to everyting else.

It was mentioned earlier that the rollover in the video was just an example of what could happen under the right circumstances. Rollovers will be very rare. Forza didn't just turn into Burnout.

By all accounts, the videos we've seen show that F3's damage modeling is a huge step up from F2's, which itself is still better than none at all. It doesn't feel right to nudge a wall and know that you didn't damage your tires or slightly dent your vehicle.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Blimblim said:
We hopefully should have some 60 fps videos for you guys later today.

nice! 3rd track and some new cars please

Zinthar said:
By all accounts, the videos we've seen show that F3's damage modeling is a huge step up from F2's, which itself is still better than none at all. It doesn't feel right to nudge a wall and know that you didn't damage your tires or slightly dent your vehicle.

how so? all i see is minor, very minor, car deformation, and texture work showing scratches. for all intents and purposes, the damage looks basically the exact same as in f2.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
It would be better for everyone if trolls like him were just banned outright and it may also serve to send a message to other would be douche-bags.

Agreed. Off with his head.

Can't wait for those vids, Blim!


acm2000 said:
end of the day, gt5p track detail is pretty poor, hope they fix for gt5 final, f2 was ugly all round :lol but theyve changed that amazingly with f3, i am genuinely shocked at what they have made

The competition is only going to make both games better in the end.

Zinthar said:
Also, I'm moving in with my girlfriend in 2 months -- not sure whether a wheel setup (esp if I build something with PVC pipe for it) will go over too well with her, even if it was easy to convince her that we needed a 70 lb. subwoofer in the living room...

I think a wheel is one of the easiest things to sell your significant other. Every one of my past girlfriends, and my current is no different, LOVED racing games. And they especially love the wheels that go with them.

I still remember the first time I saw my current gf (we weren't together at this time) play with the G25. She nearly shit herself when it fought her back it was hilarious. Then she loved it. Only thing that was nearly as easy of a sell to my gf was Rock Band.


evolution said:
Damage modeling in games seems to be a double edge sword. Its great to have, but it also really shows there still a long way to go. Im not sure if the damage setting is set to simulation, but the rollovers are looking kinda silly in comparison to everyting else.
If you set the damage to simulation, rollovers effectively end the race for you.

edit: and yeah, if it weren't for competition, I doubt Forza would have drastically improved graphics and presentation and a cockpit view, and I also doubt GT5 would have damage.


op_ivy said:
nice! 3rd track and some new cars please

how so? all i see is minor, very minor, car deformation, and texture work showing scratches. for all intents and purposes, the damage looks basically the exact same as in f2.

Quoted from GameDaily hands-on preview:
"As much as we love ogling the near photo-realistic cars, there's a certain satisfaction that comes from crashing into things. Each of Forza 3's vehicles takes realistic damage. Hit something hard enough and you'll scrape the paint, dent the body, shatter windows and even flip the car. Keep that in mind as you attempt a hairpin turn at 150 miles per hour."



Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Zinthar said:
Quoted from GameDaily hands-on preview:
"As much as we love ogling the near photo-realistic cars, there's a certain satisfaction that comes from crashing into things. Each of Forza 3's vehicles takes realistic damage. Hit something hard enough and you'll scrape the paint, dent the body, shatter windows and even flip the car. Keep that in mind as you attempt a hairpin turn at 150 miles per hour."


right, with the exception of flipping the car, all of that was in f2. everything seen in videos from e3, again with the exception of flipping cars, also looks on par with f2. the only media showing any advanced damage is the "community at play" video in which the car flips through the air amid tons of bits of its body work, but that video likely isnt indicative of the actual game


DuckRacer said:
If you set the damage to simulation, rollovers effectively end the race for you.

edit: and yeah, if it weren't for competition, I doubt Forza would have drastically improved graphics and presentation and a cockpit view, and I also doubt GT5 would have damage.
Im not comparing it to other games, im talking within the scope of Forza 3. The damage shown from crashing into a wall looks to be a lot more accurate then when you roll your car.
Okay, a technical question regarding the 2 disc arrangement:

With a 'main' disc and an 'extra' disc (to be installed), would it be possible to install both discs to the hard drive?

I really like having my 360 be so quiet after the NXE update and I put many hours into Forza 2. I would be pretty bummed to hear I'd always be dealing with the disc-spinning cacophony.

So am I worried unneccesarily? A two-disc install would seem the best option, but hey.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Oblong Schlong said:
Okay, a technical question regarding the 2 disc arrangement:

With a 'main' disc and an 'extra' disc (to be installed), would it be possible to install both discs to the hard drive?

I really like having my 360 be so quiet after the NXE update and I put many hours into Forza 2. I would be pretty bummed to hear I'd always be dealing with the disc-spinning cacophony.

So am I worried unneccesarily? A two-disc install would seem the best option, but hey.

cant imagine why not. as a 20 gig owner, i hope the mandatory install isnt too large. i need all the space i can get


op_ivy said:
cant imagine why not. as a 20 gig owner, i hope the mandatory install isnt too large. i need all the space i can get

from what i could work out, it isnt mandatory, its extra stuff, dont _have_ to install it if you dont want to, you just wont get some of the cars and stuff, dunno, they need to clear things up


Man that hydraulics cabinet they have at the show is sex. If I was a gazillionaire I'd have that shit installed in my house. :p


The Inside Track
sionyboy said:
Direct feed? Real gameplay, no replay mode? :eek:
Not direct-feed, but yeah real gameplay. It may not be online today though, we just got some nice interviews set up (nothing to do with Forza) so everything else will have to wait.
Blimblim said:
We hopefully should have some 60 fps videos for you guys later today.

OMG Awesome.

In regards to damage, I think it's going to be pretty rough until next gen on racers that sport this many polygons in their cars. Reason is that there are really 2 ways to go about damage. Either model every individual damaged part, which takes an enormous amount of time, and is made dramatically more time consuming when your models have this much geometry (not to mention eats more ram, etc), or you can do it procedurally, meaning that damage is "computed" on the fly. This is the approach that seems to be taken by Burnout, Motorstorm 2, etc. This alleviates the problems on the asset creation and storage side, but is MUUUUUCH harder on the engine, as it now has to compute deformations for a 400,000 polygon model. I'd wager that's a pipe dream on current hardware. Games like Burnout and MS2 sport less complex models and simpler physics engines, which makes that sort of thing possible.

Oh, and about the paint thing...to be honest I think both games are about equally far from photo realism, for different reasons though. GT5p does this weird glow thing with cars that makes them look radioactive or something. It's very pretty, but it also doesn't make a lot of sense and does not resemble real life at all. Forza 3 appears to still have a sortof oversaturated hyper reflective look that doesn't quite sell it as real (though it's a dramatic improvement over its predecessor).

And to revisit the Forza 2 car models thing, and their models in comparison to PGR4...I would guess that the outside of the car used more geometry in F2 than the outside of a car in PGR4. Remember PGR4 had cockpits. To see this, I fired both up one after the other, PGR4 first. Looking at the Audi R8, in PGR4 I saw the entire car body was 1 model, it seemed, with seems between car components done by texture, and the Audi logo also a texture (or atleast unembossed geometry lying flush with the paint). Forza 2 did not have either of these problems, and seemed to sport more geometry in the tail light and headlights. The R8 model in F2 is actually really really good, and a much better model than the Ferrari 430 we looked at before. There is a really wide range of model quality in F2, it seems. From the absolutely horrendous Neon, all the way to the pretty damn good Audi R8. I dunno, kindof odd there was such a range in quailty, thinking back.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
acm2000 said:
from what i could work out, it isnt mandatory, its extra stuff, dont _have_ to install it if you dont want to, you just wont get some of the cars and stuff, dunno, they need to clear things up

well, even if its not mandatory, it sounds like you'd certainly be missing out on a lot of what the game has to offer, so for all intents and purposes that means mandatory to me.

shouldnt be a huge issue though, i'll just have to delete some music and never keep more then 1 or 2 demos tops. if more games take this route though, i'll definitely run into trouble.


Comics, serious business!


acm2000 said:
from what i could work out, it isnt mandatory, its extra stuff, dont _have_ to install it if you dont want to, you just wont get some of the cars and stuff, dunno, they need to clear things up
I wonder how the single player mode will work, I would like to install the extras and play those tracks in the main single player mode if the game can somehow work around all that. They also need to make the disc stand alone to play all of the single player too for arcade users.


DeadGzuz said:
That pic looks like a car driving around in the Fable 2 world, they are not aiming for photo realism?
You are a pain. Why do you continue your continuous trolling.


acm2000 said:
yay, someone has sense :p

Forza = stylised realism (overbright, overcontrast etc)
Gran Turismo = absolute realism (subdued colours, natural contrast etc)

end of the day, gt5p track detail is pretty poor, hope they fix for gt5 final, f2 was ugly all round :lol but theyve changed that amazingly with f3, i am genuinely shocked at what they have made

Agree 2000%. F3 cars looks pretty much just as nice to me, F3 tracks definitely got the detail advantage albeit with a bit of stylistic realism attached. The leap this made over F2 in such a short span of time is just nuts.

In my secret dream world the two teams could combine and deliver us 1000 cars in a game or something.


DuckRacer said:
If you set the damage to simulation, rollovers effectively end the race for you.
In Forza 2 even minimal amounts of aero damage effectively ends the race for you. One of the reasons I'm not that big of a fan of damage, at least in online multiplayer. Only takes one dick---or perfectly innocent mistake on somebody else's part---to take you out of the race.

I'm content with tire wear alone.


eso76 said:
no, and neither is grid, neither is dirt2. Neither of them has cars half as detailed either.
GT5P is 60fps, but from what i've seen scenery is a lot simplier and honestly, Prologue always looked very bland to me ingame, and basically anywhere except from replays and car selection screen. And if these guys are complaining first person cam is not as spectacular as shift and are looking for bustling track action, they most definately have no idea what they're playing.
Too bad that isn't true at all. I don't want to turn this thread in a GT5 vs Forza 3 debate, but I suggest you'd look at the London track in GT5P.

But Forza 3 circuit tracks look better than the ones in GT5P.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i hope they retune the class system

it was REALLY annoying in forza 2 playing cars from the U class when i had a car from D class completely decked out. Sure it's more powerful, but my car is unable to compete with the top of the line cars. I can get high acceleration, sure, but I can't hit my top speeds very easily, even when adjusting my gear ratios... so my car? never used again! why should i have to take parts out of my car in order to have it face more fair competition?

i hope they modified the rating system so it'll be a face off between modified cars from whatever class in the range i selected, with near equivelant amount of body work and tuning done to it... instead of having to face against stock cars from the higher classes


Screenshots don't do this game justice, on the contrary.

But it looks pretty damn good in motion from what I've seen so far.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Blimblim said:
New gameplay video, unfortunately not (yet) at 60 fps:
60 fps footage would take too long to encode from the showfloor. But it *will* definitely come :)
Blim how the hell does your site manage to pull this shit off dude? You have a small team yet you kick the ass of places like GT, IGN, GS, etc when it comes to video content which is way more important to me than the subjective opinions of anybody who doesn't share my tastes aka reviews.

edit: dirty driving.


WHOAguitarninja said:
OMG Awesome.

In regards to damage, I think it's going to be pretty rough until next gen on racers that sport this many polygons in their cars. Reason is that there are really 2 ways to go about damage. Either model every individual damaged part, which takes an enormous amount of time, and is made dramatically more time consuming when your models have this much geometry (not to mention eats more ram, etc), or you can do it procedurally, meaning that damage is "computed" on the fly. This is the approach that seems to be taken by Burnout, Motorstorm 2, etc. This alleviates the problems on the asset creation and storage side, but is MUUUUUCH harder on the engine, as it now has to compute deformations for a 400,000 polygon model. I'd wager that's a pipe dream on current hardware. Games like Burnout and MS2 sport less complex models and simpler physics engines, which makes that sort of thing possible.

The damage applied to cars in games like Forza isn't necessarily limited by the game engine. Not all manufacturers will allow a game to license their cars if the production cars (consumer cars you can go out and buy) will exhibit extreme damage. The game development company has to get approval from a manufacturer and pay a licensing fee to have those cars in the game. If any of the manufacturers say "no you can't do damage that shows our cars crumpling and being completely destroyed" then pretty much none of the cars can show that sort of damage, otherwise the game doesn't have the same experience for all cars.

The only reason cars couldn't flip in previous Forza games is because the manufacturers wouldn't allow it. In fact, they likely had to put special code into the physics engine to disallow flipping.

There's an unconfirmed rumor that the Nissan GTR R35 was not approved for any type of damage or rolling in the game so Turn 10 decided not to put it in Forza 3 at all.


godhandiscen said:
Blim how the hell does your site manage to pull this shit off dude? You have a small team yet you kick the ass of places like GT, IGN, GS, etc when it comes to video content which is way more important to me than the subjective opinions of anybody who doesn't share my tastes aka reviews.

Never underestimate the French :) Gamersyde is definitly my goto website when I need videos from any game.
Falagard said:
The only reason cars couldn't flip in previous Forza games is because the manufacturers wouldn't allow it. In fact, they likely had to put special code into the physics engine to disallow flipping.

There's an unconfirmed rumor that the Nissan GTR R35 was not approved for any type of damage or rolling in the game so Turn 10 decided not to put it in Forza 3 at all.
Thinking back I remember hearing that forza 1 was going to allow flipping of cars, the early demo that was released let the cars tip nearly 90 degrees sideways but the final product limits tilt to about 40-45 degrees. My memory is a bit sketchy.

Having cars totally roll in a sim game at this scale is mind blowing still to me, and when legit racing online when someone ahead of you wipes out from pressure and late breaking to end up eating dirt and getting the car into a 120 mph log roll (GRID) it is pretty amazing.
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