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Forza Motorsport 3 - October 2009 release (ignore the OP at your peril)


Blimblim said:
Well for the most part I really like that I'm not basically forced into having to do the upgrade of the car myself. I just select the car I want, go to quick upgrade and it will select all the parts needed to get the car to the class required for that championship. I'm not at all into car tuning so this was a major annoyance for me before.
The rewinds also help me actually drive more agressively while learning a new track or car. I still pretty much do the race again when I'm fucking up while racing seriously, but it's a great addition.

Thanks Blim, agreed with the rewind, it's the perfect learner tool, so much it makes the racing line and some of the other assists unnecessary. Learning the tracks and each corner in the single player pressure free to allow you to just learn and experiment with corners.

I've rented Shift and the demo has spoiled my (and Dirt 2) as if I mess up on it in career I'm hating having to redo the whole race.


Hanmik said:
so gamereactor.no is shit and Gamer.no is better because of what??

Shit may have been a harsh word, but in general I think Gamer.no has better reviews, and I'm not talking about the score. With reviews from Gamer.no I can often tell if I like the game or not (regardless of the score), while with the ones from gamereactor.no I often just scratch my head.


Brakara said:
Shit may have been a harsh word, but in general I think Gamer.no has better reviews, and I'm not talking about the score. With reviews from Gamer.no I can often tell if I like the game or not (regardless of the score), while with the ones from gamereactor.no I often just scratch my head.

did you read the danish review by Thomas Blichfeldt..? it´s much better.. he is a car-enthusiast, so the review really shines.. I think it is one of the better reviews he has ever written..

I normally steer away from norway and swedens sites, because the forum is populated by VERY biased persons. But lately Denmark have copied alot of the reviews from the other sites, so I started reading them as well..
Gamereactor is a bit harsh in general, but they almost always back up a low score with a good reason behind it..


Junior Member
I'm getting scared Game will run out of LM editions so I'm going to pre-order. To put that into context the only other games I've pre-ordered have been MW2 and GTA4.


Saiyu said:
I'm getting scared Game will run out of LM editions so I'm going to pre-order. To put that into context the only other games I've pre-ordered have been MW2 and GTA4.

Me too I never pre-order too.

Where's the best place, any exclusive DLC pre-order stuff in the UK.
Will always prefer GameStation if I have to use a shop as they pricematch.


Great reviews (except for that 7). Don't know what the hell they're smoking. Great job, Che and the rest of the Turn 10 team.


Junior Member
Gowans007 said:
Me too I never pre-order too.

Where's the best place, any exclusive DLC pre-order stuff in the UK.
Will always prefer GameStation if I have to use a shop as they pricematch.

From what I can see Blockbuster online has the best deal for the LE (39 quid) and Game give you an exclusive painted E92 M3 if you pre-order the LE with them
Gowans007 said:
Me too I never pre-order too.

Where's the best place, any exclusive DLC pre-order stuff in the UK.
Will always prefer GameStation if I have to use a shop as they pricematch.

GAME and GameStation exclusives:
2009 BMW Motorsport GAME M3 E92
2008 Mitsubishi GameStation Lancer Evolution X GSR

They come with the standard and limited editions.


Saiyu said:
From what I can see Blockbuster online has the best deal for the LE (39 quid) and Game give you an exclusive painted E92 M3 if you pre-order the LE with them

Screw the paint jobs I'll nab it from BB tonight, might even have a chance of getting it early with them. (or late and I will not be happy)

GarthVaderUK said:
GAME and GameStation exclusives:
2009 BMW Motorsport GAME M3 E92
2008 Mitsubishi GameStation Lancer Evolution X GSR

They come with the standard and limited editions.

Wait are they exclusive cars? Wonder what price ASDA is doing the LE at and I get GameStation to price match.

Just checked asda online £60 BB it is.
Gowans007 said:
Me too I never pre-order too.

Where's the best place, any exclusive DLC pre-order stuff in the UK.
Will always prefer GameStation if I have to use a shop as they pricematch.
Check out bockbuster.co.uk, they had the LE for £39.99 pre-order, same damn price as the regular game in most other shops :lol

*edit* beat to the punch


SuperÑ said:
Blim, what's happening to the tunnel's texture in "Point to Point: Amalfi #2" video?

its just the texture didnt stream in quick enough, wonder if blim is playing off the disc, not the hdd


The Inside Track
SuperÑ said:
Blim, what's happening to the tunnel's texture in "Point to Point: Amalfi #2" video?
It's an issue with my debug console slowly but surely dying. Sometimes I get huge low res textures in the game, sometimes they are fine. It even happens on the demo track, so I have no doubt it's not an issue with the game.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Blim..that Fujimi Kaido drift video....

Holy CRAP.
I wouldn't call it drifting because it's simply impossible to drift with the NSX-R GT upgraded to S class like that, it's just waaaaay too powerful to control the drift. But you can tell that I'm having a very hard time getting it to right itself correctly at the exit of the corners :p


Blimblim said:
Any video requests by the way?

full rally di positano replay on a black citroen C4 would be nice, but i'm afraid i'm the only one interested in seeing that particular car :)


Pepto said:
Drag racing please.

Videogame drag racing is... just so fantastically stupid IMO.

In real life, there's the excitement of pimping out your car and seeing how it performs, the glamour (or what there is of it) associated with that kind dumb kid antics and of course the G-forces.

In performance terms, you generally race off against another person and test both reaction time and car performance.

Online... you either get lag based inaccuracy, in a reaction based event where milleseconds are important... or you play against AI, and who gives a fuck what AI does in a drag race.

And while you race off against different cars, there's little satisfaction because you don't own the car, you haven't worked on the car, and you're not feeling the physical forces of acceleration.

Of course I imagine it's cheap to add for the developers, so why not huh?
Blimblim said:
I wouldn't call it drifting because it's simply impossible to drift with the NSX-R GT upgraded to S class like that, it's just waaaaay too powerful to control the drift. But you can tell that I'm having a very hard time getting it to right itself correctly at the exit of the corners :p

Heh, I was mainly referring to the course, but you weren't doing too bad, pal!
Zaptruder said:
And while you race off against different cars, there's little satisfaction because you don't own the car, you haven't worked on the car, and you're not feeling the physical forces of acceleration.

Ey, whoa, whoa! I get the rest of it, sure, but my DHARMA Drag Machine whose livery will take me hours to perfect will STOMP the drag circuit.


Blimblim said:
Any video requests by the way?

do a bit of drag racing, since only jube has covered it a bit in his streaming.
especially try to look for data details (if any) like reaction time, 0-30ft etc. are available.
also the replays are cool where the camera shifts to bird-eye view of the finish line. nicely thought.

edit @zap
you are wrong here. there's no lag in forza, and there are separate leaderboards for FWD/RWD/AWD, 200m/400m/1km

also, while drag racing was available for us in forza1, it was missing in forza2, even if we could see the dragstrip being there in a couple of tracks.
so I guess its not so "cheap to add", at least for T10


The Inside Track
eso76 said:
full rally di positano replay on a black citroen C4 would be nice, but i'm afraid i'm the only one interested in seeing that particular car :)
Actually the C4 was the first car I used in Forza 3 ;)


Zaptruder said:
Videogame drag racing is... just so fantastically stupid IMO.

In real life, there's the excitement of pimping out your car and seeing how it performs, the glamour (or what there is of it) associated with that kind dumb kid antics and of course the G-forces.

In performance terms, you generally race off against another person and test both reaction time and car performance.

Online... you either get lag based inaccuracy, in a reaction based event where milleseconds are important... or you play against AI, and who gives a fuck what AI does in a drag race.

And while you race off against different cars, there's little satisfaction because you don't own the car, you haven't worked on the car, and you're not feeling the physical forces of acceleration.

Of course I imagine it's cheap to add for the developers, so why not huh?

you obviously werent watching Jube on his live stream earlier, he was totally pumped when he won the drag race by about 2ft after making a horrendous start


acm2000 said:
you obviously werent watching Jube on his live stream earlier, he was totally pumped when he won the drag race by about 2ft after making a horrendous start

well yeah, about jube.... anybody has his cell #? I feel like waking him up to stream some more :lol
Zaptruder said:
Videogame drag racing is... just so fantastically stupid IMO.

In real life, there's the excitement of pimping out your car and seeing how it performs, the glamour (or what there is of it) associated with that kind dumb kid antics and of course the G-forces.

In performance terms, you generally race off against another person and test both reaction time and car performance.

Online... you either get lag based inaccuracy, in a reaction based event where milleseconds are important... or you play against AI, and who gives a fuck what AI does in a drag race.

And while you race off against different cars, there's little satisfaction because you don't own the car, you haven't worked on the car, and you're not feeling the physical forces of acceleration.

Of course I imagine it's cheap to add for the developers, so why not huh?
Do you know that there are many ways to accurately check for times without taking lag into account? did you also know in forza you will have to spend some quality time tuning and learning the best way to launch from the starting line to get a good time against someone else who is skilled?

I guess not.


RBH said:

One of the best racing games ever made.

After all, this is the best racing game of this generation. Good luck topping it.


I knew the reviews would be tits.


Comics, serious business!
Yoritomo said:
Gamespy review is up



Poor Rory :lol The comment section is gonna be pure hate.

:D Good review overall though. The guy wants action. He wants to have his senses overwhelmed. He acknowledged this upfront and said Forza 3 didn't satisfy his requirements completely. But he acknowledged the series for what it is and said Forza 3 is basically the best in a series that keeps improving with each iteration.

Hawk SE

So let me do some Forza 2 vs Forza 3 reviews. Just to help show if reviewers see an improvement.

I mean already on MetaCritic Forza 2 has 90 (with 66 reviews) and Forza 3 already has a 94 (with 10 reviews)

Forza 2: 8.9
Forza 3: 9.4

Forza 2: 5/5
Forza 3: 4/5

Forza 2: 5/5
Forza 3: 5/5

Forza 2: 93
Forza 3: 95
Nice to see the getting the reviews we knew it would (for the most part). The team at Turn 10 keep on delivering, and I can't wait to see what they have in store for FM3 down the line.

There's a legitimate point to be made that Forza feels a bit sterile and clinical, especially in comparison to something like NFS Shift, which does a better job conveying the savagery of driving a race car than any other game I've come across. That being said, while that sort of sensory bombardment makes a fantastic first impression, I'm the sort of person who tires of excessive camera shake and motion blur very quickly. Over the long haul, I'll take FM3's more subdued approach any day, even if other games may offer more visceral short-term thrills.


RSTEIN said:
:D Good review overall though. The guy wants action. He wants to have his senses overwhelmed. He acknowledged this upfront and said Forza 3 didn't satisfy his requirements completely. But he acknowledged the series for what it is and said Forza 3 is basically the best in a series that keeps improving with each iteration.

Oh not doubt. He rated purely on the visceral feel and even with Forza coming out I think any racing fan that enjoys simlike games should check out Shift still. You really really have to dig into the default controls though or the game feels almost unplayable.


Spaceman Spiff said:
Nice to see the getting the reviews we knew it would (for the most part). The team at Turn 10 keep on delivering, and I can't wait to see what they have in store for FM3 down the line.

There's a legitimate point to be made that Forza feels a bit sterile and clinical, especially in comparison to something like NFS Shift, which does a better job conveying the savagery of driving a race car than any other game I've come across. That being said, while that sort of sensory bombardment makes a fantastic first impression, I'm the sort of person who tires of excessive camera shake and motion blur very quickly. Over the long haul, I'll take FM3's more subdued approach any day, even if other games may offer more visceral short-term thrills.

My only issues were the bad default sensitivity and the AI, and some other little buggy issues. On the whole though the game was/is a blast.


Hawk xSx said:
So let me do some Forza 2 vs Forza 3 reviews. Just to help show if reviewers see an improvement.

I mean already on MetaCritic Forza 2 has 90 (with 66 reviews) and Forza 3 already has a 94 (with 10 reviews)

Forza 2: 8.9
Forza 3: 9.4

Forza 2: 5/5
Forza 3: 4/5

Forza 2: 5/5
Forza 3: 5/5

Forza 2: 93
Forza 3: 95

Nice comparisons and you can add in Videogamer.com as well;

Forza 2 9
Forza 3 10

Eurogamer should be interesting to see.


Yoritomo said:
Oh not doubt. He rated purely on the visceral feel and even with Forza coming out I think any racing fan that enjoys simlike games should check out Shift still. You really really have to dig into the default controls though or the game feels almost unplayable.

and the broken physics, buggy gameplay, and glitchy graphics


Yoritomo said:
My only issues were the bad default sensitivity and the AI, and some other little buggy issues. On the whole though the game was/is a blast.

Oh, I certainly plan on picking it up eventually, (The Zonda F & R are reason enough), and was only going off the demo. You're right though that the default controls are damn near unplayable. There's setups in the official thread that worked well enough, though.

The game also seems somewhat buggy based on the complaints; even in the demo, the GTR and Zonda were bouncing around a little bit, but surely it's something they'll patch.

There's plenty of cars in Shift that I can't yet race in FM3, (and vice versa of course), and like I said, the intensity can't be topped. For now, though, money's tight, so it's FM3 or nothing!


Spaceman Spiff said:
Oh, I certainly plan on picking it up eventually, (The Zonda F & R are reason enough), and was only going off the demo. You're right though that the default controls are damn near unplayable. There's setups in the official thread that worked well enough, though.

The game also seems somewhat buggy based on the complaints; even in the demo, the GTR and Zonda were bouncing around a little bit, but surely it's something they'll patch.

There's plenty of cars in Shift that I can't yet race in FM3, (and vice versa of course), and like I said, the intensity can't be topped. For now, though, money's tight, so it's FM3 or nothing! :D

A lot has to do with tuning the game. Whether it's the cars in the game or the default controls. I feel like they rushed the game out rather than being able to put that final level of polish on. No doubt they pushed it out the door to beat Forza and possibly GT to market. It could have done with another few months of tweaking.

The Zonda issues reminded me of the Copperhead concept in GT1. Default it was terrible with every setting screwed up. If you tuned it, it was by far the best car in the game.


Yoritomo said:
Oh not doubt. He rated purely on the visceral feel and even with Forza coming out I think any racing fan that enjoys simlike games should check out Shift still. You really really have to dig into the default controls though or the game feels almost unplayable.

I think if you like that very over the top 'action' animations/feel NFS:Shift has, FM3 (and GT etc) are going to feel very lifeless in comparison.. As would the very over the top bumps and tramlining..

Still, enjoying Shift for what it offers, but I class it as appealing to a slightly different audience..
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