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Forza Motorsport 4 - The Floodgates Have Opened...




Bigger banner pic


I'm so fucking pathetic, lol... Desperate enough to grab banner/link pics just because they are "new" material for me to see, T10 is cupping my nuts with their developer hands right now.. :lol I can't get enough of this game man... This drought is killing me.
Cars are cool and all but I want to see some HD images of the circuits with new lighting and textures, I think they have the cars sorted for the time being.

boris feinbrand said:
Would make for one hell of a Multiplayer experience:

Seriously, this would give the headsets quite a stress test^^ And probably ruin your ears.
lol I would love to see this as a fun multiplayer mode, along with caravan racing.


Diablohead said:
Cars are cool and all but I want to see some HD images of the circuits with new lighting and textures, I think they have the cars sorted for the time being.

I'm sure they worked on that :)... Now give it to us!
Turn10 also need to BUCK THE FUT UP and feature my car for once:



Saying that do any cars in forza have non alloy wheels? I want to see plastic hubcaps damn
Slayer-33 said:
Holy shit LOL!
at least you have a car though :p
Not driven it for years, it has rust under the frame now, a dead battery and needs it's windscreen replacing due to a chip, personally I use the bus and walk to most places as I still live at home :)

One day that pretty will be road worthy again, it's a really light car so it flew up hills.


Slayer-33 said:

Is that today's tweeted image?

If so, what a fucking unbelievably exciting roller-coasting thrill of a reveal. I'm personally gonna retweet that a billion times.

If not, as you were. Nothing to see here.


Mascot said:
Is that today's tweeted image?

If so, what a fucking unbelievably exciting roller-coasting thrill of a reveal. I'm personally gonna retweet that a billion times.

If not, as you were. Nothing to see here.

No, it's one of those small images decorating the site lol.


Junior Member
I agree with Diablo, showing some cars is all well and good but i'd rather some track reveals instead. Even better would be a video or some info about the game already!

Let's see here. Things we know little to nothing about:

-Auction House
-Drag Racing
-Upgrades and tuning
-Livery Editor
-Photo Mode
-Race modes
-Career path

There's what, 3 months left 'till release?
Revealing just one aspect in any of the listed subjects each week, will tide us over until the game ships and would still have plenty of surprises left for us to see for ourselves come game in hand time...
I want to know who the marketing guy at Turn 10 is, so I could slap him around a bit. He's doing his job too well and needs to be set straight..
There is one thing we all know in our hearts which will be in and that is terrible matchmaking with open lobbies being invite only, count on it :/


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
brotkasten said:
A Warthog would be great for off-road tracks.

i still say stupid.

but i'm curious what nonsense clarkson would say about it in car porn mode!


Diablohead said:
There is one thing we all know in our hearts which will be in and that is terrible matchmaking with open lobbies being invite only, count on it :/

Didn't they take out matchmaking?

News so far..

- Release dates : 10/11/11 (US), 10/14/11 (EU), 10/20/11 (Rest of the world)
- 500+ Cars
- 80+ Manufacturers
- 16 cars on track
- Monthly DLC : Option to buy cars either in packs or individually in the new in-game marketplace
- Changeable Homespace (aka FM3's career screensaver) and ability to take photo in it
- Active Aero
- Alternate time of day for tracks : Championship race at Suzuka (for example) has one heat starting at noon and, after a small loading , the next one transition to dusk
- Choice of gift cars at new player levels : DLC cars will be integrated into career gift selections
- Badges and titles earned by doing stuff in the game
- Community Car Clubs includes at least car sharing (the shared car can still be used by the one sharing)
- “Reasonably Priced Car” (aka Kia cee’d) is in

- Steering assist can be fully turned off
- Reset assist (only with air driving ?)
- Auto-acceleration assist (only with air driving ?)

- Image-Based Lighting
- No hybrid model for tire simulation anymore, they got all the data they wanted only from Pirelli
- Exchange with Epic about technical stuff
- Licensed distortion effect that should make the sound much better in Forza 4

- Kinect Headtracking
- Kinect Voice : Used to "hyperlink" and move through interface and menus more quickly.
- Kinect air driving (works while players seat)

- World Tour Career Mode : Advance to various venues, each with their own events (race, autocross, drift, track days, time trial events, Top Gear-inspired stunts such as car soccer and cone challenges, etc).
- Autovista mode : can be used with a classic controller, no Kinect required; A selection of cars are highly detailed and can be fully explored (interior, boot, etc…)

- Public lobbies
- Hoppers
- Rivals Mode : Asynchronous play with leaderboards (think "FM Autolog"); bounty rewards for beating rivals. Extends to Career mode as well.
- Two player split screen


saladine1 said:
There's what, 3 months left 'till release?
Revealing just one aspect in any of the listed subjects each week, will tide us over until the game ships and would still have plenty of surprises left for us to see for ourselves come game in hand time...
I want to know who the marketing guy at Turn 10 is, so I could slap him around a bit. He's doing his job too well and needs to be set straight..

Totally agree. I made similar comments over on fm.net back in March I think. Let me look.



Ah, it was beginning of April. I got a bit of flaming from the pre-pube fanboys for daring to suggest that the FM3 marketing strategy left a sour taste in a lot of mouths, and for making suggestions to the high-and-mighty MS marketing dept, but I still stand by my original comments which were:

1. Don’t release bullshots:
Show us exactly what we can expect to see on our own screens, at a compression quality that we can save and export.

2. Quash incorrect rumours before they get out of control:
If weather effects or night racing ARE in the game, then fine – release details under your own schedule. However, if major rumoured features are NOT in the game, then please say so, and say so quickly. Manage people’s expectations realistically otherwise disappointment will follow.

3. Release plenty of your own direct-feed gameplay footage:
Shaky phone-camera footage filmed off-screen of cars swerving all over the track and crashing into barriers will NOT do your game any favours.

4. Mix things up a little:
Videos released before FM3 went on sale all tended to show the same bunch of cars on only one or two tracks. Reflect the great variety that FM4 offers in the videos that you release, and don't limit these to gameplay or replay footage. Show menus being navigated, screensavers, tuning screens, painting options.

5. Inform, don’t tease:
Spin-doctor Che took great delight in winding up forum users with half-truths and cryptic suggestions to fuel the flames of speculation. Half the time his statements were littered with errors, and often they were blatantly wrong. He also made promises that were ultimately not kept. This does damage.

6. Show a little humility:
Don’t tell us how awesome FM4 is going to be; show us, and let us judge for ourselves. Statements like “best-looking game” and “definitive racer” smack of arrogance. There’s a fine line between being proud of your achievements and out-and-out boasting. If the game is as good as you think it is then it will speak for itself. Display some dignity and your fans will love you all the more for it.

7. Release a steady stream of information:
Your fans have an itch that constantly needs scratching. The delay between FM4 being announced and any concrete information about it was far too long. There are, what, maybe 28 weeks between now and launch? Don’t tell me there aren’t 28 things that you want to tell us about. Make major features a weekly event like the pit passes of old, peppered with snippets of info and screenshots in between. By all means let the buzz build, but do not give your fans painful withdrawal symptoms in the process.

8. Support your own forums:
The community manager has a duty to respond to queries and suggestions posted by forum users, if only to acknowledge them. Che seemed conspicuous by his absence at times, and was often far more vocal on NeoGAF. Forzamotorsport.net should be the FIRST outlet for non-exclusive reveals, and developers should have more of a presence here. Don't let your users feel that they are being ignored.

LOL at number 8. I was still bitterly waiting for my GAF account to be activated after two years. Now I'm finally here: FUCK FM.NET! GAF RULES!!!11


Shortt Sirket said:
I swear I remember that post on the FM.net forums. What is your name over there?
Masscot, I think. The ID has been fubar there fir ages. You can't tell who has posted what..!


From Forza Facebook:

To kick off this week’s Forza Garage car reveals, we’re taking a trip back in time to an era where thundering American V8s ruled the street and strip. Welcome the 1971 AMC Javelin AMX and the 1973 Pontiac Firebird Trans AM SD-455 back to Forza! This week’s goal is to get 25,000 likes for the Official Forza Motorsport page so we can tell you about more cars each day. The more goals we beat, the more cars we can show you!


Doodis said:
This week’s goal is to catch 25,000 children for the Official Forza Motorsport Dungeon so we can tell you about more cars each day. The more children we catch, the more cars we can show you!

Doodis said:
From Forza Facebook:

To kick off this week’s Forza Garage car reveals, we’re taking a trip back in time to an era where thundering American V8s ruled the street and strip. Welcome the 1971 AMC Javelin AMX and the 1973 Pontiac Firebird Trans AM SD-455 back to Forza! This week’s goal is to get 25,000 likes for the Official Forza Motorsport page so we can tell you about more cars each day. The more goals we beat, the more cars we can show you!

Ahh yes, I hope they bring back the 02 WS6 Trans Am as well. Beast.


Neo Member
Doodis said:
From Forza Facebook:

To kick off this week’s Forza Garage car reveals, we’re taking a trip back in time to an era where thundering American V8s ruled the street and strip. Welcome the 1971 AMC Javelin AMX...

Wasn't that one introduced in the Classic Car Pack from Forza 3? If so they had BETTER be announcing the return of the Pantera very soon.
Doodis said:
From Forza Facebook:

To kick off this week’s Forza Garage car reveals, we’re taking a trip back in time to an era where thundering American V8s ruled the street and strip. Welcome the 1971 AMC Javelin AMX and the 1973 Pontiac Firebird Trans AM SD-455 back to Forza! This week’s goal is to get 25,000 likes for the Official Forza Motorsport page so we can tell you about more cars each day. The more goals we beat, the more cars we can show you!

Seriously Fuck Off.


Neo Member
soundscream said:
Seriously Fuck Off.

Who are they appealing too anyway?

Forza fans (if they are anything like me) find this kind of thing just annoying. It sounds so desperate and makes me start to wonder if they need to push sales because the game won't sell itself.

The casual fan isn't probably even following Turn10 updates to know it's there to "like" it.

I hope they quickly abandon this method of plugging the game and get back to the old Pitpass formula. I'm happy to tell others about Forza in my own way.


NE1WeKnow said:

Who are they appealing too anyway?

Forza fans (if they are anything like me) find this kind of thing just annoying. It sounds so desperate and makes me start to wonder if they need to push sales because the game won't sell itself.

The casual fan isn't probably even following Turn10 updates to know it's there to "like" it.

I hope they quickly abandon this method of plugging the game and get back to the old Pitpass formula. I'm happy to tell others about Forza in my own way.

Some overzealous marketing douche with a penchant for social media is probably advising them that this is the best tactic.
NE1WeKnow said:
Forza fans (if they are anything like me) find this kind of thing just annoying. It sounds so desperate and makes me start to wonder if they need to push sales because the game won't sell itself.
It wont sell itself. Forza fans will buy it because it's Forza, casual racing gamers... well, they buy GT.

I can see why they're doing it. Not that I necessarily agree with it as a tactic.


Psychotext said:
It wont sell itself. Forza fans will buy it because it's Forza, casual racing gamers... well, they buy GT.

I can see why they're doing it. Not that I necessarily agree with it as a tactic.

Shit like that is the lowest form of marketing though, some competition where they only show a tiny bit of a car in autovista and then we have to guess what the car is and tweet about it for a reveal of the entire image is already a way better idea than ransoming facebook likes for info.
theb0xmIke said:
Still just a bunch of rebadged Opels :p

Falcon is and will always be superior to the Commodore. Remember the Falcon gave birth to the Mustang. ;)

Sorry i so like Holdens just all my friends are Holden lovers so its hard being a Ford Fan with a bunch of people who know not much about cars...(and i don't think i know a heap).

Ford is an American brand.

Holden is purely Australian.

Which one is more "aussie"?

Not the first, that's for sure. Holden Torana plz.


SiriusTexra said:
Ford is an American brand.

Holden is purely Australian.

Which one is more "aussie"?

Not the first, that's for sure. Holden Torana plz.
You mean General Motors Holden, yeah?


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Shaneus said:
You mean General Motors Holden, yeah?

Shhh, they forget that.

Why do Holden owners put a Chev badge on their Commies too? ;)



Neo Member
SiriusTexra said:
Ford is an American brand.

Holden is purely Australian.

Which one is more "aussie"?

Not the first, that's for sure. Holden Torana plz.
Jeez great logic there. Holden is a subsidiary of GM like Ford AU is a division of Ford America.

The Falcon has been made in Australia for over 50 years and is based on AUSTRALIAN designs. WITH AUSTRALIAN ENGINES. Not Opels with an American V6 in them.


Notice the similarities? Yeah i thought you might.


NE1WeKnow said:
I hope they quickly abandon this method of plugging the game and get back to the old Pitpass formula. I'm happy to tell others about Forza in my own way.

It's all ill-conceived horse shit anyway and doesn't deserve the attention it's getting.

I seriously hope that that Turn 10 don't win 25,000 Facebooks (or whatever the fuck the criteria is) just to see how they worm out of it, because you can bet your bottom dollar that they're gonna show us these images no matter what.

"Well, we didn't quite achieve the target but because we are kind and because we love you all so much here's a picture of the car anyway. But next time, you make sure to try harder, yes..?"

FUCK! Why does this annoy me so much? Because it's a prick tease! Just show us your damn game in a dignified way, for Christ's sake. Surely nobody above the age of twelve wants this patronising bullshit.


Diablohead said:
Hoppers is their matchmaking thing, so it's still there in some form but public lobbies makes me tingle in my pants a bit.

Having *both* and *ranked* is the perfect solution, no problems with that.

FM3, GT5:p and GT5 shows the problem where you have just *one* system in place.

FM3 and GT5:p had only hoppers. GT5 have only CPL.

FM4 will have both worlds and that is as it should be.


Doodis said:
From Forza Facebook:

To kick off this week’s Forza Garage car reveals, we’re taking a trip back in time to an era where thundering American V8s ruled the street and strip. Welcome the 1971 AMC Javelin AMX and the 1973 Pontiac Firebird Trans AM SD-455 back to Forza! This week’s goal is to get 25,000 likes for the Official Forza Motorsport page so we can tell you about more cars each day. The more goals we beat, the more cars we can show you!

This is horse shit.

Stop this now FFS!


SCHUEY F1 said:
They are currently at 650 likes. 25,000 aint going to happen.
Whoever is advising them on this needs to be ignored, drop this **** social garbage now.

I can't believe that they would ask for this just to reveal ****


Unconfirmed Member
They aren't gaining any good will by doing this thats for sure. They are just pissing off the hardcore fans for the slim chance of gaining new people unfortnately.


From what it seems and as usual you will release an amazing, AMAZING game T10. Let your hard work speak for you, the rest will resolve itself. I know that you deserved more sales in the other versions of forza but this is the wrong way of going about it.

Advertising is the key.

Look at the NBA 2K series.. Constant quality gets you to the top, you have done a great amazing job with the FM franchise, just keep doing what you do.

Yes racing games are not as mainstream as you would want them to be but the TG partnership is the KEY so stick with it.

Edit - ^^^ Damn they hit the goal? lol..


Unconfirmed Member
ShapeGSX said:
"This week’s goal is to get 25,000 likes for the Official Forza Motorsport page so we can tell you about more cars each day."

You guys are seriously overreacting. They already hit the goal.

people like this

Derp... I thought it was for the invididual article. Thats not so bad I guess. Would still rather have a more steady stream of info.
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