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Forza Motorsport 4 - The Floodgates Have Opened...


Mascot said:
Watching the Blancpain GT endurance series from Spa on Motors TV right now.
Jesus, FM4 neeeeeeeeeeeeeeds this track. It's a glaring, glaring omission from the series that needs correcting immediately.

(I won't mention that the sun is setting and the headlights are on for added awesomeness).

The MP4 in GT race trim is worth a mention too - frikkin' gorgeous.

(this is a render, but you get the idea)


I still see what Clarkson meant. Its just such a blah design for a MCLAREN. Reminds me of the Evora. Not 100%, but reminds. Like RX7 vs C5 corvette.


commedieu said:
I still see what Clarkson meant. Its just such a blah design for a MCLAREN.

It's weird. The MP4 looks a lot sexier in the flesh than it does in photos. Hard to explain why. I was able to compare one with a 458 Italia (parked side-by-side) this week, and it was a much closer battle for my affections than I ever thought it would be.

(The Italia still won)


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Eh, the Italia looks silly. The McLaren looks like a gentleman's car. Sort of Aston Martin-ish. Understated, clean, and timeless.

The 458 will look dated in 5 years.
Mascot said:
Watching the Blancpain GT endurance series from Spa on Motors TV right now.
Jesus, FM4 neeeeeeeeeeeeeeds this track. It's a glaring, glaring omission from the series that needs correcting immediately.

(I won't mention that the sun is setting and the headlights are on for added awesomeness).

The MP4 in GT race trim is worth a mention too - frikkin' gorgeous.

I can't say the roadgoing MP4 does much for me as far as looks are concerned, but, yes, the GT3 racecar does look amazing.


As for Spa, it really fucking does need to be in the game, more than any other track, (sorry Saladine, Bathurst is a close second).

The World Tour Dot Correlation Analysis, in addition to the shots of Eau Rouge on the Turn 10 studio wall, give me a small glimmer of hope that it will be in the game. If it isn't, I'll just have to express my disappointment as best I can. Does Turn 10 have magazine racks in their lobby?


saladine1 said:
Not at this stage. Perhaps a full reveal of the cars closer to the Bathurst 1000 race later this year (Oct 6-9)..?

Forza 4 comes out over here a few days after Bathurst...perfect timing, it's just a lost opportunity if there is no Bathurst or Australian road cars. They would generate so many sales through advertising it during the race weekend and if people could go to Bathurst and play the track on Forza 4 with a classic Ford or Holden people will buy 360's because of this, i'm sure...



m0dus said:
After having actually played this game last month, I have been avoiding this thread due to SERIOUS withdrawals. Even pickup games of FM3 and DiRT3 are not satisfying my need.

I am going to relapse. I am going to relapse bad.
Time for me to invest into DiRT 3 then.
The MP4 reminds me of a generic fictional supercar in a game like Burnout. That was my first reaction upon seeing it.

It's grown on me...it's certainly not a bad design, just totally inoffensive and invokes no passion from deep within.

This image really sums up why some images and some aspects of the Forza environment look a little 'fake' and how it really ruins that 'real life' allusion/illusion.

The blend of bitmap backgrounds into fake computerised grass with a car being showed that has really 'real' looking plastic lenses and windows and sills and overall car model, but the tyres and lack of shine and gloss feel on the bodywork really look terrible.

Its a bit hard to explain, and its easy to say simply that it just doesnt look right, but it seems a little flat and non-dynamic. Its a little too neat and hard lined, there are no real life imperfections or reflections to distract the eye from the 'too perfect and clean' car models. It almost looks cell shaded to some extent.

Why do they insist on keeping this crap 'as is' and not make any efforts to fix it?

Don't get me wrong, Forza 2 and 3 are my favourite games this gen, as I am a serious car nut and gamer, and the career and vehicle modifications make you feel like you cant put the game down, its just a little sad that visually, it does not keep pace with GT5 and the realistic material textures (even though that game lasted about two weeks for me before it got boring as hell).

This will be a day one regardless, I just really really hope they address these issues.


evil_as_skeletor said:
Don't get me wrong, Forza 2 and 3 are my favourite games this gen, as I am a serious car nut and gamer, and the career and vehicle modifications make you feel like you cant put the game down, its just a little sad that visually, it does not keep pace with GT5 and the realistic material textures (even though that game lasted about two weeks for me before it got boring as hell).

This will be a day one regardless, I just really really hope they address these issues.

The only criticism I have towards the Forza franchise is the focus on the sometimes gimmicky features, and whilst photomode and autovista are pretty cool I think they put forward a false image of what the end product is, I would rather the time spent creating those features was invested into having the actual game look more like photomode.


evil_as_skeletor said:
Why do they insist on keeping this crap 'as is' and not make any efforts to fix it?

Ouch! Isn't that a bit harsh, and aren't we all nitpicking just a little bit?

TBH, the image you reference looks pretty good to me. In fact, it looks excellent, and a big step up from FM3. I'm quite relieved that I struggle to see all these 'faults' that seem obvious to others - I can remain blissfully ignorant and simply revel in FM4's beauty.

Having said that, if the framerate hiccups even for a second I'll be furiously venting my spleen with fire and brimstone.

Yeah, there needs to be more focus on racing and physics and IMO this Autovista mode looks like pure bull crap and a completely unnecessary feature in a racing game.

I sound like a cynical prick, but I am still looking forward to owning this game and trying all this stuff out, even if I will just go straight to racing and tuning cars, hopefully the cars I really wish for!

I love these games, but I wish they used their car models better by putting them in a dynamically lit environment.

I mean, it's early days and 'the proof is in the pudding'.

Need more car/track reveals.

Also need more info on what will be able to be transferred over from 3 if at all.
Mascot said:
Ouch! Isn't that a bit harsh, and aren't we all nitpicking just a little bit?

TBH, the image you reference looks pretty good to me. In fact, it looks excellent, and a big step up from FM3. I'm quite relieved that I struggle to see all these 'faults' that seem obvious to others - I can remain blissfully ignorant and simply revel in FM4's beauty.

Having said that, if the framerate hiccups even for a second I'll be furiously venting my spleen with fire and brimstone.


Yeah, that was probably too harsh, but I just cant put my finger on what looks off with this image.

There were things in 3 that looked fantastic, then some things that looked poo. Some of the metallic textures and lighting need a bit of polish...

Even the tarmac textures in front of the car while driving looked like a grey smear and a big grey blurry mess, that was one of the issues I noticed more and more as I played through FM3. Even more so after playing GT5.

But reiterating my earlier point on GT5, my heart is truly in the hands of Turn 10, as the package as a whole was really disappointing, FM3 on the other hand, was not - I am sure this iteration will not disappoint at all!

Sorry for the whining, I'll stop now (maybe its just withdrawals from lack of reveals this weekend :)

On your framerate point; I actually went back to FM3 recently and noticed how much better the framerate is (and lack of tearing) that GT5. It's almost refreshing.


evil_as_skeletor said:
This image really sums up why some images and some aspects of the Forza environment look a little 'fake' and how it really ruins that 'real life' allusion/illusion.

The blend of bitmap backgrounds into fake computerised grass with a car being showed that has really 'real' looking plastic lenses and windows and sills and overall car model, but the tyres and lack of shine and gloss feel on the bodywork really look terrible.

Its a bit hard to explain, and its easy to say simply that it just doesnt look right, but it seems a little flat and non-dynamic. Its a little too neat and hard lined, there are no real life imperfections or reflections to distract the eye from the 'too perfect and clean' car models. It almost looks cell shaded to some extent.

Why do they insist on keeping this crap 'as is' and not make any efforts to fix it?

Don't get me wrong, Forza 2 and 3 are my favourite games this gen, as I am a serious car nut and gamer, and the career and vehicle modifications make you feel like you cant put the game down, its just a little sad that visually, it does not keep pace with GT5 and the realistic material textures (even though that game lasted about two weeks for me before it got boring as hell).

This will be a day one regardless, I just really really hope they address these issues.
Sure, the tyres could be a tad brighter but as for everything else that you've brought up, I completely disagree. The low contrast and lack of definition on the bodywork (gloss highlights, shine, etc) is simply because the car model entirely shrouded in overcast lighting. You would know this if you understand that photos of this type of "crap" exposure do exist


Pepto said:
Here is the civic pic with some brightness added:

What you've done is simply showing off a different lighting approach in photography. IE the car still looks fantastic given the hard lighting of the environment. Which means Turn10 had their fundamentals right in the first place so any overall adjustments to the image won't make the car look out of place.


cjelly said:
Now I remember why I don't post in Forza hype threads... Nitpickers.

OT should be fun again, though.
lol same shit all over again, if we talk about the game in any negative way were nitpickers and should be ignored right

at least we are discussing stuff about the game instead of posting memes and car faces
Xanadu said:
lol same shit all over again, if we talk about the game in any negative way were nitpickers and should be ignored right

at least we are discussing stuff about the game instead of posting memes and car faces

Yeah, I'm sorry I mentioned it though :)

I think it might have something to do with the overcast environment, as I indeed am familiar with low contrast images existing, this being the result :) it's also the EK Civic Type R, a new model, so I kinda expected it to be perfect.

It's cool, probably just over-hypeness!

On the other hand, that escort picture JUBE also 'took' was looking really quite good.

Can't wait for the hopefully polished final product in a couple of months.

I apologize if it came across as trolling or anything.
Xanadu said:
lol same shit all over again, if we talk about the game in any negative way were nitpickers and should be ignored right

at least we are discussing stuff about the game instead of posting memes and car faces
There is a difference between pointing out issues and harping over every single detail. Those of us who were reading the forza 3 pre release thread remember all the negativity brought upon any release of information. I know some want/expect perfection from the game. But others simply enjoy it for what it is. And having to go through a thread and see multiple post on incorrect tires or headlights can be mind numbing . And pointing it out shouldn't cause someone to be labeled a fanboy. The issues exist but the lengths at which people linger on it is extreme at times.
You yourself earlier in this thread said the game looked worse then forza 3. I mean come on.
I would like to clarify that I am most definitely not a GT fanboy :)

I can admit I was a hell of a lot disappointed after GT5, not butthurt, and if FM4 is the game we all expect it to be (in my case; the best bits of the awesome FM3 mixed with new improved graphics and gameplay) then we can carry on as if nothing happened here.

Anyone know if BADNED is giving away any good goss over at Forzacentral?

Really hanging on that XB [ford falcon] remark a few pages back.


Junior Member
Ever since Forza came out, it's been the object of so much talk, so much discussion regarding whether it's as good as other games or whether it has the right to call itself a sim and on and on.
It's like the series has a big target on it's back because it dared to enter the realm that was dominated by the likes of GT and tried to assert itself as a major competitor to everything else.
Everytime Turn 10 released a certain vid or pic, it was scrutinized to the shit house!

"Oh look, the paint scheme is missing a verticle stripe along the bottom egde of the bumper right towards the back somewhere"...

"How come the blade of grass along the edge of the track is longer than the other blades of grass?"

I don't know why but perhaps it's because the devs/cm's were overly confidant, bordering on absolute smugness at times,that made people resentful?
Perhaps it is because they felt that Forza intruded somehow?
Maybe it's because poeple are very picky by nature. Maybe people's complaints are legitimate. Perhaps a combination of everything?

Whatever it is, Forza has always been a target of scrutiny whether legitimate or otherwise, moreso than any other game imo..
In the end, I bet a lot of people will forget those things that really bothered them earlier on and will enjoy the game immensely...I myself can't fucking wait...short blade of grass notwithstanding!
saladine1 said:
Ever since Forza came out, it's been the object of so much talk, so much discussion regarding whether it's as good as other games or whether it has the right to call itself a sim and on and on.
It's like the series has a big target on it's back because it dared to enter the realm that was dominated by the likes of GT and tried to assert itself as a major competitor to everything else.
Everytime Turn 10 released a certain vid or pic, it was scrutinized to the shit house!

"Oh look, the paint scheme is missing a verticle stripe along the bottom egde of the bumper right towards the back somewhere"...

"How come the blade of grass along the edge of the track is longer than the other blades of grass?"

I don't know why but perhaps it's because the devs/cm's were overly confidant, bordering on absolute smugness at times,that made people resentful?
Perhaps it is because they felt that Forza intruded somehow?
Maybe it's because poeple are very picky by nature. Maybe people's complaints are legitimate. Perhaps a combination of everything?

Whatever it is, Forza has always been a target of scrutiny whether legitimate or otherwise, moreso than any other game imo..
In the end, I bet a lot of people will forget those things that really bothered them earlier on and will enjoy the game immensely...I myself can't fucking wait...short blade of grass notwithstanding!
I concur.
That Civic is fine. It's a bland car to begin with.

It's also clearly not an AutoVista car so you can't expect all cars to look the same. We've been spoiled by all the auto vista goodness so far.


Metalmurphy said:
That Civic is fine. It's a bland car to begin with.

It's also clearly not an AutoVista car so you can't expect all cars to look the same. We've been spoiled by all the auto vista goodness so far.

I also think the colour of the paint the dull lighting is whats making people complain. For me i think it looks fine.


I don't know Saladine... what you've just decribed fits more at GT5 than forza IMO..

From my (european) perspective, Forza games in all US media and communities were always being reviewed with one eye closed, especially FM3. On the other hand, GT series was always analysed and bashed to death for every small issue imaginable.

It is not important really, especially because both games gives combined automotive experience completely unimaginable just a decade ago.


amar212 said:
It is not important really, especially because both games gives combined automotive experience completely unimaginable just a decade ago.

I was just about to post something similar. When you think just how far things have progressed since Ridge Racer on the PS... it's mindblowing, really. Sometimes we are all guilty of not seeing the wood for the trees.

I'm just thankful that there are developers like Turn 10 and Polyphony who not only share my passion for cars but also have the talent to give me games like Forza and GT5.
madmackem said:
I also think the colour of the paint the dull lighting is whats making people complain. For me i think it looks fine.

Nah, white cars generally look the best under right lighting conditions. Just check the GT5 photemode thread and you'll see that white cars are almost always looking the most realistic.


amar212 said:
From my (european) perspective, Forza games in all US media and communities were always being reviewed with one eye closed, especially FM3. On the other hand, GT series was always analysed and bashed to death for every small issue imaginable.
What were the main issues in Forza 3 that the US media and communities ignored?


New video?

New video.

Real World Test Drives.

Warning: the man is seriously annoying.

Interesting about them removing the silencers and fitting straight pipes on the dynos to get the full engine sound. Wonder if that means different exhaust notes for upgrades?
amar212 said:
I don't know Saladine... what you've just decribed fits more at GT5 than forza IMO..

From my (european) perspective, Forza games in all US media and communities were always being reviewed with one eye closed, especially FM3. On the other hand, GT series was always analysed and bashed to death for every small issue imaginable.

It is not important really, especially because both games gives combined automotive experience completely unimaginable just a decade ago.
Imagine if they combined their skills...

PDs (premium) car models and lighting/environment/textures model with Turn 10's backbone physics and fun factor elements such as livery editor and career progression playability and DLC support.

A man can dream, right?

Although there are limitations to DVD media compared to BR, do you think that it is getting hard for Turn 10 to cram so much goodness into a final product considering?
I mean there is the new extended media capacity update, will that help you think?

Obviously that has to be one of the differences between the two platforms and racing titles. Turn 10 are doing the best they can with what they have got (and can ship to us in one box).


Junior Member
Mascot said:
New video?

New video.

Real World Test Drives.

Warning: the man is seriously annoying.

Interesting about them removing the silencers and fitting straight pipes on the dynos to get the full engine sound. Wonder if that means different exhaust notes for upgrades?
That's exactly what I asked myself!

I mean, all they would have had to do was to take the notes from a stock DBS then tweak the sound files to add some oomph to them. But they actually upgraded the exhaust system to get an authentic sound of a modified car.....that's certainly some promising news!

And datsound at the ferrari....God that sounded good..


AlphaSnake said:
Eh, the Italia looks silly. The McLaren looks like a gentleman's car. Sort of Aston Martin-ish. Understated, clean, and timeless.

The 458 will look dated in 5 years.
The 12C already looks dated.

G Rom

This bit about the sound also grabbed my attention and I immediately thought about you Saladine when hearing it. :lol

LordPhoque said:
Lot of stealth trolls and butthurt GT fans, too.
WTF ? This thread is going very well and you suddenly show up only to say this ?

PjotrStroganov said:
Nah, white cars generally look the best under right lighting conditions. Just check the GT5 photemode thread and you'll see that white cars are almost always looking the most realistic.
Yep, white cars are generally the most realistic looking cars in racing game. It was already the case with GT4 too.

Metalmurphy said:
That Civic is fine. It's a bland car to begin with.

It's also clearly not an AutoVista car so you can't expect all cars to look the same. We've been spoiled by all the auto vista goodness so far.
Finally back from the dead ? Welcome back, we've missed your 5+ MB gifs in here ! :lol

m0dus said:
As this has basically become the forza 4 hype thread, I've changed the title to indicate this is the place to go for clarksonesque hype and nitpickery
Thanks for that. :)

AlphaSnake said:
Eh, the Italia looks silly. The McLaren looks like a gentleman's car. Sort of Aston Martin-ish. Understated, clean, and timeless.

The 458 will look dated in 5 years.
Yeah, no, the 458 >>>>>>>>>> MP4.
I was very disappointed by the MP4 when they showed it, it looks so bland. The F1 by comparison has an awesome timeless design, it could come out today and still shit on the vast majority of supercars both design and performance wise. It's hard to believe that it was first shown 19 years ago and that it's still is the fastest naturally aspirated road car ever built :

Gordon Murray should just quit building useless electric car and get back at designing awesome cars.


soundscream said:
You yourself earlier in this thread said the game looked worse then forza 3. I mean come on.
i never said that? i said the opposite learn to read

LordPhoque said:
Lot of stealth trolls and butthurt GT fans, too.
another forza fanboy who cant handle criticism lmfao, just leave the thread you dont know what you are talking about


Junior Member
G Rom said:
This bit about the sound also grabbed my attention and I immediately thought about you Saladine when hearing it. :lol
Lol, things are starting to go my way, first with the Aussie content and now,perhaps the sounds as well. All that's left are some semi naked grid girls and i'm good to go..


saladine1 said:
Lol, things are starting to go my way, first with the Aussie content and now,perhaps the sounds as well. All that's left are some semi naked grid girls and i'm good to go..
Forza 4:Saladine Edition


Xanadu said:
correct me if i'm wrong as i havent played it in ages but didnt forza 2 have that? i dont remember 3 having it

Ferrari 360 with upgraded exhaust in Forza 2 - heaven. I remember people in front of me saying, "Whats that behind me?!"


Seanspeed said:

Ferrari 360 with upgraded exhaust in Forza 2 - heaven. I remember people in front of me saying, "Whats that behind me?!"
i remember the challenge stradale version sounding pretty sweet
Xanadu said:
i never said that? i said the opposite learn to read

another forza fanboy who cant handle criticism lmfao, just leave the thread you dont know what you are talking about

Another poster said the in game was looking good and you said

Xanadu said:
in game looks worse..fact. lol mad fanboy

Now you could always fall back on the fact he was responding to you because you were pointing out the obvious that these were not in-game pics that were being shown, and were from photo mode, which EVERYONE knows.

He then responded that the in game still looked good, to which you replied worse. Now the worse comment would have to be in comparison to something. Since he was talking about the way it looked in game, I took it to mean that it looked worse then Forza 3. If you were arguing that a photo-mode pic is of greater quality than a in-game model then you were arguing a point with yourself since the poster brought up in-game.


Junior Member
Seanspeed said:

Ferrari 360 with upgraded exhaust in Forza 2 - heaven. I remember people in front of me saying, "Whats that behind me?!"
The ferrari did sound great after the exhaust upgrade but after kitting out an exhaust on the Honda Integra Type R, that thing sounded quite amazing!

Yep, FM2 had the 'upgrade sound as you upgrade car' option. Nearly every thing that you modified had an effect on the audio...cams,intake,exhaust,turbo..etc. It was a very popular feature which was completely cut out in FM3 perhaps due to time constraints. It is now one of the most requested feature for FM4 so hopefully, Mr.Wiswell will accomodate..


soundscream said:
Another poster said the in game was looking good and you said

Now you could always fall back on the fact he was responding to you because you were pointing out the obvious that these were not in-game pics that were being shown, and were from photo mode, which EVERYONE knows.

He then responded that the in game still looked good, to which you replied worse. Now the worse comment would have to be in comparison to something. Since he was talking about the way it looked in game, I took it to mean that it looked worse then Forza 3. If you were arguing that a photo-mode pic is of greater quality than a in-game model then you were arguing a point with yourself since the poster brought up in-game.

saladine1 said:
The ferrari did sound great after the exhaust upgrade but after kitting out an exhaust on the Honda Integra Type R, that thing sounded quite amazing!

Yep, FM2 had the 'upgrade sound as you upgrade car' option. Nearly every thing that you modified had an effect on the audio...cams,intake,exhaust,turbo..etc. It was a very popular feature which was completely cut out in FM3 perhaps due to time constraints. It is now one of the most requested feature for FM4 so hopefully, Mr.Wiswell will accomodate..
we live in hope
I have two questions about Forza4. Not really the sort of stuff that gets announced but if a few people in the thread have tried it, maybe they know the answers.

1) Have they fixed the thing where messing up on one lap invalidates the lap time of the next lap as well? I can understand it if you use it to gain speed out of the last corner or something but most of the time you hit a wall at the start of a lap and then that's two laps that are useless, even though your mistake has no bearing on the next lap at all.

2) Have they worked out a way to punish cutting corners that's slightly better than making the off-track areas act like Super Glue? There's nothing that breaks the illusion of realism quite so much as driving on some grass and stopping dead still.


toythatkills said:
I have two questions about Forza4. Not really the sort of stuff that gets announced but if a few people in the thread have tried it, maybe they know the answers.

1) Have they fixed the thing where messing up on one lap invalidates the lap time of the next lap as well? I can understand it if you use it to gain speed out of the last corner or something but most of the time you hit a wall at the start of a lap and then that's two laps that are useless, even though your mistake has no bearing on the next lap at all.

2) Have they worked out a way to punish cutting corners that's slightly better than making the off-track areas act like Super Glue? There's nothing that breaks the illusion of realism quite so much as driving on some grass and stopping dead still.
1 - probably not. Turn 10 have gone out of their way to cater to the 'hotlap' crowd considering all their tournaments and stuff. This feature will probably remain. I say 'boo', cuz I dont particularly like hotlapping, but I understand why its here.

2 - again, probably not. The 'super-glue' areas are usually places that are used by corner-cutters. Its a good thing in some ways, as it keeps you on-track, but the application is used in odd places and not enough in others to make it a consistently quality inclusion. There's still places where people cut corners like crazy and its terrible. The corner after the back straight on the Bugatti circuit or Turn 2 at Road Atlanta are two clear examples where some super-glue would be most welcome.

I would prefer a system more akin to RacePro's system, where you are DQ'd after a number of corner cuts, though.
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